Title Dr. First Name Kamlesh Last Name Kumar
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Department of Statistics
Email kamleshkumar@cusb.ac.in
Phone.no No
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Educational Qualifications
Degree/Certification Name Institution Year of Completion
Ph.D. - Estimation of population parameters with special reference to non-response in sample surveys Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 2013
PG Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur 2003
UG Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur 2001
HSC UP Board, Allahabad 1998
SSC UP Board, Allahabad 1996
Examination Name Conducting Body Date of Passing
NET University Grants Commission 18-09-2012
Student Name Student's Affiliation Mentoring Duration
Vaibhav Singh Shekhawat Central University of South Bihar 04-08-2022 To 15-05-2023 (9 months, 11 days)
Shivani Kumari Central University of South Bihar 04-08-2022 To 15-05-2023 (9 months, 11 days)
Saurabh Saket Central University of South Bihar 04-08-2022 To 15-05-2023 (9 months, 11 days)
Aadya Arya Central University of South Bihar 04-08-2022 To 15-05-2023 (9 months, 11 days)
Sudip Raj Central University of South Bihar 06-12-2022 To 22-05-2024 (1 years, 5 months, 16 days)
Sidhanta Kumar Jena Central University of South Bihar 06-12-2022 To 22-05-2024 (1 years, 5 months, 16 days)
Soumen Majumder Central University of South Bihar 06-12-2022 To 22-05-2024 (1 years, 5 months, 16 days)
Sidheshwar Vishwanath Bhadane Central University of South Bihar 19-01-2021 To 05-05-2022 (1 years, 3 months, 16 days)
Subhabrata Adak Central University of South Bihar 19-01-2021 To 05-05-2022 (1 years, 3 months, 16 days)
Teaching Experience (Within Institution)
Designation Duration
Assistant Professor Presently Working since 07-08-2019 (5 years, 7 months, 6 days)
Teaching Experience (Outside Institution)
Designation Institute Duration
Statistician Cum Lecture / Assistant Professor Government Medical College, Jalaun (Orai), Uttar Pradesh 10-06-2014 To 05-08-2019 (5 years, 1 months, 26 days)
Administrative Experience (Within Institution)
Designation Duration
Assistant Professor Presently Working since 16-08-2021 (3 years, 6 months, 25 days)
Assistant Professor Presently Working since 04-12-2021 (3 years, 3 months, 9 days)
Assistant Professor Presently Working since 10-02-2022 (3 years, 1 months, 3 days)
Assistant Professor Presently Working since 28-10-2021 (3 years, 4 months, 13 days)
Assistant Professor Presently Working since 16-08-2021 (3 years, 6 months, 25 days)
Courses/Subjects Taught
Teaching Activity Type Course Title Semester Total Assigned Classes Number of Classes Taught Duration
Tutorial Multivariate Analysis 2 14 13 20-03-2023 To 31-07-2023 (4 months, 11 days)
Lecture Project (Part A) 3 60 54 04-08-2022 To 30-11-2022 (3 months, 26 days)
Practical Lab-III 3 30 28 04-08-2022 To 30-11-2022 (3 months, 26 days)
Practical Computer Applications in Statistics-I 1 30 26 15-11-2022 To 03-03-2023 (3 months, 16 days)
Lecture Survey Sampling and National Development Statistics 1 56 52 15-11-2022 To 03-03-2023 (3 months, 16 days)
Lecture Project (Part B) 4 128 120 02-01-2023 To 28-04-2023 (3 months, 26 days)
Practical Computer Applications in Statistics-II 2 60 52 20-03-2023 To 31-07-2023 (4 months, 11 days)
Tutorial Multivariate Analysis 3 15 14 04-08-2022 To 30-11-2022 (3 months, 26 days)
Lecture Multivariate Analysis 2 60 56 20-03-2023 To 31-07-2023 (4 months, 11 days)
Tutorial Survey Sampling and National Development Statistics 1 14 12 15-11-2022 To 03-03-2023 (3 months, 16 days)
Lecture Multivariate Analysis 3 60 54 04-08-2022 To 30-11-2022 (3 months, 26 days)
Lecture Project (Part A) 3 64 58 13-08-2021 To 30-11-2021 (3 months, 17 days)
Practical Lab-I 1 30 28 02-12-2021 To 16-03-2022 (3 months, 14 days)
Lecture Real Analysis and Linear Algebra 1 21 18 02-12-2021 To 16-03-2022 (3 months, 14 days)
Lecture Project (Part B) 4 120 108 06-01-2022 To 21-04-2022 (3 months, 15 days)
Practical Lab-IV 4 56 54 06-01-2022 To 21-04-2022 (3 months, 15 days)
Tutorial Multivariate Analysis 3 15 13 13-08-2021 To 30-11-2021 (3 months, 17 days)
Lecture Multivariate Analysis 3 45 41 13-08-2021 To 30-11-2021 (3 months, 17 days)
Tutorial Design of Experiments 3 14 14 06-01-2022 To 21-04-2022 (3 months, 15 days)
Practical Lab-III 3 30 28 13-08-2021 To 30-11-2021 (3 months, 17 days)
Tutorial Real Analysis and Linear Algebra 1 7 6 02-12-2021 To 16-03-2022 (3 months, 14 days)
Lecture Design of Experiments 4 42 42 06-01-2022 To 21-04-2022 (3 months, 15 days)
Tutorial Measure Theory and Probability 2 13 12 05-04-2022 To 08-07-2022 (3 months, 3 days)
Lecture Measure Theory and Probability 2 39 36 05-04-2022 To 08-07-2022 (3 months, 3 days)
Practical Lab-II 2 26 22 05-04-2022 To 08-07-2022 (3 months, 3 days)
Practical Lab-I 1 26 22 01-12-2020 To 06-03-2021 (3 months, 5 days)
Lecture Measure Theory and Probability 2 42 40 13-04-2021 To 10-07-2021 (2 months, 27 days)
Practical Lab-II 2 28 26 13-04-2021 To 10-07-2021 (2 months, 27 days)
Tutorial Measure Theory and Probability 2 14 14 13-04-2021 To 10-07-2021 (2 months, 27 days)
Tutorial Design of Experiments 4 16 15 18-01-2021 To 08-05-2021 (3 months, 20 days)
Practical Lab-IV 4 64 60 18-01-2021 To 08-05-2021 (3 months, 20 days)
Practical Lab-III 3 32 28 03-08-2020 To 24-12-2020 (4 months, 21 days)
Tutorial Multivariate Analysis 3 16 15 03-08-2020 To 24-12-2020 (4 months, 21 days)
Lecture Multivariate Analysis 3 48 46 03-08-2020 To 24-12-2020 (4 months, 21 days)
Lecture Design of Experiments 4 60 55 18-01-2021 To 08-05-2021 (3 months, 20 days)
Tutorial Measure Theory and Probability 2 15 14 02-01-2020 To 31-05-2020 (4 months, 29 days)
Practical Lab-I 1 28 26 10-07-2019 To 28-11-2019 (4 months, 18 days)
Lecture Measure Theory and Probability 2 45 42 02-01-2020 To 31-05-2020 (4 months, 29 days)
Lecture Design of Experiments 4 45 43 02-01-2020 To 22-07-2020 (6 months, 20 days)
Practical Lab-IV 4 30 28 02-01-2020 To 22-07-2020 (6 months, 20 days)
Tutorial Design of Experiments 4 15 14 02-01-2020 To 22-07-2020 (6 months, 20 days)
Practical Lab-III 3 28 26 10-07-2019 To 28-11-2019 (4 months, 18 days)
Lecture Multivariate Analysis 3 42 41 10-07-2019 To 28-11-2019 (4 months, 18 days)
Tutorial Multivariate Analysis 3 14 13 10-07-2019 To 28-11-2019 (4 months, 18 days)
Practical Data Analysis with R, SPSS and Excel 1 28 26 04-09-2023 To 22-12-2023 (3 months, 18 days)
Tutorial Measure Theory and Probability 3 16 13 25-08-2023 To 22-12-2023 (3 months, 27 days)
Lecture Survey Sampling and National Development Statistics 1 60 53 04-09-2023 To 22-12-2023 (3 months, 18 days)
Lecture Project (Part A) 3 63 61 25-08-2023 To 22-12-2023 (3 months, 27 days)
Lecture Measure Theory and Probability 3 64 54 25-08-2023 To 22-12-2023 (3 months, 27 days)
Practical Computer Applications in Statistics-I 1 28 26 04-09-2023 To 22-12-2023 (3 months, 18 days)
Practical Statistical Analytics for Data Science 2 30 28 22-01-2024 To 03-05-2024 (3 months, 11 days)
Lecture Multivariate Analysis 2 61 51 22-01-2024 To 03-05-2024 (3 months, 11 days)
Tutorial Survey Sampling and National Development Statistics 1 15 12 04-09-2023 To 22-12-2023 (3 months, 18 days)
Tutorial Multivariate Analysis 2 14 13 22-01-2024 To 03-05-2024 (3 months, 11 days)
Tutorial Multivariate Analysis for Data Science 2 14 13 22-01-2024 To 03-05-2024 (3 months, 11 days)
Lecture Project (Part B) 4 120 112 22-01-2024 To 03-05-2024 (3 months, 11 days)
Practical Computer Applications in Statistics-II 2 60 54 22-01-2024 To 03-05-2024 (3 months, 11 days)
Lecture Multivariate Analysis for Data Science 2 61 50 22-01-2024 To 03-05-2024 (3 months, 11 days)
Research Supervision Overview
PhD Scholars Supervised PhD Degrees Awarded Theses Submitted
M.Phil Scholars Supervised M.Phil Degrees Awarded M.Phil Theses Submitted
0 8 0
Research Publications
Title of Article Type of Publication Name of Journal ISSN Journal Volume Year Link to Article DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Treatment of weights adjustments in the presence of unit non-response for small domains: a simulation study Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 0361-0918 10.1080/03610918.2023.2280444

New efficient estimators for population mean using doubling sampling scheme in sample surveys. Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Bullentin of Mathematics and Statistics Research 2348-0580 10
Generalized memory-type estimators for time-based surveys: simulation experience and empirical results with birth weight dataset Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering 2520-1360 13 10.1007/s41872-023-00239-1

Improved estimators for population mean using auxiliary attribute in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Bullentin of Mathematics and Statistics Research 2348-0580 8
Generalized Chain Exponential Product in Regression Estimator for estimating the Mean in Nutritional and Agricultural Sciences Research Papers in UGC listed Journals International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences 2319-1775 10
Chain type estimators for population mean using the information on auxiliary variable and auxiliary attribute in sample surveys Research Papers in UGC listed Journals International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering 2456-2378 8
Improved two phase sampling exponential ratio and product type estimators for population mean of study character in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Communication in Statistics -Theory and Methods 1532-415X 48 10.1080/03610926.2018.1465082

Two phase sampling exponential type estimators for population mean using auxiliary attribute in the presence of non-response Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Int. J. Math. Stat 0973-8347 21
Estimation of ratio and product of two population means using exponential type estimators in sample surveys Research Papers in UGC listed Journals International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 0973-8347 19
Exponential type estimators for ratio and product of two population means using auxiliary character in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal Statistics and Economics 0975-556X 19
Estimation of population mean using auxiliary attribute in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Statistics 2210-1519 6 10.12785/ijcts/060106

Two phase sampling exponential type estimators for ratio and product of two population means in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Int. J. of Sci. Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 2348-4519 4
Improved exponential ratio and product type estimators for population mean in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Bullentin of Mathematics and Statistics Research 2348-0580. 5
Estimation of population proportion using auxiliary character in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies 2229-5666 8
Generalized chain ratio in regression estimators for population mean in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis 2070-5948 8 10.1285/i20705948v8n1p67

A generalized chain ratio in regression estimator for population mean using two auxiliary characters in sample survey Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Journal of Scientific Research, BHU 0447-9483 57
Generalized chain ratio regression and chain regression estimators for the population mean using two auxiliary characters in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies 2229-5666 7
Improved generalized chain estimators for ratio and product of two population means using two auxiliary characters in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Statistics and Economics 0975-556X 13
Generalized chain type estimators for ratio of two population means using two auxiliary characters in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal Statistics and Economics 0975-556X 10(1)
Chain ratio estimator for the population mean in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Statistics in Transition-new series 1234 7655 13(3)
Improved Classes of chain type estimators for ratio of two population means using two auxiliary characters in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Advanced Statistics and Probability 2307-9045 1(3) 10.14419/ijasp.v1i3.870

Chain type estimators for ratio of two population means using auxiliary characters in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Journal of Scientific Research, BHU 0447-9483 56
An improved class of estimators for population mean using auxiliary character in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals National Academic Science Letters 0250-541X 35(5) 10.1007/s40009-012-0059-1

Generalized chain estimators for the population mean in the presence of non-response Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences 0369-8203 81
The Impact of Regional Dietary Pattern on Maternal Health in India: A Comprehensive Review Research Papers in UGC listed Journals International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences 2319 1775 10(3)
Impact Study of the Jal Jeevan Mission Regarding Improved Rural Water Supply on Socio-Economic and Health Outcomes in the Bihar State Research Papers in UGC listed Journals International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences 2319 1775 10(3)
Non-Journal Publications
Title of Publication Type of Publication Publisher Role ISBN Year Link to Publication Level
Estimators for the product of two population means using auxiliary attribute in the presence of non-response Chapters in Books BP International, West Bengal, India Author 978-93-5547-602-9 International
A Review of Methods for Sample Size Determination Chapters in Books Edwin Group of Publications, Kathmandu, Nepal Co-Author 978-93-92446-87-3 International
Present and Future of Environment Friendly Renewable Energy Statistics: Global and Indian Perspective Chapters in Books Gayatri Publications, Rewa (MP), India Co-Author 978- 81- 87364 83-2 National
Study on generalized exponential type estimators for ratio of two population means using auxiliary attribute in the presence of non-response Chapters in Books BP International, West Bengal, India Author 978-93-5547-219-9 International
Professional Development Programmes
Programme Title Sponsoring Institution Organizing Institution Role Type of Programme
Refresher Course in Research Methodology (Interdisciplinary) UGC Jawaharlal Nehru University Attendee Refresher Program
3rd Faculty Induction Programme UGC Ranchi University, Ranchi Attendee Orientation Programme
Seminar / Conference Details / Workshops
Type of Activity Name of The Event Role Duration
Conference National conference on “Recent Trends in Mathematics & Statistics”, Conference 12-03-2012 To 13-03-2012 (1 days)
Seminars National Seminar on “Advances in Statistics and Associated Interdisciplinary Studies”. Seminars 28-03-2023 To 29-03-2023 (1 days)
Conference National Conference on “Bayesian Statistics & Its Emerging Applications (BSEA)”, Conference 09-12-2011 To 10-12-2011 (1 days)
Conference Conference on Applied Statistics and its Applications 2013 (CASA 2013)”, Conference 16-03-2013 To 17-03-2013 (1 days)
Conference International Conference on “New Trends in Life Testing, Bayesian Inference, Sampling Theory, Bio-statistics, Bio-informatics and Computer Application”. Conference 05-01-2011 To 08-01-2011 (3 days)
Conference National conference on “Recent Trends in Mathematics & Statistics (CORTMAS)” Conference 27-07-2013 To 28-07-2013 (1 days)
Seminars National Seminar on “New Dimensions in Statistics: Concepts and Issues (NDSCI)” Seminars 02-03-2012 To 04-03-2012 (2 days)
Conference International Conference on “Recent Trends of Computing in Mathematics, Statistics & Information Technologies (RTCMSIT)” Conference 09-03-2018 To 11-03-2018 (2 days)
Conference XXIX Annual Conference of IASP held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Conference 26-10-2007 To 28-10-2007 (2 days)
Workshops “Workshop Cum- Training Program on Stochastic Models and Their Applications” held at Banaras Hindu University Workshops 22-09-2008 To 04-10-2008 (12 days)
Workshops “Advanced Training Program (ATP) on Bayesian Statistics and Computation.” held at Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University organized by DST-CIMS. Workshops 21-12-2009 To 27-12-2009 (6 days)
Workshops The training program on “LATEX and other Open Source Software” held at Dept. of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University by DST Center for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences (CIMS). Workshops 01-04-2009 To 09-04-2009 (8 days)
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