Title Dr. First Name Abhay Last Name Ekka
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Department of English
Email abhayleonard@cusb.ac.in
Phone.no 9454732196
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Educational Qualifications
Degree/Certification Name Institution Year of Completion
Ph.D. - The Fictional World of Suniti Namjoshi: A Study of Cross-Cultural Milieu Central University of South Bihar, Gaya 2024
PG Faculty of Education, Banaras Hindu University 2008
UG Faculty of Education, Banaras Hindu University 2007
PG Banaras Hindu University 2006
UG University of Allahabad 1999
Diploma Prayag Sangeet Samiti Alaahabad 1997
Diploma Prayag Sangeet Samiti Alaahabad 1997
HSC Bihar Intermediate Examination Council, Patna 1993
SSC Bihar Board, Patna 1991
HSC Bihar School Examination Board 1991
Examination Name Conducting Body Date of Passing
Others Banaras Hindu University 04-07-2006
NET UGC - National Educational Testing Bureau 30-06-2006
Others Department of English and Foreign languages, CUSB, Gaya, Bihar, India 29-01-2024
Student Name Student's Affiliation Mentoring Duration
Shaja Shahab Student 07-07-2023 To 30-06-2025 (1 years, 11 months, 23 days)
Shubhangi Sharma Student 07-07-2022 To 30-06-2024 (1 years, 11 months, 23 days)
Saumya Bharti Student 07-07-2022 To 30-06-2024 (1 years, 11 months, 23 days)
Saloni Kumari Student 07-07-2022 To 30-06-2024 (1 years, 11 months, 23 days)
Priti Bharti Student 07-07-2023 To 30-06-2025 (1 years, 11 months, 23 days)
Kumari Samagi Student 07-07-2023 To 30-06-2025 (1 years, 11 months, 23 days)
Divya Kumari Student 07-07-2023 To 30-06-2025 (1 years, 11 months, 23 days)
Surbhi Kumari Student 06-07-2020 To 30-06-2022 (1 years, 11 months, 24 days)
Binod Vyas Student 06-07-2020 To 30-06-2022 (1 years, 11 months, 24 days)
Aditi Singh Student 06-07-2020 To 30-06-2022 (1 years, 11 months, 24 days)
Sonal Singh Student 06-07-2020 To 30-06-2022 (1 years, 11 months, 24 days)
Saumya Bharti Student 07-07-2022 To 29-06-2024 (1 years, 11 months, 22 days)
Namarata Kumari Student 05-07-2021 To 30-06-2023 (1 years, 11 months, 25 days)
Asifa K. Student 05-07-2021 To 30-06-2023 (1 years, 11 months, 25 days)
Teaching Experience (Within Institution)
Designation Duration
Assistant Professor Presently Working since 09-01-2016 (9 years, 2 months, 5 days)
Teaching Experience (Outside Institution)
Designation Institute Duration
Assistant Professor DAV PG College, Varanasi 10-09-2008 To 08-01-2016 (7 years, 3 months, 29 days)
Administrative Experience (Within Institution)
Designation Duration
Administrative Warden 05-08-2018 To 30-03-2020 (1 years, 7 months, 25 days)
Patrolling cum EVM Collecting Magistrate Magistrate Presently Working since 03-04-2019 (5 years, 11 months, 11 days)
Patrolling cum EVM Collecting Magistrate Magistrate Presently Working since 28-09-2020 (4 years, 5 months, 14 days)
Centre Observer to conduct NEET Examination 28-04-2017 To 30-04-2018 (1 years, 2 days)
Counting Micro Observer 04-09-2021 To 25-09-2021 (21 days)
Member of DRDC Presently Working since 27-01-2019 (6 years, 1 months, 15 days)
Coordinator of the Departmental Attendance Committee Presently Working since 02-12-2020 (4 years, 3 months, 12 days)
Deputy Superintendent of Odd Semester Examination 10-12-2020 To 31-07-2021 (7 months, 21 days)
Member of Departmental Admission Committee Presently Working since 10-09-2021 (3 years, 6 months, 4 days)
Member of the Board of Examiner Presently Working since 18-03-2023 (1 years, 11 months, 24 days)
Member of Discipline and Grievance Redressal Committee 10-12-2020 To 10-12-2022 (2 years)
Member of Board of Studies Presently Working since 10-09-2020 (4 years, 6 months, 4 days)
Administrative Experience (Outside Institution)
Designation Institute Duration
Member of the Editorial Board of the College Magazine "Prabha" DAV PG College, Varanasi 06-07-2009 To 31-12-2015 (6 years, 5 months, 25 days)
Member of the college Proctorial Board DAV PG College Varanasi 14-08-2014 To 31-12-2015 (1 years, 4 months, 17 days)
Coordinator of the Admission Committee of the UG Course DAV PG College Varanasi 09-07-2012 To 30-06-2015 (2 years, 11 months, 21 days)
Question Paper Setter and Evaluator of the Certificate and Diploma Course Examination Banaras Hindu University 09-03-2012 To 09-03-2015 (3 years)
Courses/Subjects Taught
Teaching Activity Type Course Title Semester Total Assigned Classes Number of Classes Taught Duration
Lecture American Literatur 3 40 40 07-07-2016 To 23-12-2016 (5 months, 16 days)
Lecture History of English Language and Literature 5 45 45 07-07-2016 To 15-12-2016 (5 months, 8 days)
Lecture Tools and Techniques of Research 1 30 30 02-01-2017 To 19-05-2017 (4 months, 17 days)
Lecture Eighteenth Century British Literature 1 40 40 07-07-2016 To 15-12-2016 (5 months, 8 days)
Lecture Literary Criticism 7 45 45 07-07-2016 To 15-12-2016 (5 months, 8 days)
Lecture Literary Criticism 6 45 45 02-01-2018 To 15-05-2018 (4 months, 13 days)
Lecture MAENG1003CO4 4 60 60 02-01-2018 To 15-05-2018 (4 months, 13 days)
Lecture American Literatur 3 40 40 07-07-2017 To 15-12-2017 (5 months, 8 days)
Lecture American Literatur 8 30 30 04-01-2021 To 28-05-2021 (4 months, 24 days)
Lecture European Literature in English Translation 4 60 30 04-01-2021 To 07-05-2021 (4 months, 3 days)
Lecture American Literatur 3 60 30 05-07-2021 To 10-12-2021 (5 months, 5 days)
Lecture Indian English Poetry and Drama 6 45 45 04-01-2021 To 28-05-2021 (4 months, 24 days)
Lecture Eighteenth Century British Literature 1 60 60 07-07-2020 To 11-12-2020 (5 months, 4 days)
Lecture Eighteenth Century British Literature 1 60 30 07-07-2021 To 10-12-2021 (5 months, 3 days)
Lecture History of English Language and Literature I 5 45 45 07-07-2020 To 11-12-2020 (5 months, 4 days)
Lecture American Literatur 8 45 45 03-01-2020 To 08-05-2020 (4 months, 5 days)
Lecture Legal English II 2 60 60 06-01-2020 To 11-05-2020 (4 months, 5 days)
Lecture Eighteenth Century British Literature 1 60 60 08-07-2019 To 10-12-2019 (5 months, 2 days)
Lecture Literary Criticism 7 45 45 08-07-2019 To 10-12-2019 (5 months, 2 days)
Lecture American Literature 3 60 60 07-01-2019 To 10-05-2019 (4 months, 3 days)
Lecture American Literatur 3 60 60 07-07-2020 To 11-12-2020 (5 months, 4 days)
Lecture Literary Criticism: Major Texts 3 60 60 08-07-2019 To 10-12-2019 (5 months, 2 days)
Lecture European Literature in English Translation 4 60 60 07-01-2019 To 10-05-2019 (4 months, 3 days)
Lecture Introduction to Contemporary Literary Theory and Practical Criticism 8 45 45 08-07-2019 To 10-12-2019 (5 months, 2 days)
Lecture American Literatur 8 45 45 07-01-2019 To 15-05-2019 (4 months, 8 days)
Lecture Indian English Poetry and Drama 7 45 45 08-07-2019 To 10-12-2019 (5 months, 2 days)
Lecture History of English Language and Literature II 6 45 45 07-01-2019 To 15-05-2019 (4 months, 8 days)
Lecture ENG 402 Indian English Novel 6 45 45 02-01-2018 To 15-05-2018 (4 months, 13 days)
Lecture Legal English II 2 60 60 03-01-2023 To 12-05-2023 (4 months, 9 days)
Lecture European Literature in English Translation 4 60 60 03-01-2020 To 15-05-2020 (4 months, 12 days)
Lecture American Literatur 8 45 45 03-01-2023 To 12-05-2023 (4 months, 9 days)
Lecture European Literature in English Translation 4 60 60 03-01-2023 To 12-05-2023 (4 months, 9 days)
Lecture Indian English Poetry and Drama 6 45 45 06-01-2020 To 30-06-2020 (5 months, 24 days)
Lecture American Literatur 8 45 45 03-01-2022 To 13-05-2022 (4 months, 10 days)
Lecture History of English Language and Literature I 5 45 45 07-07-2022 To 09-12-2022 (5 months, 2 days)
Lecture Soft Skills and Personality Development 1 30 30 07-07-2022 To 09-12-2022 (5 months, 2 days)
Lecture European Literature in English Translation 4 60 60 03-01-2022 To 13-05-2022 (4 months, 10 days)
Lecture American Literatur 3 60 60 07-07-2022 To 09-12-2022 (5 months, 2 days)
Lecture History of English Language and Literature I 5 45 36 07-07-2021 To 10-12-2021 (5 months, 3 days)
Lecture Indian English Poetry and Drama 6 30 30 02-01-2017 To 30-06-2017 (5 months, 28 days)
Professional Body Associations
Professional Agency Name Name of Activity Year of Association
World Association of Authors and Researchers Life Member 2021
Social Research Foundation, Kanpur Member of Reviewer and Editorial Board 2024
Social Research Foundation, Kanpur Member of Reviewer and Editorial Board 2024
Research Supervision Overview
PhD Scholars Supervised PhD Degrees Awarded Theses Submitted
2 0 0
M.Phil Scholars Supervised M.Phil Degrees Awarded M.Phil Theses Submitted
3 2 0
Research Publications
Title of Article Type of Publication Name of Journal ISSN Journal Volume Year Link to Article DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Cognitive Transformation: A Method of Change in the Works of Suniti Namjoshi Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Akshara 0975-5373 Number 13
Changing Selves: Making lesbian Identity of Suniti Namjoshi Research Papers in Care Listed Journals Atishay Kalit 2277-419XRNI-RAJBIL01578/2011-TC Vol. 10,
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: A Study in the light of Sufism Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Shodh Drishti 0976-6650 Vol. 5, No. 7
Transformation of Folklore in Suniti Namjoshi's Literary Works Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Innovation the Research concept ISSN: 2456–5474 Vol. IX, Issue - 1 http://www.socialresearchfoundation.com/innovation.php#8 RNI No. UPBIL/2016/68367 DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10653498

Cognitive Transformation: A Method of Change in the Works of Suniti Namjoshi Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Anukriti: An International Refereed Research Journal 2250-1193 Year 4, No. 7
Non-Journal Publications
Title of Publication Type of Publication Publisher Role ISBN Year Link to Publication Level
"Appropriation and Rejuvenation of Folklore in Suniti Namjoshi's Works" Chapters in Books Authors Press Author 978-93-5529--869-0 International
"Aadiwasis'Love for Liberty and Freedom and the Indian Struggle for Independence" Chapters in Books Yking Books Author 978-93-92240-76-8 National
Professional Development Programmes
Programme Title Sponsoring Institution Organizing Institution Role Type of Programme
"APPROACH TOWARDS HIGH QUALITY RESEARCH" Amity University Kolkata Amity Business School, Amity University Kolkota Attendee Faculty Development Programmes
Refresher Course in Environmental Studies & Disaster Management UGC UGC - Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi Attendee Refresher Program
61st Orientation Course UGC UGC Academic Staff College, Banaras Hindu University Attendee Orientation Programme
"BADALTA BHARATIYA PARIDRISHYA: SAHITYA, SANSKRITI, SANCHAR AUR MANOVIGYAN" Ministry of Human Resource Development, PMMMNMT Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, University of Delhi Attendee Faculty Development Programmes
"SAHITYA, MEDIA, MANOVIGYAN AUR VANIJYA KE VIVIDH AAYAM" Ministry of Human Resource Development, PMMMNMT Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, University of Delhi Attendee Faculty Development Programmes
Online Refresher Course on "Post 1950s Literature in English: Text and Context" UGC HRDC, Guru Ghasidas Vishvavidhyalaya, Bilaspur, C.G. Attendee Refresher Program
Talk Poster Presented
Name of the Activity Role Date of Activity
Chaired a technical session in a two-day International conference Chair 29-04-2016
Chaired a technical session in the National Seminar organized by KMMM, Purulia, W.B. Chair 28-03-2023
The event was organized by Kashipur Michael Madhusudan Mahavidyalaya, Purulia, W.B. Panelist 28-03-2023
Delivered lecture to the students of Kashipur Michael Madhusudan Mahavidyalaya, Purulia, W. B. Speaker 28-06-2021
Delivered online lecture to the students of Kashipur Michael Madhusudan Mahavidyalaya, Purulia, W. B. Speaker 26-06-2021
Seminar / Conference Details / Workshops
Type of Activity Name of The Event Role Duration
Workshops A Two-Day Workshop on Speaking Skills Workshops 06-02-2017 To 07-02-2017 (1 days)
Seminars Shakespeare: The Stage and the State Seminars 26-11-2016 To 26-11-2016 ()
Webinar Research Methodology and SPSS Webinar 08-06-2020 To 09-06-2020 (1 days)
Seminars Contemporary South-Asian Literature Seminars 20-03-2017 To 21-03-2017 (1 days)
Webinar International Symposium on “Environment and Vedic Wisdom Webinar 05-06-2020 To 05-06-2020 ()
Seminars Narratives of Freedom in Indian English Literature Seminars 29-04-2016 To 30-04-2016 (1 days)
Seminars Challenges and Prospects of Indian Culture in Present Times Seminars 29-03-2014 To 30-03-2014 (1 days)
Seminars National Seminar on the relevance of Social Norms in Modern Times Seminars 22-02-2011 To 23-02-2011 (1 days)
Seminars National Seminar on Women Empowerment: Challenges and Solution Seminars 08-03-2011 To 08-03-2011 ()
Conference Decolonizing the Stage: Paradigm, Practice and Politics Conference 15-11-2011 To 17-11-2011 (2 days)
Conference Debating the Post-truth Phenomenon: Literature, Culture and Critical Discourse Conference 19-12-2018 To 20-12-2018 (1 days)
Conference 7th biennial World Shakespeare Conference on Shakespeare across Cultures Conference 03-12-2012 To 05-12-2012 (2 days)
Seminars Reading/Understanding Fiction in Contemporary Times Seminars 05-03-2014 To 06-03-2014 (1 days)
Conference Translation and Multilingualism Conference 06-03-2009 To 07-03-2009 (1 days)
Conference Imagining India: Discourse of the Nation Conference 18-12-2009 To 19-12-2009 (1 days)
Conference International Conference on Diaspora and Homeland Conference 18-01-2019 To 19-01-2019 (1 days)
Conference Covid 19 Pandemic: Its Impact on Higher Education, Resurgence of e-Learning and Future Prospects Conference 22-06-2020 To 22-06-2020 ()
Conference Approaching Indigenous Indian Literary Texts in a Comparative Framework: The Case of the 16th Century Lakshmi Purana Conference 05-02-2022 To 05-02-2022 ()
Seminars Samaj Ke Vikas mein Uchh Siksha ki Bhumika Seminars 21-02-2009 To 21-02-2009 ()
Conference Approaching Indigenous Indian Literary Texts in a Comparative Framework: The Case of the 16th Century Lakshmi Purana Conference 29-01-2022 To 29-01-2022 ()
Workshops Symposium on Feminist Methodology Workshops 29-09-2011 To 30-09-2011 (1 days)
Workshops National Workshop on Research Methodology Workshops 30-03-2010 To 31-03-2010 (1 days)
Workshops Bhartiya Mahilaon ki Asmita ki Raksha mein Samaj evam Kanooni Prakriya ki Bhumika Workshops 23-10-2013 To 29-10-2013 (6 days)
Webinar National Webinar on “Gender Matters: Texts and Contexts Webinar 22-07-2020 To 23-07-2020 (1 days)
Seminars Folklores of India: Texts and Contexts Seminars 04-11-2022 To 05-11-2022 (1 days)
Seminars The Saga of Unsung Tribal Heroes of Freedom Movement of India Projected in History, Literature and Print Media Seminars 28-03-2023 To 29-03-2023 (1 days)
Webinar Online Teaching Learning Process and Assessment during Covid – 19 Pandemic Webinar 30-06-2020 To 30-06-2020 ()
Workshops Workshop on Phonetics and Communication Skills 2019 Workshops 13-03-2019 To 14-03-2019 (1 days)
Seminars An Interdisciplinary National Seminar on Stress Management through Yoga Seminars 20-10-2014 To 21-10-2014 (1 days)
Seminars Bhartiya Bhasha Madhyam se Uchh Shiksha: Sambhawnayen, Chunautiyan evam Shikshkon ki Taiyari Seminars 15-09-2022 To 16-09-2022 (1 days)
Workshops One Day Eastern Region Consultation Workshop wit Civil Society Groups on National Curriculum Framework (Bihar & West Bengal) Workshops 13-08-2022 To 13-08-2022 ()
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