Title Dr. First Name Roushan Last Name Kumar
Designation Associate Professor
Department Department of Mathematics
Email roushankumar@cub.ac.in
Phone.no 9507733055
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Educational Qualifications
Degree/Certification Name Institution Year of Completion
Ph.D. - Study of some problems under Generalized thermoelasticity and thermoelasticity with two temperatures IIT(BHU) Varanasi 2010
PG BHU, Varanasi 2004
UG BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur 2001
HSC B.I.E.C. Patna 1994
SSC B.S.S.E, Board, Patna 1992
Teaching Experience (Within Institution)
Designation Duration
Professor Presently Working since 05-08-2022 (2 years, 4 months, 21 days)
Assistant Professor 03-10-2009 To 13-03-2010 (5 months, 10 days)
Assistant Professor Presently Working since 14-08-2012 (12 years, 4 months, 12 days)
Assistant Professor 15-03-2010 To 10-08-2012 (2 years, 4 months, 26 days)
Associate Professor Presently Working since 05-08-2019 (5 years, 4 months, 21 days)
Teaching Experience (Outside Institution)
Designation Institute Duration
Assistant Professor G L A Group of Institution, Mathura 03-10-2009 To 13-03-2010 (5 months, 10 days)
Assistant Professor BIT Mesra 15-03-2010 To 10-08-2012 (2 years, 4 months, 26 days)
Administrative Experience (Within Institution)
Designation Duration
Head of Department of Mathematics Presently Working since 30-03-2022 (2 years, 8 months, 26 days)
Dean of School of Mathematics, statistics and computer science Presently Working since 29-01-2022 (2 years, 10 months, 27 days)
Research Supervision Overview
PhD Scholars Supervised PhD Degrees Awarded Theses Submitted
1 2 0
Research Publications
Title of Article Type of Publication Name of Journal ISSN Journal Volume Year Link to Article DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
A Domain of Influence Theorem for Thermoelasticity with Three-Phase-Lag Model Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals journal of Thermal Stresses 0149-5739 / 1521-074X 38(7) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01495739.2015.1040311 10.1080/01495739.2015.1040311

An investigation on thermoelastic interactions under two-temperature thermoelasticity with two relaxation parameters Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 1081-2865 / 1741-3028 21(6) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1081286514536429 10.1177/1081286514536429

Thermoelastic interactions on hyperbolic two-temperature generalized thermoelasticity in an infinite medium with a cylindrical cavity Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Europiaj Journal of Mechanics and Solids 0997-7538 / 1873-7285 82 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0997753819309003 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2020.104007

Effects of Phase Lags on Thermoelastic Damping in Micro-Beam Resonators Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS 0219-4554 / 1793-6764 19(09) https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0219455419710056?journalCode=ijssd 10.1142/S0219455419710056

A study of thermoelastic damping in micromechanical resonators under unified generalized thermoelasticity formulation Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Noise & Vibration Worldwide 50(06) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0957456519853814 doi.org/10.1177/09574565198538

Effects of phase-lag on thermoelastic damping in micromechanical resonators Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals journal of Thermal Stresses 0149-5739 / 1521-074X 41(9) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01495739.2018.1469061 10.1080/01495739.2018.1469061

On the characterization and stability of plane waves under hyperbolic two-temperature generalized thermoelasticity Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals journal of Thermal Stresses 0149-5739 / 1521-074X 43(12) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01495739.2020.1806764 10.1080/01495739.2020.1806764

Thermoelastic interactions on thick granular plate with three-phase-lag model under axisymmetric temperature distribution Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Waves in Random and Complex Media https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17455030.2021.1942306 10.1080/17455030.2021.1942306

Effect of two-temperature parameter on thermoelastic vibration in micro and nano beam resonator Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Europiaj Journal of Mechanics and Solids 0997-7538 / 1873-7285 89 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0997753821000863?via%3Dihub 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2021.104310

Significance of Memory Dependent Derivative Approach for the Analysis of Thermoelastic Damping in Micromechanical Resonators Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals MECHANICS OF TIME-DEPENDENT MATERIALS 1385-2000 / 1573-2738 26 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11043-020-09477-7 10.1007/s11043-020-09477-7

Reciprocal and variational theorems on the two-temperature Green-Lindsay thermoelasticity theory Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Archive of Applied Mechanics 0939-1533 / 1432-0681 93(4) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00419-022-02345-5 doi.org/10.1007/s00419-022-02345-5

Thermoelastic interactions on a thick granular plate with type II thermoelasticity under axisymmetric temperature distribution Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Waves in Random and Complex Media Granular mediumtype II thermoelasticitywave propagationaxisymmetric temperature distributiongeneralized thermoelasticity doi.org/10.1080/17455030.2022.2064561

Representation of solutions of strain gradient dual-phase-lag thermoelasticity and effects of scale-length parameter in half-space Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 1081-2865 / 1741-3028 28(7) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/10812865221124873 10.1177/10812865221124873

A Problem on Thermoelastic Interactions in an Infinite Medium with a Cylindrical Hole in Generalized Thermoelasticity III Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals journal of Thermal Stresses 0149-5739 / 1521-074X 31(5) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01495730801912561 10.1080/01495730801912561

Solution of a Problem of Generalized Thermoelasticity of an Annular Cylinder with Variable Material Properties by Finite Difference Method Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING 1472-7978 / 1875-8983 (15)2 https://cmst.eu/wp-content/uploads/files/10.12921_cmst.2009.15.02.169-176_Mukhopdhyay.pdf 10.12921/cmst.2009.15.02.169-176

Thermoelastic Interactions on Two-Temperature Generalized Thermoelasticity in an Infinite Medium with a Cylindrical Cavity Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals journal of Thermal Stresses 0149-5739 / 1521-074X 32 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01495730802637183 10.1080/01495730802637183

Effects of Three Phase Lags on Generalized Thermoelasticity for an Infinite Medium with a Cylindrical Cavity Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals journal of Thermal Stresses 0149-5739 / 1521-074X 32(11) https://sci-hub.soik.top/10.1080/01495730903249185 10.1080/01495730903249185

A problem on thermoelastic interactions without energy dissipation in an unbounded medium with a spherical cavity Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INDIA SECTION A-PHYSICAL SCIENCES 0369-8203 / 2250-1762 79(1) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288420088_A_problem_on_thermoelastic_interactions_without_energy_dissipation_in_an_unbounded_medium_with_a_spherical_cavity
A study of generalized thermoelastic interactions in an unbounded medium with a spherical cavity Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Computers & Mathematics with Applications 0898-1221 / 1873-7668 56(9) 10.1016/j.camwa.2008.05.031 10.1016/j.camwa.2008.05.031

Effects of thermal relaxation time on plane wave propagation under two-temperature thermoelasticity Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals International Journal of Engineering Science 0020-7225 / 1879-2197 48(2) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229122789_Effects_of_thermal_relaxation_time_on_plane_wave_propagation_under_two-temperature_thermoelasticity#fullTextFileContent 10.1016/j.ijengsci.2009.07.001

Analysis of the Effects of Phase-lags on Propagation of Harmonic Plane Waves in Thermoelastic Media Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Analysis of the Effects of Phase-lags on Propagation of Harmonic Plane Waves in Thermoelastic Media 1505-0602 16(1) https://cmst.eu/wp-content/uploads/files/10.12921_cmst.2010.16.01.19-28_Kumar.pdf 10.12921/cmst.2010.16.01.19-28

Analysis of phase-lag effects on wave propagation in a thick plate under axisymmetric temperature distribution Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Acta Mechanica 0001-5970 / 1619-6937 210(3) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00707-009-0209-9 10.1007/s00707-009-0209-9

Variational and Reciprocal Principles in Two-Temperature Generalized Thermoelasticity Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals journal of Thermal Stresses 0149-5739 / 1521-074X 33(3) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01495730903454678 10.1080/01495730903454678

State-space approach to thermoelastic interactions in generalized thermoelasticity type III Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Archive of Applied Mechanics 0939-1533 / 1432-0681 https://sci-hub.soik.top/10.1007/s00419-009-0345-7 10.1007/s00419-009-0345-7

On the Fundamental Solutions of Generalized Thermoelasticity with Three Phase-Lags Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals journal of Thermal Stresses 0149-5739 / 1521-074X 33(11) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01495739.2010.511897 10.1080/01495739.2010.511897

On the representation of solutions for the theory of generalized thermoelasticity with three phase-lags Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Acta Mechanica 214 https://sci-hub.soik.top/10.1007/s00707-010-0291-z 10.1007/s00707-010-0291-z

Propagation of harmonic plane waves under thermoelasticity with dual-phase-lags Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals International Journal of Engineering Science 48(12) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0020722510000807?via%3Dihub 10.1016/j.ijengsci.2010.04.011

On the theory of two-temperature thermoelasticity with two phase-lags Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Journal of Thermal Stresses 34 https://doi.org/10.1080/01495739.2010.550815 doi.org/10.1080/01495739.2010.550815

A Domain of Influence Theorem for Thermoelasticity with Dual Phase-Lags Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals journal of Thermal Stresses 0149-5739 / 1521-074X 34 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01495739.2010.511897 10.1080/01495739.2011.601257

Comments on the article “On the propagation of harmonic plane waves under the two-temperature theory” Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals International Journal of Engineering Science 0020-7225 / 1879-2197 51 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0020722511001169?via%3Dihub doi.org/10.1016/j.ijengsci.2011.05.014

Variational and Reciprocal Principles in Type-III Thermoelasticity Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Mathematics and Mech. With Solids 13 journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1081286511399015 https://doi.org/10.1177/1081286511399015

Effects of phase lags on wave propagation in an infinite solid due to a continuous line heat source Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Acta Mechanica 217 link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00707-010-0389-3 DOI 10.1007/s00707-010-0389-3

Research Projects
Project Title Project Type Year Of Sanction Outcome/Output Duration
Wave propagation in Thermoelastic Media Minor 2013 30-03-2013 To 29-03-2015 (1 years, 11 months, 27 days)
Professional Development Programmes
Programme Title Sponsoring Institution Organizing Institution Role Type of Programme
Refresher Programme in Basic Science Delhi University CPDHE, Delhi University Attendee Refresher Program
Orientation Programme Patna University, Patna ASC Patna University Attendee Orientation Programme
Talk Poster Presented
Name of the Activity Role Date of Activity
Keynote Speech Speaker 03-06-2024
Plenary speaker Speaker 19-03-2024
Seminar / Conference Details / Workshops
Type of Activity Name of The Event Role Duration
Workshops 1. Advance instructional school on partial differential equation Workshops 15-12-2008 To 06-01-2009 (22 days)
Workshops academic writing for research scholars Workshops 11-12-2007 To 15-12-2007 (4 days)
Conference International conference on elliptic differential equation Conference 07-01-2009 To 07-01-2009 ()
Workshops BHU Summer school of computing Workshops 07-04-2008 To 19-04-2008 (12 days)
Conference National seminar on emerging aeras in mathematics and application Conference 18-02-2009 To 20-02-2009 (2 days)
Conference High Performance Computing & Applications Conference 25-02-2008 To 27-02-2008 (2 days)
Workshops Nonlinear functional Analysis and its Application Workshops 21-10-2013 To 29-10-2013 (8 days)
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