Prof. Amitava Chakraborthy

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies
University of Delhi

Prof. Amitava Chakraborthy

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies
University of Delhi

Bio Note

Education (Last three Degrees)

Ph.D. Assam University, 2003, Thesis topic: Postmodernism and Uttaradhunikata in Bengali Literature and Thought: A Critical Study

M.Phil. Assam University, 1999, Subject: Cultural Studies, Thesis topic: High Culture and the Popular Space in Bengali Thought: In the Perspective of Contemporary theories of Popular Culture

M.A. Assam University, 1997, Subject: Bengali, 


Other Qualications:

Short Term Certification in Understanding Research Methodology, 2021, SOAS, London University


Career Profile

Assam University, Junior Research Fellow, 1998-1999, Research

Tripura University, Lecturer, 1999-2006, Teaching and Research, 

University of Delhi, Reader, 2006- 2009, Teaching and Research

University of Delhi, Associate Professor, 2009-2012, Teaching and Research

University of Delhi, Professor, 2012-2015, Teaching and Research

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Visiting Professor, 2015-2018, Teaching and Research

University of Delhi, Professor, 2018-, Teaching and Research


Research Interests / Specialization

My research interests include Literary and Cultural Theory, Postmodernism, History of Rhetoric, Second Language Teaching Pedagogy, Swaraj Studies.

I am especially interested in understanding comparatively the circulation of western theoretical ideas in dependent knowledge-cultures and the dynamics of Swarajist trends in dependent societies.


Teaching Experience (Subjects/Courses Taught)

1999-2006: History of Literature; Manuscriptology; Literary Theory; Indian Literature; Medieval and Modern Poetry; Fiction.

2006-2015: Literary and Cultural Theory; Comparative Poetics; Tagore Studies; Medieval Literature, Post-colonialism and Postmodernism in Indian Literatures.

2015-2018: Bengali as second language; Literary and Cultural Theory; Tagore Studies; Postmodern Literature; Rhetoric in Ancient India.

2018-2019: M.A. Bengali: Women’s Writings in Bengali, Dissertation Writing, Aesthetics and Theory of Criticism, Postcolonialism and Postmodernism; M.A. Comparative Indian Literature: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theories, Dissertation Writing, Modernism, Postmodernism and Postcolonialism; M.Phil Comparative Indian Literature: Introduction to Literary Theories

2019-2020: M.A. Bengali: Socio-Religious Background of Bengali Literature, Old and Medieval Literature, Indian Literary Theory, Bangladeshi Fiction, Postcolonialism and Postmodernism; M.A. Comparative Indian Literature: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theories, Dissertation Writing, Modernism, Postmodernism and Postcolonialism; M.Phil Comparative Indian Literature: Introduction to Literary Theories

2020-2021: M.A. Bengali: 20th Century Poetry, Drama and Prose, Medieval Literature, Indian Literary Theory; M.A. Comparative Indian Literature: Postmodernism and Postcolonialism; M.Phil Comparative Indian Literature: Introduction to Literary Theories

2021-2022: M.A. Bengali: 19th century Drama and Novel, Translation Theory and World Literature in Translation, Socio-Religious Background of Bengali Literature, 20th Century Poetry, Drama and Prose, Indian Literary Theory; M.A. Comparative Indian Literature: Project Work and Dissertation; M.Phil Comparative Indian Literature: Introduction to Literary Theories, Research Methodology; Ph.D. Course Work:  Research Methodology                                                        

Research Supervision(Awarded and Ongoing)

Students who have submitted Post-Doctoral Thesis:

Dr. Manju Sarkar: A Study of Style in Nineteenth Centuries Novel of Bengali Women

Under U.G.C. Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

Students who have been awarded M.Phil. Degree:


Abikal Borah: Refiguring the Modern: The Aesthetics and Politics of Vernacular in Assam


Dilpreet Kaur Bhullar: Mapping Colonial Gazing(s): A Study of the People of India- A Series of Photographic Illustration with Descriptive Letterpress of the Races and Tribes of Hindustan 1868-1875


Lee Dongwon: Linguistic and Cultural Diversities and Hybridization: Manipravalam and Hyangga

Charulika Dhawan: Historical Narratives in a Non-Historical Milieu: A Comparative Study of Charita, Raso and Namah


Kanupriya Dhawan: (Re)Presenting Apsaras: A Critical Overview of Apsara Representations in Textual and Visual Narratives

Anu Rana: Native Women in Colonial Discourse (1858-1900): Imperial and Counter-Discourse in Colonial India


Deepti Chawla: Advertisements Published in Women’s Era and Grihshobha: A Study in the Perspective of Sexual Capital

Tanu Priya: Rasavaad: In the perspective of Neuro-Aesthetics

Mohua Dutta: Mediating History and Fictionality: The Graphic Novels of SarnathBannerjee

Students who have been awarded Ph.D. Degree:


Manju Sarkar: A Study of Style in Selected Novels of Bengali Women


Bina Sharma: Sekal O Ekaler Bangali Narir Kabitay Myth Ba Purakathar Byabohar


Malay Deb: A Comparative Study of Medial Historical Literary Writings in Assamese & Bengali


Piyali Sen Ghosh: Negotiating Dharmashastras: A Study of 19th Century Bengali Literary and Cultural Discourses


Tamanna Emi: A Study of Rehtorics in selected Bengali Public Speeches

Himadri Shekhar Howladar: A Socio-Cultural Study of Bengali ‘Panjika’


Priyalekha N. S.: A Comparative Study of the Construction of Feminist Space in the Novels of Amrita Pritam, Kavita Singha and Kamala Das


Narottam Bhabuk: Dialect Usage in Selected Bengali Novels of India and Bangladesh (Co-Supervisor)


Suranjana Roy: “Masculinity” and “Femininity” in Binary Relationships: Indian Cultural Discourses (1980-2010) (Co-Supervisor)

Bidisha Bhattacharjee: Some Syntactic and Semantic Aspects of Negation in Bangla, (Co-Supervisor)

Ruxana Khatun: A Study of Representation of Power Relations in Selected Bengali Novels (Co-Supervisor)


Tanmay Singha Mahapatra: Violence in the Literature of Tagore: Varied Patterns of Conception and Depiction

Priyanka Jindal: Globalization and its’ Interaction with the Margins: A Study of Contemporary Dalit and Afro-American Narratives


Md. Juel: A Survey of Women’s Language of Birbhum


Apabrita Chakraborty: Exploring Indigenous narrative pattern in selected post-independence Bengali novels

Students currently registered (Ph.D.):

Linthoingambi Chanu Ningthoujam : Conflict, Women and Literature: A Study of Selected Women Literature of Manipur and Nagaland

Indra Tekchandani: Sindhi Idioms: A Socio-Cultural Study

Shalu: A Comparative Study of Sanskrit Aesthetics and Dalit Aesthetics

Ratika Anand: Investigation into the issues of Queer Diaspora in South Asian Literature

Kanchi Jain: Representation of Troubled Childhoods in Conflict Zone

Rohan Chauhan: The Refashioning of Man, History and Nation in Hindi Literature (1900-1936)


Administrative Experience

2003-2006 NSS Programme Officer, Tripura University

2019-2020 Deputy Coordinator, Departmental Research Scheme- III, under UGC-SAP

2020-2022 Departmental Nodal Officer, OBE 2020-2022, University of Delhi


Honors & Awards

2005 Sadhana Bhattacharya Research Award, Kolkata Little Magazine Library and Research Center. Kolkata

2013 ISHR Research Fellowship, International Society for the History of Rhetoric, USA

2020 Maimansingha Geetika Shatabarsha Samannana, Maimansingha Geetika Shatabarsha Udjapan Jatiya Kamiti, Bangladesh

2020 Jibankriti Sammanana, Ashoknagar Patrika, Kolkata


Public Service / University Service / Consulting Activity/Policy Contribution

Elected Member, Faculty Council, P G Faculty of Arts and Commerce, Tripura University, 2001- 2004.

Part time Academic Counselor, IGNOU, Tripura University Study Center, 2002-2004.

Vice Chancellor’s Nominee, Syndicate, Tripura University, 2004-2006.

Vice Chancellor’s Nominee, Academic Council, Tripura University, 2005-2006.

General Secretary, Tripura University Teachers Association, 2005-2006.

Elected Member, Academic council, University of Delhi, 2010-2012; 2013- 2015

Consultant, Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Tagore, Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, 2010

Prepared the Course on Units on European Literature and Modern Cultural Movements for M.A. in Translation Studies for IGNOU, 2010

Prepared the Course on Units on Translation and Religious Movements for M.A. in Translation Studies for IGNOU, 2011

Prepared the Golden Jubilee Policy Document on Bengali Teaching-Learning for the Department as appointed by the Department. 2011

2018 Convener, Bengali P.G. Syllabus Preparation Committee

2019 Departmental Coordinator, Under Graduate Curriculum Revision

Member, Advisory Board, Nazrul Centre for Social and Cultural Studies, Kazi Nazrul University, West Bengal, 2020-

Member, Translation Advisory Board, Tata Consultancy Services, 2019-


Learned Society Membership

Member, Forum on Contemporary Theory, India

Member, International Society for the History of Rhetoric.

Member, Indian Philosophical Congress.

Member, North East India Network for Academic Discourse

Member, Comparative Literature Association of India

Member, International Comparative Literature Association

Member, International Association of Empirical Aesthetics

Founder General Secretary, International Society of Bengal Studies.



Principal Investigator, UGC Minor Research Project on “Postmodernism and Uttaradhunikata in Bengali Literature and Thought: A Critical Study”, Tripura University, 2001-2003

Co-investigator, UGC Major Research Project on “Traditions and Trends in the Fields of Literary and Cultural Theorization: Mapping the Non-western Spaces”, 2006-2008.

Principal Investigator, “Dependence and Swaraj: A Comparative Study of the Circulation of Postmodernism in Non-Western Knowledge-Cultures”, R & D Grant of the University of Delhi, 2008-09

Principal Investigator, “Possibilities and Limitations of Interdisciplinarity: Towards New     Methodologies of Writing Cultural History”, R & D Grant of the University of Delhi, 2009-10

Principal Investigator, “Creating a Database on Language Politics and Language Martyrs with Special Reference to Post-Independence Language Movements in Barak Valley”, R & D Grant of the University of Delhi, 2010-11

Principal Investigator, “Preparation of Study Material for Teaching Bengali as Second Language”, R & D Grant of the University of Delhi, 2012-13

Principal Investigator, UGC Major Research Project on “Indian Literary Studies and Globalization: Infrastructure, Perceptions and Strategies”, 2012-2014

Joint Coordinator, “Project on Translation of Bidrohi in Indian Languages, Phase-I”, Kazi Nazrul University and Department of Modern Indian Languages & Literary Studies, University of Delhi, 2019-

Principal Investigator, “Project on Indian Language Database”, Kazi Nazrul University and Delhi Comparatists, 2020

Principal Investigator, “Bidrohi: Transliteration, Translation and Critical Notes”, Kazi Nazrul University and Delhi Comparatists, 2020

Joint Coordinator, “Project onReception of Kazi Nazrul Islam in Indian Languages, Phase-I”, Kazi Nazrul University and Department of Modern Indian Languages & Literary Studies, University of Delhi, 2020-

Coordinator, Project titled From A Crisis of Public Health to the Crisis of Citizenship: COVID 19 and the Muslim Community in India sponsored by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo,2020


Lectures Delivered in India

“Language, Identity, Electronic Media and Government Policy”, Address of the Chief Speaker on the International Language Day Programme, Department of Higher Education, Govt of Tripura, 2005.

Special Guests’ Lecture, National Seminar on "Re-engineering Relationship Building: Students, Teachers and Society", Egra S S B College, West Bengal, 7th November, 2008

“Ancient Indian Poetics and Contemporary Knowledge System”, Refresher Course, Department of Bengali, University of Calcutta, 2010

“Rabindranath Tagore and the Postmodern Aesthetics”, Plenary Lecture, International Conference on Rabindranath Tagore Today, organized by Dept of English, Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttarpradesh, 7-8 April, 2011

“Rabindranath O Postmodernism”, Rabindra Sardhashatabarsha Udjapan, Udaypur Nagar Panchayet, Udaypur, Tripura, 15 May, 2011

“Experimenting Comparative Cultural Studies: Interrogating a Survey of Religious Pluralism in India”, Refresher Course in Comparative Literature, Jamia Milia Islamia, 21 July, 2011

“Rabindranath Tagore and the Postmodern Aesthetics”, Key Note Address, National Seminar on “Revisiting Rabindranath”, Raja Rammohan Roy Mahavidyalay, West Bengal, India, 18-19 August, 2011

Lecture in the Inaugural Session of the 2nd International Congress of Bengal Studies, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 17th December, 2011

“Terror: A Multi-Genre Understanding”, Refresher Course, Department of Bengali, University of Burdwan, 2012

Lecture of Special Guest, 1st Ahom Bidya Sammelan, Gauhati University, Assam, 8-9 November, 2012

“Shila Siddhantkar se Omlata: Narivadi aur Dalit Kavita”, Siddhantkar Smriti Samman Samaroh, Delhi, 2013

“Aesthetics of Rabindranath” Midnapore College, West Bengal, 2013

“New Openings in the Researches on Medieval Bengali Literature”, Department of Bengali, University of Kalyani, 2013

“Contemporary Trends in Folklore Studies”, Valedictory Lecture, National Seminar on “Present Status and Emerging Trends of Folklore Studies in India”, Gurusaday Museum, Kolkata, 2014

Politics of Aesthetics: 20th century Literary Discourse, 3rd Gopa Dey Memorial Lecture, Bengali Literary Society, Zakir Husain Delhi College, Delhi, 2015

“Sanskrit Sahityatattva”, Department of Sanskrit, Durgapur Government College, Durgapur, 28 August, 2017

Chairpersons Speech, the International Workshop on Modernism in Indian Poetry organized by The Center for South Asian Studies (FINDAS), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 20 January, 2018.  

“Mapping Nationalism through Literature”, Amity University, 24 August, 2018

“Swaraj Studies and the Reception of Eastern and Western Theories”, Bengali Department, Kirori Mal College, Delhi, 23 January, 2020

“Role of Mother Tongue in preserving India’s Cultural Diversity & Heritage”, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Delhi, 21 February, 2020

“Bhasha Dibas: Significance for Contemporary India”, Bangladesh High Commission, Delhi, 21 February, 2020

“Sahityatattva Kibhabe Parbo?”, Bengali Department, Cotton University, Gauhati, 1 August, 2020

“Bangabidya Sammelaner Ek Dashak: Purbasurider Patabhumite”, 6th International Congress of Bengal Studies, Dept. of MILLS and the International Society of Bengal Studies, 25 February, 2021

“Search for 'Indian' Literary Theory: A Swarajist Reading”, Refresher Course on "Comparative Literary Studies: Indian Dimension", UGC-HRDC, University of Calcutta and the Department of Comparative Indian Language and Literature, 10 March, 2021

“Theory: That we live every moment”, Department of English, St. John College, Dimapur, Nagaland, 27 May, 2021

“Najruler Bhabadarshagata O Dharmiya Bahumatrikata”, Special Guests’ Lecture, Najrul’s 222nd Birth-anniversary Celebration, Najrul Research Centre, Chittagong University, Bangladesh, 29 May, 2021

“Teaching Indian Languages in Delhi: Towards a Policy framework”, Faculty Development Programme on Languages in National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 Miranda House, Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas, Mahatma Hansraj Faculty Development Centre, 25th February 2022


Lectures Delivered Abroad

“Contemporary Bangla Grammar”, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2010

“Aesthetic Ideas of Tagore”, The Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2010

“Religious Pluralism in India “, The Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2010

“Postmodern Perspective in Bengali Literature”, Department of Bengali, University of Dhaka, 2010

“Ancient Sanskrit Poetics: Different Schools”, Department of Bengali, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011

“Ancient Sanskrit Poetics: Rasavada”, Department of Bengali, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011

“Postmodernism: Theory and Literature”, Department of Bengali, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011

“Postmodernism: Reception in Bengal”, Department of Bengali, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011

“Comparative Cultural Studies: Theory and Method”, Department of Bengali, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011

The Culture and Society of Bengal,the Arts of Intercultural Communication Course at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.  2016

The Culture and Society of Bengal,the Arts of Intercultural Communication Course at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.  2016

The Culture and Society of Bengal,the Arts of Intercultural Communication Course at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.  2017

The Culture and Society of Bengal,the Arts of Intercultural Communication Course at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.  2017

Chairpersons Speech, the International Workshop on Modernism in Indian Poetry organized by The Center for South Asian Studies (FINDAS), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 20 January, 2018


Seminar/Workshops Organized 

Coordinator, Workshop on Preparation of Study Material for UG Course on Translation & Interpreting”, University of Delhi, 28-30 March, 2007

Coordinator, Workshop on Preparation of Study Material for UG Course on Creative Writing”, University of Delhi, 28-30 March, 2007

Convener, National Seminar on Rising of 1857: Literary Responses, University of Delhi, 19-20 April, 2007

Convener, National Seminar on ‘Beyond Frontiers: Literature and Other Areas of Knowledge’, Department of Modern Indian Languages & Literary Studies, University of Delhi, 7-8 March, 2008

Convener, National Seminar on ‘New Horizons: Bengali Literature in the Nineties’, Department of Modern Indian Languages & Literary Studies, University of Delhi, 16-17 March, 2009

Convener, 1st International Congress of Bengal Studies, University of Delhi, 25-28 February, 2010

Convener, National Seminar on Problematizing Indian Literature, Department of MIL&LS, University of Delhi, Sponsored by Sahitya Akademi, 22-23 February, 2012

Coordinator on behalf of the Department, National Seminar on Indian Literature or Tower of Babel: Cross Translation Among Indian Languages, Organized by NBT and Dept. of MIL&LS, 1-2 March, 2012

Coordinator, Basic Level Workshop on Manuscriptology and Paleography, National Mission for Manuscript, IGNCA and University of Delhi, 8-28 March, 2013

Convenor, Workshop on Style Manual for Research Writings in Indian Languages, University of Delhi, 17 April, 2014

Convenor, Special Session on ‘Bengali Style Manual’ at the 4th International Congress of Bengal Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 12-13 December, 2015

Coordinator, Workshop on Bengali Post Graduate Syllabi, Department of Modern Indian Languages & Literary Studies, University of Delhi, May, 2018

Convenor, National Symposium on Under-graduate Bengali Syllabi: A Review, Department of Modern Indian Languages & Literary Studies, University of Delhi, 29 September 2018.

Convenor, Workshop on Under-graduate Honors Syllabus Review, Department of Modern Indian Languages & Literary Studies, University of Delhi, 26- 27 November, 2018.

Convenor, Faculty Development Programme on Under-graduate Bengali Program Syllabus Up-gradation, Department of Modern Indian Languages & Literary Studies, University of Delhi, 30 November – 6 December, 2018.

National Seminar on Gandhian Thoughts and Indian Literary Culture, 9-10 March, 2019.

Convenor, National Seminar on Text and Textuality in Early Modern India, Department of Modern Indian Languages & Literary Studies, University of Delhi, 2-3 March, 2020

Joint Coordinator,National Workshop on Multilingual Translation of Kazi Nazrul Islam’s Poem, Department of Modern Indian Languages & Literary Studies, University of Delhi, and Nazrul Centre for Social and Cultural Studies, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, 5-6 March, 2020

Convenor, Archiving Covid-19 Cultural Response, 1st Webinar on COVID 19: Cultural Responses, Delhi Comparatists,07 May, 2020

Convenor, Archiving Covid-19 Cultural Response, 2nd Webinar on COVID 19: Cultural Responses, Delhi Comparatists,23May, 2020

Convenor, 3rd Webinar on COVID 19: Cultural Responses, Delhi Comparatists,18 July, 2020

Convenor, Covid-19: Spread, Control and Community Response, 4th Webinar on COVID 19: Cultural Responses, Delhi Comparatists,31 July, 2020

Convenor, Situating the COVID -19 Pandemic: The Virus as a Material vs The Virus as a Process, 5th Webinar on COVID 19: Cultural Responses, Delhi Comparatists,29 August, 2020

Convenor, Webinar on COVID 19and Muslim Community in India, Delhi Comparatists and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies,6 October, 2020

Convenor, Webinar on Introduction to Digital Archiving, Delhi Comparatists,7 October, 2020

Convenor, Webinar on Memory, Storytelling and the Situated Brain, Delhi Comparatists,21 October, 2020

Convenor, Workshop onCovid-19: Cultural Response Archiving Orientation, Delhi Comparatists,1 November, 2020

Convenor, Productivity to Precarity: Rethinking Social Media Feminism in Covid Times, 6thWebinar on COVID 19: Cultural Responses, Delhi Comparatists,4 December, 2020

Convenor, Webinar on From Victim to Survivor: Representing Rape in Contemporary American Fiction, Delhi Comparatists,11 December, 2020

Convenor, Webinar on Quantitative and Qualitative Methods: Social Research during COVID 19, Delhi Comparatists,17 December, 2020

Convenor, Webinar on Decolonizing Digital Humanities in India,Delhi Comparatists,19 December, 2020

Convenor, Against the urgency of people dying why in the name cultural studies, 7thWebinar on COVID 19: Cultural Responses, Delhi Comparatists,24 December, 2020

Joint Convener, International Webinar on ‘Prabasi Bangalir Jiban O Sanskriti’, International Society of Bengal Studies and Zakir Hossain Delhi College, University of Delhi, 1-3 February, 2021

Convener, Webinar on Dialogic Possibilities in Arts and Literature. 5 February, 2021

Convenor, 6th International Congress of Bengal Studies, Dept. of MILLS and the International Society of Bengal Studies, 25-28 February, 2021

Convener, 1st Webinar on Rhetoric Studies, Talk on Reasoning isn’t Occidental: A Comparative Hindu Approach, Delhi Comparatists, 2nd March 2021

Panel on ‘Perso-Arabic knowledge tradition in the construction of the category of 'Indian Knowledge Tradition', International Conference on ‘Persian-Arabic Poetics in the Context of Indian Poetics: Readings, Recoveries and Re-Orientations in South Asian Literatures’, CLAI, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya and the NCPUL, 15-17 March, 2021

Convenor, 1st Webinar on the Golden Jubilee of the Independence of Bangladesh, International Society of Bengal Studies and Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, 26-27 March, 2021

Convenor, 1st Webinar on the Golden Jubilee of the Independence of Bangladesh, International Society of Bengal Studies and Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, 26-27 March, 2021

Seven-day Web-lecture Series on Non-scheduled Indian Languages, India Chapter, International Society of Bengal Studies, School of Languages and Linguistics, Jadavpur University, Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies, University of Delhi, 21-27 February, 2022

2nd Webinar on the Golden Jubilee of the Independence of Bangladesh, International Society of Bengal Studies and Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, 17-19 September, 2021

3rd Webinar on the Golden Jubilee of the Independence of Bangladesh, International Society of Bengal Studies and Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, 14-16 December, 2021

Valedictory Webinar on the Golden Jubilee of the Independence of Bangladesh, International Society of Bengal Studies and Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, 26 March, 2022

1st Session, National Lecture Series on the History of Bengali Studies, India Chapter, International Society of Bengal Studies, 23 April, 2022

2nd Session, National Lecture Series on the History of Bengali Studies, India Chapter, International Society of Bengal Studies, 28 May, 2022

3rd Session, National Lecture Series on the History of Bengali Studies, India Chapter, International Society of Bengal Studies, 18 June, 2022


Seminar Presentations(National)

“Ideology and Identity Dynamics: A study of the Evolution of State Cultural Policy in Tripura” presented jointly with M. Deb and R. Ghosh at the National Seminar on “The Tribe, Peasants and Modern Identity in North Eastern India c.1800 – 2000AD”, Indian Council of Historical Research and Tripura University, 2006

“Negotiating the ‘Eternal’: Epics in Contemporary Bengali Women’s Writings”, National Seminar on Indian Epics, University of Delhi, 2008

“Comparative Indian Literature: Revisiting the Vision” presented at the National Seminar on “World Literature and Current Issues in Comparative Literature”, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, 2008

“Ashapurna: Vikalpa Nari Aitihyer Sandhane”, presented at the National Seminar on “Place and Position of Women in the Society as Envisaged by Ashapurna Devi”, T. M. Bhagalpur University, Bihar, 2009

“Religious Pluralism in Indian Civilization: From the Perspective of Comparative Cultural Studies”,84th   Indian PhilosophicalCongress, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, 24-27 October, 2009

“Bishnu De: Adhunik Bangla Kabyer Aabarte”, K.B.B.S. Golden Jubilee Annual Seminar on Bishnu De: Literature and Personality, 29th November, 2009

“Rabindranath: Agamir Chokhe”, National Seminar on Celebrating 150 Years of Tagore: Literature, Culture and Society, Organized by Department of Bengali, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, 30-31 March, 2010

“On the Calligraphy Practices in Bengali Manuscripts”, National Seminar on Manuscript Resources in the North-East India: Problems of Conservation and Dissemination, organized by Department of Bengali, Government Degree College, Dharmanagar, Tripura, 20-22 November, 2010

“Rabindranath: Ekti Postmodern Path”, National Seminar on Rabindranath and His Times and Works: National and International Perspectives, organized by Vidyasagar Centre for Indological Studies, Rabindrabharati University, Kolkata, on 21March, 2011

“Language Movements Across India”, Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Barak Upatyaka Bhasha Andolan, Sahitya Akademi, Delhi, 19th May, 2011

“Rabindranath O Postmodern Akhyaner Nandan”, National seminar on“Ai Samay O Rabindranath”, organized by Netaji Mahavidyalay and Burdwan University, at Netaji Mahavidyalay, Arambagh, 2-3 December, 2011

“Tattvakathay Paribesh Samalochana”, National seminar on “Eco-criticism in Literary Analysis”, organized byDinabandhu Andrews College, Kolkata, 8-9 December, 2011

“Manchitrer Bhugol, Bhugoler Satya: Ekti Jalpana”, National Seminar on “An Introspection of Bengali Language and Literature outside West Bengal”, Sarsuna College and Banaras Hindu University, West Bengal, India, 17-18 February, 2012

“Bangla Porno-Sahitya”, National Seminar on Bangla Sahitye Bitarkita Rachana: Ekaler Chokha, Panchmura Mahavidyalaya, Bnakura, 16-18 October, 2012

“Rabindra Chotogalper Postmodern Path”, presented in National Seminar on “Rabindra Chotogalper Gatiprakriti”, Lalbaba College and Department of Bengali, University of Calcutta, West Bengal, India, 2013

“Upendrakishore: Postmodern Path”, presented in National Seminar on “Ajana Upendrakishore”, Department of Bengali, Jadavpur University, West Bengal, India, 2013

“Bangalir Bhashar Lorai: Dillite”, presented in National Symposium on “Bhashar Lorai, Lorai-Er Bhasha” The Bengali Society, Zakir Husain Delhi College (Ev.), 25 March, 2013

“Uttaradhunikata O Rabindranath”, National Seminar on “Banglasahitya O Rabindranath”, Bishwa Banga Sahitya O Sanskriti Sammelan, Ranchi, 2013

“Vivekananda: His Anti-Castist Legacy”, National Seminar on “A Relentless Reformer: Revisiting the Legacy of Swami Videkananda”, Manav Uttardayitav, Delhi, 2013

“Comparative Cultural Studies: Problamatizing the Methodology”, National Seminar on “Social Epistemology and Comparative Indian Literary Culture”, Dept. of MIL&LS, University of Delhi, Delhi, 2014

“Shifts in Comparative Indian Literary Studies”, National Seminar on From Comparative Literature to Comparative Cultural Studies, Sharda University, 27 March, 2015

Rape Narrative in Contemporary Bengali Popular Culture, Seminar on Rape Narrative and Popular Culture, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, Delhi, 23rd April, 2018.

Syllabus Making: Ideal and Reality, Symposium on Undergraduate Bengali Syllabi: A Review, Dept. of MIL&LS, University of Delhi, Delhi, 29 September, 2018.

Manuscript and Folklife: Beyond Elitist Definitions of Manuscript, Seminar on Folklife as Reflected in Manuscripts, Karnataka Janapada University, Karnataka, 10-12 January, 2019.

Literary and Theoretical Trends of Contemporary Literature: East and West, Keynote Address, Seminar on Literary Trends of Contemporary Literature: East and West, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 25 March, 2019.

Understanding Manuscript as Multimedial Text, Seminar on Manuscript in New Directions, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, 26-28 March, 2019.

“Geetanjali Me Vahumatrik Manavatavadi Jivan Darshan”, National Seminar on Kamayani Aur Geetanjali, Hindi Department, Shivaji College, University of Delhi, 13 November, 2019

“Redefining Productivity in the Times of Covid-19”, Interdisciplinary Webinar on 'Covid-19, Crisis and Resurrection: Reflections ‘College of Vocational Studies University of Delhi, 2-4May 2020

“Bahubhashik Anubad Paddhati: Ekti Bibechana”, National Webinar on ‘Translation theory and its evolving trends in Modern Literature’, Department of Bengali, Cachar College, Silchar, and Department of Bengali, Assam University, Silchar, 4 & 5 March, 2021

“Bethune College and it’s Alumni”, Seminar on History of Bethune College, Women Development Cell, Rajdhani College, University of Delhi, 3rd January, 2022

“Delhi me Bhashashiksha aur Anubad ki Sambhavana”, National Webinar on International Mother Language Day, Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Benaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 21st February, 2022


Seminar Presentations (International)

“Nazruler Kabya-Tattva: Ucchasahitya Tattver Biruddhe”, International Seminar on Nazrul Islam and Jibanananda Das, Assam University, Silchar, 16-17 January, 1999

Uttaradhunikata: Svarup Sandhan”, presented at the International Seminar on Bangla Uttaradhunik Sahitya Chinta, Shreecharaneshu, Kolkata, 2004.

“Shabnam: Rasarup”, presented at the International Seminar on Sayad Mujtaba Ali O Bangla Sahitya”, Tripura University, 2004

“Need of thrust on second and foreign language learning in Creative writing training
in India”,First International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Reading Matrix, California, 2004

“Conceptualizing Intellectual Encounter: Reworking the Krishnachandrian Framework”, International Conference on “Dialogics of Cultural Encounters”, Forum on Contemporary Theory and Department of English, Andhra University, 2004

“Rhetorical Figures in Contemporary Indian Literatures: A Selective Study”, XIth Congress of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 2005

“European Postmodernism: A Comparative Study of the Responses in Non-Western Centers”, IXth International Congress on European Culture, Universidad de Navarra, Spain, 2007

“Constructions of Hinduism: Understanding the Swarajist Interventions”, International Seminar on “Rethinking Religion in India”, IGNCA, India, 2008

“Buddhadeb Basu: Adhunikatar Nirman”, International Buddhadeb Basu Birth Centenary Conference, Assam University, Silchar, 2008

“Theory after the Neuro-scientific Turn: Towards Neo-Formalist Practices?”, International Conference on Theory That Matters: What Practice After Theory, organized by the Dept of American Literature and Culture, University of Lodz, Poland, 7-9 April, 2010

“Aesthetics at the Age of Post Technology: Towards Neo-Formalism?”, International Conference on “Aesthetics at the Age of Post Technology”, Southeast University, China, 27-30 May, 2010

“Rabindranath: uttaradhunik manane”, International conference on “Rabindranath Tagore: In the Light of Uttaradhunik Aesthetics”, organized by the Council for Bengali Language, Literature and Culture, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 19th July, 2010

“Aesthetizing Writing: A Study into Vernacular Manuscripts”, Tenth Biennial International Conference of the Comparative Literature Association of India, International Conference on Social Imagination in Comparative Perspective: Languages, Cultures and Literatures Central University of Gujarat, India, 3-6 March, 2011

“Technical Report on Review of Academic Papers”, International Workshop on the Methodology of Review of Academic Papers, Department of Bengali, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. 11-17 October, 2011

“Nationalism, Tagore   and   his   Contemporaries”, International Conference on “Tagore’s Rural Reconstruction and its Relevance Today”, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, 1-2 May, 2012

“Higher Education Policy of the European Union and the East European Nations”, presented in the International Conference on Revisiting East Central Europe And Russia: Society and Culture '20 Years' After", University of Delhi, 2013

“Contemporary Indian Philosophy: A Swarajist Reading”, presented in the 88th Session, Indian Philosophical Congress, Madurai College, Tamilnadu, 27-30 December, 2013

“Comparative Analysis of Major English and Non-English Referencing Manuals”, presented in the International Seminar on History and Sociology of Bengali Studies, University of Delhi, 10-11 January, 2014

“Towards a Style Manual for Indian Languages”, presented in the International Seminar on History and Sociology of Bengali Studies, University of Delhi, 10-11 January, 2014

“Report on Survey on the Guiding Principles for Referencing Manuals in Indian Languages”, presented on Workshop on Style Manual for Research Writings in Indian Languages, University of Delhi, 17 April, 2014

“Concept Note on the Draft Bengali Style Manual”, presented in the 4th International Congress of Bengal Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 12-13 December, 2015

“Inaugural Note on Bengali Style Manual”, presented in the International Workshop on Bengali Style Manual organized by the International Society of Bengal Studies, held at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, on 31st August, 2016

“Technical Report on Draft Bengali Style Manual”, presented in the meeting on Bengali Style Manual held at Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 10th August, 2017.

“Technical Report on Bengali Style Manual”, presented in the Workshop on Bengali Style Manual organized by the International Society of Bengal Studies, held at University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 23rd September, 2017.

“Technical Report on Bengali Style Manual”, presented in the meeting on Bengali Style Manual held at Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 23rd September, 2017.

“The Marginalized in the Construction of ‘Indigenous’ Theoretical and Literary Spaces in Bangladesh”, presented in the International Workshop on Literary Intervention and Political Culture in South Asia, organized by The Center for South Asian Studies (FINDAS), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 09 December, 2017.

“Towards the Pedagogy of Teaching Bengali as Second Language”, Valedictory Lecture, International Workshop on the Pedagogy of Teaching Bengali as Second Language, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 19 September, 2018

State-sponsored Literary Histories and Literary Anthologies in Bangladesh, XVI CLAI Biennial International Conference on Studying South Asian Narratives through Pluralist and Dialogic Frames, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, 11-14 March, 2019.

“Experimental Aesthetics and Contemporary Folklore”, International webinar on Folk songs of Bengal and their evolution over the years”, Dept. of Bengali, Nowgong College, Assam on 31st August, 2020.

“Bangla Bidyacharcha: Kayekti Adra”, International Seminar on Banglabidyacharcha: Itihas O Samajtattva, International Society of Bengal Studies and Presidency University, 12-13 September, 2020.

“Covid-19 and Muslim Community in India: A Study of the Digital Social Media Productions”, (with Zarqua Adam and Anam Siqqiqui), International Symposium on Pandemic Realities in South Asia: Identity, Exclusion and Everyday Experiences of Diversify Community, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, November 27-28, 2020

“Nazrul: Journey towards Multi-Religious Ontology”, World Nazrul Congress 2020, Nazrul Centre for Social and Cultural Studies, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, 27-29 December, 2020

“Prabasi: Ekti Baad”, International Webinar on ‘Prabasi Bangalir Jiban O Sanskriti’, International Society of Bengal Studies and Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi, 1-3 February, 2021.

“Perso-Arabic Tradition and the Construction of Indian Knowledge System: Epistemology of an Absence?”, International Conference on ‘Persian-Arabic Poetics in the Context of Indian Poetics: Readings, Recoveries and Re-Orientations in South Asian Literatures’, CLAI, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya and the NCPUL, 15-17 March, 2021

“Corona Atimari O Manab-Samparka”, International Seminar on “Corona Atimari O Manabikata”, Department of Bengali, Ambedkar College, Tripura, 6th July, 2021.

Valedictory Lecture, International Seminar on ‘EKUSH SHATAKE NAARI SWADHINATA: DESHE DESHANTARE’, Department of Bengali, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, International Society of Bengal Studies, 14th September, 2021

“Rabindra Kumar Dasgupta’s Idea of Comparative Indian Scholarship: Towards a 21st Century Re-formulation”, International Conference on Comparative Literature: Frames, Methods and Practice, Department of English and Department of Marathi Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey (SNDT) Women’s University and Calcutta Comparatists 1919, March 5, 2022

Inaugural Lecture, International Seminar on "Fight for Rights of Bengali Muslim Women in Post-Partition Era", International Society of Bengal Studies, Women's Studies Centre, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Dept of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Dept of Sociology & Gender Studies, Central Women's University, Dhaka, 1st April, 2022

Valedictory Lecture, International Seminar on "Fight for Rights of Bengali Muslim Women in Post-Partition Era", International Society of Bengal Studies, Women's Studies Centre, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Dept of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Dept of Sociology & Gender Studies, Central Women's University, Dhaka, 3rd April, 2022


Encyclopedia Contribution

Rhetoric of South Asia, International Encyclopedia of Communication, Blackwell, 2008, updated 2015


Editorial Board Memberships


Editorial Assistant, Mujtaba Ali Shatabarsha Smarak Grantha, Jnan Vichitra, Agartala, 2008.

Member, Editorial Board, Drohakal: 1857, Bengal Association, New Delhi, & Victoria Memorial, Kolkata, 2009

Abstract Book, 2ndInternational Congress of Bengal Studies, University of Dhaka and Bangla Academy, Dhaka, 2011

Abstract Book, 3rdInternational Congress of Bengal Studies, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, 2013

Abstract Book, 4th International Congress of Bengal Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 2015

Abstract Book, 5th International Congress of Bengal Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Jahangirnagar, Bangladesh, 2018

Editorial Board Memberships: Magazines, Refereed Journals, Collected Works


Member, Editorial Board, Digangan, Bengal Association, New Delhi, 2008-2012

Referred Journals

Member, Editorial Board, Advances in the History of Rhetoric, American Society for the History of Rhetoric, USA

Member, Editorial Board, Al Hikmah, Global Research Center for Islamic Culture and Thought, Iran

Member, Editorial Board, Sandhan, Kolkata, Diya Publications

Reviewer, Mediterranean Review, Pusan University of Foreign Studies, South Korea

Member, Editorial Board, Palimpsest: East Delta University Journal of English Studies,East Delta University, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Member, Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Multilingual Research and Development, Asian Research Association

Collected Works

Member, Editorial Board, Nazrul Rachanabali, Kazi Nazrul University


Journal Editing 

Founding Editor, International Journal of Bengal Studies, International Society of Bengal Studies.

Founding Editor, Beekhha: Journal of Bengali Language and Literary Studies, Bangla Academy Trust, Delhi, and Bangla Bhasha Sahitya O Sanskriti Parishad, Dhaka, jointly with Prof. Rafique Ullah Khan

Co-editor, Special issue on Cross-Culture: With Special Reference to Rabindranath Tagore, Visual Arts Journal, The India Habitat Centre, Delhi, Volume 10, April 2011- March 2012.



Books (edited)

Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Bengal Studies, International Society of Bengal Studies, 2013, edited jointly with Afroja Khatun

Rabindranather Rachanar Sankalan (Tagore Reader), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 2018, Compiled and edited jointly with Kyoko Niwa.


Swaraj Manan: Tattvachintay Dasatver Bikalpa, Akshar, Agartala, 2005

Jana Darbare Ucchasanskriti: Sanskritik Adhipatya, Pratispardhi Nandan, Ucchabarger Aatati, Guttenberg, Kolkata, 2011

Swaraj Manan: Tattvachintay Dasatver Bikalpa, Extended 2nd edition, Guttenberg, Kolkata, 2012

Bangabidya Utsanirdeshriti (Bengal Studies Reference Manual), International Society of Bengal Studies, Kolkata, 2018, Edited jointly with S. A. Haq, T. S. Mahapatra.

Book Chapters

“Sukanter Kalbodh” in Ramendra Barman (Ed) Mahajiban, Akshar, Agartala, 2002, Pp 11-13

“Uttaradhunik Bhavna O Sahitya: Tulaniya Parisar”, in Anjan Sen et al (Eds) Vanglar Uttaradhunik Sahityachinta, Gangeopatra, Kolkata, 2004, Pp 147 – 161

“Kallol Parver Sahityatatvik Pravanata”, in Shishir Kumar Sinha (Ed) Kalloler Srotavarte Panch Tarun Abhijatri, Akshar, Agartala, 2004, Pp 81-83

Guruvandana athaba Shishyer Depomi: Tapodhir Bhattacharya Sambardhana Grantha (Ed: Fazlul Hak); Boipatro; Bangladesh, 2004,Pp- 44-47.

“Rajmalar Bhasharup: Ekti Prathamik Samikkha”, Nirmal Das and Rama Prasad Dutta (Eds), Shatabdir Tripura, Akshar, Agartala, 2003, Pp

“Dilip Kumar Basur Parbandha: Mugdha Pathaker  Atriptikatha”, Amitava Gupta (Ed), Dilip Kumar Basu Nirbachita Ebong Prasangata, Kathajatak, 2005, Pp 235-238

“Shabnam: Rasarup” in Manjari Chaudhuri (Ed) Shatabarsha Smarak Grantha, Jnan Vichitra, Agartala, 2008, Pp 89-92

Rush Prakaranvad” in Nabendu Sen (Ed) Pashchatya Sahityatatwa O Sahitya Bhavana, Ratnavali, Kolkata, 2009, Pp 427-442

“Postmodern Bhavna O Sahitya” in Nabendu Sen (Ed) Pashchatya Sahityatatwa O Sahitya Bhabvana, Ratnavali, Kolkata, 2009, Pp 563-575

“Adhuniker Kutabarte Bangali, ebong Buddhadeb” in Bela Das (Ed) Buddhadeb Basu: Kal Theke Kalantare, Punascha, 2010, Kolkata, Pp: 342-350

“Bengali Women’s Poetry” in Manda Khandge et al (eds) Women’s Literature in Indian Languages (1860-2000), Vol-I, Bharati Vidyapeeth University and Sahityapremi Bhagini Mandal, Pune, Maharastra, 2010, Pp 148-167

“Bengali Women’s Non-Fictional Writings”, in Manda Khandge et al (eds.) Women’s Literature in Indian Languages (1860-2000), Vol-I, Bharati Vidyapeeth University and Sahityapremi Bhagini Mandal, Pune, Maharastra, 2010, Pp 194-210

“Rush Prakaranbader Tattva-Darshan”, in Amitabha Das et al (eds.) Sahityacharcha, Publication Division, University of Burdwan, Burdwan, West Bengal, 2010, Pp 68-87

“The Marginalized in the Construction of ‘Indigenous’ Theoretical and Literary Spaces in Bangladesh”, in Toshiye Awaya and Maya Suzuki (eds), Literary Intervention and Political Culture in South Asia, FINDAS International Conference Series 2, The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, Pp: 20-33, 2017

“Uttarlekh” in Rintu Das and Malay Deb (eds.) Bangla O Sindhi Sahitye Sufi Prabhab, Gutenberg, Kolkata, 2019, Pp 259-264

“Aitihyer Apar, Aparaer Aitihya”, Mrinmay Pramanick (ed), Dalit Sahitya Charcha, Gangchil, Kolkata, 2022, Pp 39-56

Journal Papers

Harbert: Siddhir Utse, Tatparjyer Upalabdhite, Amritlok, Vol. 80, Kolkata, 1997, Pp 82-92

Manabatar Sankate Jibananandapath, Amritlok, Vol. 82, Kolkata, 1998, Pp 75-80

Nazruler Koifiyat: Ucchasahityabaader Counter-Discourse, Ekobingsho, Vol. 19, Bangladesh, 2000, Pp 89-92

Janaparisar, Janasanskriti O Prataper Jatil Akhyan, Uttarpurush Vol. 2, Agartala, 2002. Pp 13-22

Deviprasad Sinha: Rupkathay, Vastavatay, Madhyabarti, Vol. I, Kolkata, 2003, Pp 148-153

Bangalir Coomunijam Charchar Aadiparber Tattwik Shibram, Dwiralap:8; Silchar, 2003; Pp 5-7

Sukumari: Vidya O Viveker Dwiralapi Parisar; Dwiralap:10; Silchar, 2004; Pp 8-9

Uttaradhunik Bhavna O Sahitya: Tulaniya Parisar; Gangeopatra Vol. 19; Kolkata, 2004, Pp 147 – 161

Uchhasanskritir Janasanyog Prayas: Ekti Bismrita Sutrayan; Purbabhas: Autoum’04; Agartala,

Pp 227-233.

Janasanskrititatva: Kichu Apraoyjaniyo Sutrayan; Kagajer Nouko, Agartala, 2004.

Subhaser Gadye Shailisamata evong Oupanyasik Bahustarikata: Nabaudbhasan, Diva Ratrir

Kavya: I & II: XII, Kolkata, 2004, Pp: 335-342

Deshiyata: Nijer Parisarer sandhan; Purbabhas, Agartala, 2005, Pp- 62-63

Geetanjali: Astitvaraser Kavya, Granthi:III:I, Kolkata, 2006, Pp 173-176.

Varak Upatyakar Kavitacharcha: Samalochaker Dwanda; Purvabhas, Autum Issue, Agartala, 2006.

Anjaner Aitihyabayantattva, Austric, Vol 5, Kolkata, 2007, Pp 90-93

Uttaradhunikatar Svarup, Journal of the Department of Bengali, Assam University, 2008, Vol. IV, 133-146

Uttaradhunikata : Sahaj Path, Ekobingsho Vol. 23, Bangladesh, 2008, Pp 56-67

Uttaradhunikatar Svarup, Kathajatak, Vol. IV, Kolkata, 2008, Pp 22-36

Aitihyer Apar, Aparer Aitihya, Kathajatak, Vol. V, Kolkata, 2008, Pp 140-153

Buddhadeb ebong Adhunikatabader Sthapatya, Ajanta, Vol. 46: III, Delhi, Pp 35-38

Abahelita Aitihya:  Prachin Tamil Sahityatattva, Research Journal Vol:  XIV, University Department of Bengali, Ranchi University, 2009, Ranchi Pp: 64-76,

Tryst with Destiny:  Rhetoric and Practice of Religious Pluralism in India, International Journal of Hekmaat, Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought, Iran, Vol: I, 2009, Pp 89-100

Sangite Sahitya, Sahitye Sangeet: Dwijendralal O Bishnu Dey, Ajanta, Vol. 51:III, Delhi, Pp  51-54

“Rabindranath Tagore and Postmodern Perspective”, Visual Arts Journal, The India Habitat Centre, Delhi, Volume 10, April 2011- March 2012, Pp. 18-24

Rabindranather ‘Japan Jatri’: Shatabarsher Epare; Anjali, Bengali Association of Tokyo, Japan, 2016, Pp: 17-19

Book Reviews

Naricharchar Sahajpath, Amritlok, Vol. 84, Kolkata, 1999, Pp 241-243

Manab Chakrabartir Galpa, Amritlok, Vol. 84, Kolkata, 1999, Pp 252-254

Bishleshane Swatantra, Mantabye Ujjal, Uttarpurush Vol. 2, Agartala, 2002. Pp 123-124

Banglabidyar PratnaItihas: Nibhanta Chullite Ektu Agun, Book-World, Vol 1:2, Agartala, 2005, Pp 6

Book Prefaces

Shakuntalader Katha, Triptimoy Chakraborty, Akshar, Agaratala, Tripura, 2010

Bangla Panjikar Samajik-Sanskritik Samikkha, Himadri Shekhar Howladar, Gutenberg, Kolkata, 2017

Fieldwork-based Publication

Barak Upatyakay Prachalita Nagpanchami Brater Bratakatha, Akhsharbitta, Vol 2, Karimganj, 1992, Pp 16-19


Poruladigaram: Prachin Tamil Sahityatattva. Vol.I, Gutenberg, Kolkata, 2012

A Collection of Assamese Poetry in Bengali Translation published on

Selected Japanese War-Songs, critical translation from Japanese with Naoki Takahashi, in magrASIA, Journal of Centre for Asian Studies, Vol 4, Issue 2, Winter 2016, Pp 25-28

Creative Writing

Bengali poems published in various Little Magazines including Purbamegh, Prama, Barnamala, all published from India.

A Collection of Bengali poems published on

English poems published in various magazines from USA and Canada.


Associate Professor


Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies,
University of Delhi
Phone : 011-27666626

Scholar Profiles

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