Title Prof. First Name Pankaj Last Name Tyagi
Designation Professor
Department Cluster Innovation Centre
Email pankajtyagi@cic.du.ac.in
Webpage https://sites.google.com/cic.du.ac.in/pankajtyagi
Phone.no 01127666702
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Educational Qualifications
Degree/Certification Name Institution Year of Completion
Ph.D. - Ph. D. Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi 2002
PG Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi 1993
UG Hans Raj College, University of Delhi 1991
HSC Central Board of Secondary Education 1988
SSC Central Board of Secondary Education 1986
Student Name Student's Affiliation Mentoring Duration
Ashutosh Jha Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi 19-01-2021 To 31-05-2021 (4 months, 12 days)
Amit Katyal Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi 19-01-2021 To 31-05-2021 (4 months, 12 days)
Shubham Chauhan Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi 19-01-2021 To 31-05-2021 (4 months, 12 days)
Tushar Sethi Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi 19-01-2021 To 31-05-2021 (4 months, 12 days)
Akshansh Bhanjana Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi 19-01-2021 To 31-05-2021 (4 months, 12 days)
Kavya Jaiswal Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi 19-01-2021 To 31-05-2021 (4 months, 12 days)
Shreya Malviya Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi 19-01-2021 To 31-05-2021 (4 months, 12 days)
Sahiljit Sandhu Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi 19-01-2021 To 31-05-2021 (4 months, 12 days)
Manish Yadav Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi 19-01-2021 To 31-05-2021 (4 months, 12 days)
Jayant Bhakar Cluster Innovation centre, University of Delhi 19-01-2021 To 31-05-2021 (4 months, 12 days)
Shubhanshu Sharma Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi 19-01-2021 To 31-05-2021 (4 months, 12 days)
Administrative Experience (Within Institution)
Designation Duration
Coordinator, Meta University Program 11-10-2012 To 25-02-2021 (8 years, 4 months, 14 days)
Courses/Subjects Taught
Teaching Activity Type Course Title Semester Total Assigned Classes Number of Classes Taught Duration
Lecture Innovation in Education 2 2 2 01-04-2021 To 21-07-2021 (3 months, 20 days)
Lecture Electronics at Work & Circuit Simulation 2 4 4 01-04-2021 To 21-07-2021 (3 months, 20 days)
Lecture Circuit Analysis and Synthesis 7 4 4 20-07-2022 To 16-11-2022 (3 months, 27 days)
Research Supervision Overview
PhD Scholars Supervised PhD Degrees Awarded Theses Submitted
2 0 0
Research Publications
Title of Article Type of Publication Name of Journal ISSN Journal Volume Year Link to Article DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
University-based Mentoring Program for School Going Gifted Students Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Gifted and Talented International 15332276 2023 https://doi.org/10.1080/15332276.2023.2289455 https://doi.org/10.1080/15332276.2023.2289455

Innovative Science Practices for Mentoring Potentially Gifted Students in India Research Papers in UGC listed Journals INDIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 0974-6846 15 (25) https://indjst.org/articles/innovative-science-practices-for-mentoring-potentially-gifted-students-in-india https ://doi.org/10.17485/IJST/v15i25.757

Writing Mathematical Theorems: Towards an Innovative Pedagogy Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Indian Journal of Science and Technology 0974-6846 14 (15) https://doi.org/ 10.17485/IJST/v14i15.452

Multiple dimensions of functional relevance of genosensors Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS 1058-4587 185 https://doi.org/10.1080/10584587.2017.1370349

Optical band gap demarcation around 2.15 eV depending on preferred orientation growth in red HgI2 films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Physica B : Condensed Matter 0921-4526 510 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2017.01.013

Trig-Disc: An innovative device for determination of values of trigonometric functions with single measurement Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research 2351-8014 27(1) http://www.ijisr.issr-journals.org/abstract.php?article=IJISR-16-236-05

Designing of a Basic Mathematical Kit to Assist Mathematical Skill Development Among Children with Autism Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Advanced Research in Education & Technology 2394-6814 3(3) http://ijaret.com/wp-content/themes/felicity/issues/vol3issue3/himanshi.pdf

Effects of in-situ heat-treatment on residual stress dependent optical properties of ZnI2 thin films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Indian Journal of Science and Technology 0974-6846 9(3) 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i3/80489

Development of Target-Group Specific Innovative Android-Based Mathematics Educational Modules Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals DU Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation 2395-2334 1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZHxsquKXuH8OiM0REOiz98nXZNujjewU/view?usp=sharing

Revival and Innovations in Mathematics Pedagogy: A Case Study Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Innovative Trends in Engineering 2395-2946 01 https://www.ijite.com/citations/IJITE_1412_103.pdf

Dependence of Optical Band Gap on Residual Stress in Group IIB Iodide (ZnI2, CdI2, HgI2) Films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Integrated Ferroelectrics 1058-4587 122:1 https://doi.org/10.1080/10584587.2010.492287

Excitonic absorption in ZnI2 films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 0021-8979 100 https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2362784

Occurrence of hysteresis-like behavior of Sb2Te3 film in dynamical measurement of heating-cooling cycle Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Physica B 0921-4526 362 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2005.02.006

Large grain size dependence of the resistance of polycrystalline films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Physica B 0921-4526 191 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-4526(02)01195-X

Effect of residual stress on the optical properties of CdI2 films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Physical Review B 1098-0121 66 https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.66.075422

Grain size dependent optical properties of CdI2 films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals The European Physical Journal of Applied Physics 1286-0042 19 https://doi.org/10.1051/epjap:2002043

Residual stress dependent optical properties of ZnI2 films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Physica Status Solidi (a) 0031-8965 191 https://doi.org/10.1002/1521-396X(200206)191:2%3C633::AID-PSSA633%3E3.0.CO;2-L

Aging effects of Sb2Te3 thin films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Physica B 0921-4526 307 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-4526(01)01032-8

Optical properties of ZnI2 films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Physical Review B 1098-0121 64 https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.64.245406

Anisotropic optical band gap of (102) - and (002) - oriented films of red HgI2 Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Physical Review B 1098-0121 63 https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.63.245315

Grain size dependent optical band gap of CdI2 films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Bulletin of Material Science 0250-4707 24 https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02704925

Thickness dependent optical properties of CdI2 films Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Physica B 0921-4526 304 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-4526(01)00392-1

Non-Journal Publications
Title of Publication Type of Publication Publisher Role ISBN Year Link to Publication Level
Giftedness: Concepts and current status in India Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Educational magazine "Brainfeed" Co-Author NA National
I Explore: A Science Textbook for Class 8 Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, India Co-Author 978-0-521-18602-5 National
Self Tutor Science Physics – CBSE X Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Sultan Chand and Son(s) Pvt Ltd.- Educational Publishers , Delhi Author 978-81-8350-228-8 National
Visualised Physics – CBSE X Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Sultan Chand and Son(s) Pvt Ltd.- Educational Publishers , Delhi Author 978-81-8350-235-0 National
Email – Aadhunik Chithi ” (in HINDI) Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Shanti Prakashan, Delhi Author 978-81-8865-231-0 National
Global Warming: Ek Karva Sach ”(in HINDI) Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Pallav Prakashan, Delhi Author 978-81-8838-745-8 National
Visualised Physics – CBSE IX Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Sultan Chand and Son(s) Pvt Ltd.- Educational Publishers , Delhi Author 978-81-8350-277-6 National
Self Tutor : Visualised Science – CBSE X” (Term II) Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Sultan Chand and Son(s) Pvt Ltd.- Educational Publishers , Delhi Co-Author 978-81-8350-343-3 National
Self Tutor : Visualised Science – CBSE X” (Term I) Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Sultan Chand and Son(s) Pvt Ltd.- Educational Publishers , Delhi Co-Author 978-81-8350-289-4 National
I Explore: A Science Textbook for Class 6 Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, India Co-Author 978-0-521-18597-4 National
I Explore: A Science Textbook for Class 7 Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, India Co-Author 978-0-521-18600-1 National
Visualised Science (Term I ) – CBSE X Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Sultan Chand and Son(s) Pvt Ltd.- Educational Publishers , Delhi Co-Author 978-81-8350-352-5 National
Parenting Gifted Children: Voices from India Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Magazine Parenting for Higher Potential (PHP) published by National Association for Gifted Children, USA Co-Author NA International
Visualised Science (Term II ) – CBSE X Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Sultan Chand and Son(s) Pvt Ltd.- Educational Publishers , Delhi Co-Author 978-81-8350-353-2 National
Visualised Science (Term I ) – CBSE IX Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Sultan Chand and Son(s) Pvt Ltd.- Educational Publishers , Delhi Co-Author 978-81-8350-354-9 National
Visualised Science (Term II ) – CBSE IX Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Sultan Chand and Son(s) Pvt Ltd.- Educational Publishers , Delhi Co-Author 978-81-8350-355-6 National
I Discover: A Textbook for ICSE Physics Class 6 Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, India Co-Author 978-1-107-68412-6 National
I Discover: A Textbook for ICSE Physics Class 7 Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, India Co-Author 978-1-107-68127-9 National
I Discover: A Textbook for ICSE Physics Class 8 Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, India Co-Author 978-1-107-66922-2 National
I Discover: A Workbook for ICSE Physics Class 6 Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, India Co-Author 978-1-107-69004-2 National
I Discover: A Workbook for ICSE Physics Class 7 Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, India Co-Author 978-1-107-69930-4 National
I Discover: A Workbook for ICSE Physics Class 8 Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, India Co-Author 978-1-107-67192-8 National
Foundation Course “Information Technology” Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Universities Press, Hyderabad, India Co-Author 978-81-7371-900-4 National
Ekkisvin Sadi Ka Vigyan” (in HINDI) Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Pallav Prakashan, Delhi Author 81-88387-19-3 National
Research Projects
Project Title Project Type Year Of Sanction Outcome/Output Duration
Establishing Processbased Identification and Mentoring Practices for Potentially Gifted Children in Science and Mathematics Major 2019 The project gained its strength by critically examining the existing practices in the field of gifted education and adopting a unique conceptual framework to conceptualize and practice the term ‘Gifted’. The framework was developed to address the issues of excellence, equality and diversity. Grounded in the Three Tier Model of Identification and Mentoring Gifted Children in India and supported by thorough review of research practices and identification theories, a comprehensive framework was developed which served as the scheme of identification. # The project has evolved an Exhaustive Identification Scheme (DIMP) that has been successfully administered on a sample of 31,660 students in Delhi. # Battery of Identification instruments have been developed. # The project has initiated “University Outreach Mentoring Program” in collaboration with Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi where the identified group of students were mentored by university teaching faculty. # A detailed Dossier of available Psychological Tests has been prepared which will of great use for any further reference in the field of gifted education. # The project has been further scaled up in Kanpur and Delhi. The possible arrangements are being made to reach to other regions of country for wider application and reliability. # Sample Mentoring Modules have been prepared to start distance/on-line mentoring program. # Word Bank of all Terms and Concepts related to Gifted Education has been prepared. # Activity Kit for Cognitively Advanced learners for early childhood and pre-primary children has been prepared. 18-06-2014 To 31-10-2019 (5 years, 4 months, 13 days)
CIC 303: Innovatively designed physics experimental modules with link to interactive website and mobile app. Minor 2016 Students were assigned following specific tasks in smaller groups, which they completed: • Group1: Designed Physics Card games • Group2: Made Mobile app for quick recapitulation of famous Laws of physics • Group3: Designed Simple pendulum oscillation Kit –, Interactive Website, Mobile app • Group4: Designed Coupled pendulum oscillation kit – Modes of vibrations, Interactive website, Mobile app 31-08-2015 To 30-08-2016 (11 months, 30 days)
CIC 202: Designing innovative working models to explain concepts of Physics and Mathematics along with IT based module Minor 2014 Students has worked on following concepts of physics and mathematics and designed following models so far: GEOMETRICAL SYMMETRY TO SYMMETRY GROUPS: Students has designed a geometrical shape based model to explain the mathematical concept of symmetry groups using geometrical symmetries in an equilateral triangle, an isosceles triangle and a regular octagon.. BELL NUMBERS: Students has designed a model to explain to introduce the concept of Bell numbers which describes the number of ways in which a set with n elements can be partitioned into disjoint, non-empty subsets. A few Bell Numbers are 1, 1, 2, 5, 15, 52, 203, 877, 4140, 21147, 115975, 678570, 4213597, .... INCLINOMETER: Integrating Electronics and Mathematical concepts of “simple trigonometry” students have designed a device, which can measure a range of heights and distances with ease using a computer or mobile interface. SUM OF AN INFINITE SERIES: Students has designed a wooden board model to explain sum of some infinite series and relation of concept of area, perimeter etc. to various terms of the series. Along with it a sample IT module has been made to explain this concept. ANDROID MOBILE APPS FOR MATHEMATICAL GAMES : Students have developed four android mobile apps for mathematical games to provide an educational experience for the young learners. Main theme of these games are: Patterns, Game theory, permutation groups, magic square. 26-11-2013 To 25-11-2014 (11 months, 30 days)
IT model for parking space management: optimal and efficient parking-retrieval of vehicles Major 2013 • Mapping of parking spaces and traffic simulation • Logging of Vehicles and making this database centrally accessible • Securing data sent/received over internet using encryption • Developing technology to track a vehicle in the parking enclosure • Evolving Algorithm that retrieves the optimized traffic movement and vehicle parking format in parking space. 01-06-2012 To 31-05-2013 (11 months, 30 days)
Professional Development Programmes
Programme Title Sponsoring Institution Organizing Institution Role Type of Programme
Computer Applications in Physics Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi CPDHE, University of Delhi Attending Refresher Program
Code OR-34 Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi CPDHE, University of Delhi Attending Orientation Programme
Physics & Electronics Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi CPDHE, University of Delhi Attending Refresher Program
“Physics & Electronics” Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi CPDHE, University of Delhi Attending Refresher Program
“Physics & Electronics” University Of Delhi CPDHE, University of Delhi Organising Refresher Program
“Physics & Electronics” University of Delhi CPDHE, University of Delhi Organising Refresher Program
Honors and Awards
Name of the Award Awarding Body Award Category Level Award Date
Teaching Excellence Award for Innovation University of Delhi Innovation State/University Level 01-05-2015
Delhi University Science Meritorious Award Hans Raj College, University of Delhi Academic State/University Level 01-02-1991
Talk Poster Presented
Name of the Activity Role Date of Activity
"Play : Innovate :: Learn : Earn" in National e-Conference on Empowering Rural Children in Science and Technology for Innovation leading to Entrepreneurship by IMAS, Lucknow,UP Invited Talk 30-06-2021
"Let's Innovate to Learn" on the occasion of National Technology Day, National Science Centre, Delhi Invited Talk 11-05-2021
"Innovation & Research at Undergraduate Level" for Physics and Electronics Society, Hans Raj College, University of Delhi Invited Talk 25-02-2021
"Innovative Teaching: Simplifying Learning" in series #LetsTalkEducation 3.0" organised by Delhi Government Education Departments' Educational platform "Education for Future" for their teachers. Invited Talk 21-08-2020
“Understanding problem identification process for entrepreneurs” at Shyam Lal College, University of Delhi. Invited Talk 25-04-2019
"Innovative Pedagogy: Must for Innovation" in 5th Refresher Course in Contemporary Studies (Interdisciplinary) at UGC-HRD Centre, JNU, Delhi. Invited Talk 16-01-2019
“New Approaches to Learning in the Classroom” in programme titled Professional Development in Education Management organised by the DPS Society at the DPS Society’s HRD Centre, Sector -3, Phase-1, Dwarka, New Delhi. Invited Talk 13-06-2018
"Innovative Pedagogy" in National Workshop for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Teachers on "Understanding needs of gifted children in classrooms", held at Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi, Delhi. Invited Talk 24-08-2017
"Experiment with Light” at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi for JNNSMEE Regional Science exhibition. Invited Talk 02-02-2016
"Contexed based pedagogy: Innovations in Teaching" in workshop on "Teaching Methodology/Pedagogy" organised by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE), University of Delhi. Invited Talk 15-01-2015
"Interdiciplinary Problems" during Mathematics Movement, Phase II at S D Public School, Pitampura, Delhi Invited Talk 04-10-2013
“Project Based Learning and Teaching Methodology" in Orientation Programme organised by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE), University of Delhi Invited Talk 25-06-2013
“How to make teaching more interesting" in Orientation Programme organised by Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE), University of Delhi Invited Talk 05-01-2013
“The growth of (102) and (002) preferred orientations of crystallites in HgI2 films : The thickness dependence” XXIV Annual Conference EMSI- 2001) pp-87-88, Feb 9-11, 2001, RSIC/CIL , Punjab University, Authors: Pankaj Tyagi, A.G.Vedeshwar and N.C.Mehra Oral Presentation 10-02-2001
“Effect of heat treatment in CdI2 films” XXIV Annual Conference of EMSI on Electron Microscopy & Allied Fields, (EMSI-2001) pp-165, Feb 9-11, 2001, RSIC/CIL , Punjab University, Chandigarh.Authors: N. C. Mehra, Pankaj Tyagi and A. G. Vedeshwar Poster Presentation 11-02-2001
“Excitonic absorption and its residual stress dependence in ZnI2 films” Proceedings of National Symposium on Science and Technology of Vacuum and Thin Films, pp-46, Sept 5-7, 2001, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, A.G. Vedeshwar, Pankaj Tyagi Poster Presentation 07-09-2001
“Residual stress dependent optical properties of CdI2 films” XXV Annual Conference of EMSI on Electron Microscopy & Allied Fields,(EMSI-2002) Abs. No.- 95, Feb 19-22, 2002, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai. Authors: Pankaj Tyagi, A.G.Vedeshwar, V.Paliwal NCMehra Oral Presentation 19-02-2002
“Thickness dependent optical properties of ZnI2 films” XXV Annual Conference of EMSI on Electron Microscopy & Allied Fields, (EMSI-2002) Abs. No.-94, Feb 19-22, 2002, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai. Authors: N. C. Mehra, Pankaj Tyagi and A. G. Vedeshwar Poster Presentation 22-02-2002
“Experimental observation of energy band gap variation with grain size for CdI2 films” XXVI Annual Conference on Electron Microscopy & Allied Fields, (EMSI-2003), April 16-18, 2003, CPRI, Shimla (H.P.) Authors: Pankaj Tyagi, A. G. Vedeshwar, V.K.Paliwal, Oral Presentation 17-04-2003
“Faster optical data storage in Sb2Te3 films” XXVI Annual Conference on Electron Microscopy & Allied Fields,(EMSI-2003), April 16-18, 2003, CPRI, Shimla (H.P.) Authors: Pankaj Tyagi, A. G. Vedeshwar, V.K.Paliwal, Amit Garg and N. C. Mehra Poster Presentation 18-04-2003
“Laser induced exit surface damage morphology in Yttrium Aluminum Phosphate” XXVI Annual Conference on Electron Microscopy & Allied Fields, (EMSI-2003), April 16-18, 2003, CPRI, Shimla (H.P.) Authors: Amit Garg, Avinashi Kapoor, K.N. Tripathi, Pankaj Tya Poster Presentation 18-04-2003
“Morphological study of argon ion irradiated Sb2Se3 films in a dense plasma focus device” Proceedings of 2nd International conference on current developments in AMOP, March 21-23, 2006, Authors: Pankaj Tyagi, N. C. Mehra and A. G. Vedeshwar Poster Presentation 23-03-2006
“Thickness dependent morphology of BiI3 films” National Conference on Electron Microscopy & Allied Fields (EMSI-2007), pp-86-87, November 26-28, 2007, University of Delhi, Delhi. Author: Karnik Pandya, C. Ranjan, Pankaj Tyagi, N. C. Mehra and A. G. V Poster Presentation 28-11-2007
Morphology of different (hkl) oriented films of some metal iodides” National Conference on Electron Microscopy & Allied Fields (EMSI-2007), pp-82-83, November 26-28, 2007, University of Delhi, Delhi. Authors: Pankaj Tyagi, Vinod Paliwal, Vikash Gulia, N. Oral Presentation 27-11-2007
“Single crystal growth of BiI3 by thermal evaporation: TEM investigations” National Conference on Electron Microscopy & Allied Fields (EMSI-2009) , pp-83-84, January 17-20, 2009, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. Authors: Pankaj Tyagi, Chhavi Ranjan, Karni Poster Presentation 20-01-2009
“Nucleation and Growth in PbI2 thin films” International Conference on Advances in Electron Microscopy and Related Techniques” (EMSI-2010), pp – 180-181, March 8-10, 2010 at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, India., Authors: Pankaj Tyagi, A.G Poster Presentation 10-03-2010
“Nano-Tubes and Tapes like formation in heat treated PbI2 thin films” International Conference on Electron Nanoscopy ” (EMSI-2011), pp – 333-334, July 6-8 , 2011 by Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL), Hyderabad, India. Authors: Pankaj Tyagi, Poster Presentation 08-07-2011
“Anisotropic nature of optical band gap of SrI2 thin films” International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramics and other Nanomaterials ” (ICWNCN-2012), pp – 203-204, March 13-16, 2012 by DUAuthors: Pankaj Tyagi, Vikas Gulia, N.C.Mehra & A. Poster Presentation 16-03-2012
“Study on effect of argon ion irradiation on Sb2Se3 thin films” International Conference on Electron Microscopy (EMSI-2014), July 7-11, 2014, University of Delhi, Delhi, Author: Pankaj Tyagi Poster Presentation 11-07-2014
Under Commonwealth of Learning, on 29 May 2022 completed an online course on " Introduction to AI for IT and Non-IT professionals" offered by Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth. Participant 29-05-2022
Conducted an hands-on Workshop on “Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development” on 12th December, 2022 organised by Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) of Ramanujan College, University of Delhi with undergraduate students. Speaker 12-12-2022
Talk on "Innovation and Mathematics" on National Mathematics Day 2022 at Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi, Delhi on 22 December 2022. Speaker 22-12-2022
As Co-PI, participated in Delhi Effective Education and Pedagogy Cluster (DEEP-C)’s “Blue Planet Sustainability Fellowships” three-day orientation program held at Design Innovation Centre, University of Delhi from 18-20 January 2023. Panelist 18-01-2023
Participated / Organised International Conference on Electron Microscopy EMSI-2023 held at University of Delhi, India, during February 08 - 10, 2023 and made an oral presentation on "Structural, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties ... Speaker 08-02-2023
As Convener, organised National Seminar on Innovation in Higher Education through Public - Private - Partnership (PPP) Model at Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi from 13-15 March 2023. Panelist 13-03-2023
Inaugural Invited lecture of QUEST 23, Fest of Physics Society of Maitreyi College, University of Delhi on "Innovations: Self Learning" on 23 March 2023. Speaker 23-03-2023
As special invitee for Alumni Interaction with NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) Peer Team at Hans Raj College, University of Delhi on 27 April 2023. Participant 27-04-2023
Being Chairman of Governing Body of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, University of Delhi, I participated in the said event and Chaired the concluding session. Chair 02-02-2024
As Chairman of Governing Body myself attended the Annual Day & Prize Distribution function of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, University of Delhi and Chaired the program. Chair 08-02-2024
Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi celebrated National Science Day on 8th Feb 2024 with theme " Cutting Edge Science & Technology for a Sustainable Future". On this occasion I was Guest of Honour in the event. Panelist 28-02-2024
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