Research Publications
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Natural radionuclides in Fish Species from Surface Water of Bagjata and Banduhurang Uranium Mining Areas, East Singhbhum, Jharkhand, India.
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
International Journal of Radiation Biology
86 |
Evaluation of radionuclides in groundwater around proposed uranium mining sites at Bagjata and Banduhurang, Jharkhand (India)
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
46 |
Evaluation of Metal Contamination in Surface and Groundwater around a Proposed Uranium Mining Site, Jharkhand, India.
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Mine Water and the Environment
29 |
Ingestion of U(nat) , 226Ra, 230Th, and 210Po in vegetables by adult inhabitants of Bagjata uranium mining area, Jharkhand, India.
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
45 |
Risk assessment due to ingestion of natural radionuclides and heavy metals in the milk samples: A case study from a proposed uranium mining area, Jharkhand
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Environment monitoring and assessment
175 |
Dose estimates for the local inhabitants from 210Po ingestion via dietary sources at a proposed Uranium mining site in India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
International Journal of Radiation Biology
88 |
Human health risk and ecological risk assessment of metals in fishes, shrimps and sediment from a tropical river
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
12 |
Risk assessment, statistical source identification and seasonal fluctuation of dissolved metals in the Subarnarekha River, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Journal of Hazardous materials
265 |
Heavy metals in fish species, sediment and surface water around two proposed uranium mining areas in India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution
11 |
Risk assessment due to intake of heavy metals through the ingestion of ground water around two proposed uranium mining areas in Jharkhand, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Environment monitoring and assessment
184 |
Risk Assessment (chemical and radiological) due to intake of uranium through the ingestion of drinking water around two proposed uranium mining areas, Jharkhand, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
47 |
Assessment of Surface water quality using heavy metal pollution index in Subarnarekha River, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Exposure and Health
5 |
Source and distribution of metals in bed sediments of Subarnarekha River, India.
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Environmental Earth Sciences
70 |
Assessment of human health risk for heavy metals in fish and shrimp collected from Subarnarekha river, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
International Journal of Environmental Health Research
24 |
Estimation of annual effective dose due to ingestion of natural radionuclides in foodstuffs and water at a proposed Uranium mining site in India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
International Journal of Radiation Biology
89 |
Monte Carlo simulation-based probabilistic health risk assessment of metals in groundwater via ingestion pathway in the mining areas of Singhbhum copper belt, India.
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
International Journal of Environmental Health Research
30 |
Metal contamination of groundwater in the mica mining areas of Jharkhand: assessing seasonal variation, sources and human health risk
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
103 |
Evaluation of metal contamination, flux and the associated human health risk from atmospheric dustfall in metal mining areas of Southern Jharkhand, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
29 |
Fluoride exposure and its potential health risk assessment through ingestion of food in the mica mining areas of Jharkhand, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal
28 |
Development of a new noncarcinogenic heavy metal pollution index for quality ranking of vegetable, rice, and milk
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Ecological Indicators
113 |
Human health risk assessment due to metals in cow’s milk from Singhbhum copper and iron mining areas, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Journal of Food Science and Technology
57 |
Multivariate linear regression models for predicting metal content and sources in leafy vegetables and human health risk assessment in metal mining areas of Southern Jharkhand, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
28 |
Heavy metals in eggs and chicken and the associated health risk assessment in the mining areas of Singhbhum Copper Belt, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health
74 |
Spatio-temporal variations of metals in groundwater from an iron mining impacted area: Assessing sources and human health risk
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Total Environment Research Themes
8 |
Major ion chemistry and hydrochemical processes controlling water composition of Teesta River catchment, Sikkim Himalaya, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
103 |
Assessment of metal pollution in groundwater using a novel multivariate metal pollution index in the mining areas of the Singhbhum copper belt
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Environmental Earth Sciences
78 |
Groundwater Geochemical Investigation and Quality Assessment for Drinking and Irrigation Uses in Sohagpur Coalfield, Madhya Pradesh, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Environmental Forensics
Integrated approaches to identify the major controlling factors of groundwater chemistry and quality assessment for suitability of different uses in West Singhbhum, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Environmental Earth Sciences
80 |
Assessment of metal pollution and human health risks in road dust from mineral rich zone of East Singhbhum, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Environmental Geochemistry and Health
45 |
Non-carcinogenic health risk assessment for fluoride and nitrate in the groundwater of the mica belt of Jharkhand, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal
27 |
Fluoride and Metals in the Agricultural Soils of Mica Mining Areas of Jharkhand, India: Assessing the Ecological and Human Health Risk
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal
Metal contamination of agricultural soils in the copper mining areas of Singhbhum shear zone in India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Journal of Earth System Science
126 |
Metals in some edible fish and shrimp species collected in dry season from Subarnarekha River, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
95 |
Spatial and temporal variation in distribution of metals in bed sediments of Subarnarekha River, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
9 |
Human health risk assessment via drinking water pathway due to metal contamination in the groundwater of Subarnarekha River Basin, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Environment monitoring and assessment
187 |
Human health risk assessment due to dietary intake of heavy metals through rice in the mining areas of Singhbhum copper belt, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
24 |
Spatial distribution of metal(loid)s in groundwater of a mining dominated area: recognizing metal(loid) sources and assessing carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic human health risk
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
96 |
Ecological and Human health risk assessment of agricultural soils based on heavy metals in mining areas of Singhbhum copper belt, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal
23 |
Fluvial geochemistry of Subarnarekha River basin, India: Implications for weathering and solute acquisition processes and water quality assessment
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Journal of Earth System Science
127 |
Nitrate Contamination in the Groundwater and Associated Human Health Risk Assessment for Gaya District, Bihar, India
Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals
Environmental Claims Journal
Human health risk assessment of metal contamination in cereals and pulses in the mica mining areas of Jharkhand, India
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances
Spatial variations in metals of groundwater in Naini industrial area: assessing probable sources and human health risk,
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Fluoride and nitrate contamination in groundwater of Naini Industrial Area, Uttar Pradesh: assessing non-carcinogenic human health risk.
Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals
Groundwater for Sustainable Development
28 |