Title Prof. First Name Renu Last Name Deswal
Designation Senior Professor
Department Department of Botany
Email rdeswal@botany.du.ac.in
Phone.no 9711742276
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Educational Qualifications
Degree/Certification Name Institution Year of Completion
M.Phil. Jawaharlal Nehru University 1989
PG Jawaharlal Nehru University 1987
UG University of Delhi 1985
Fellowship Details
Name Of Fellowship Awarding Body Fellowship Level
Overseas fellowship (2006-07) to Canada, University of Western Ontario Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India International
International training programme in Biotechnology at National Biotechnology Institute, Brunswick, Germany German Govt International
European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and Federation of European Biochemical Society (FEBS) Fellowship European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and Federation of European Biochemical Society (FEBS) International
Collaborative Activities
Title of Collaboration Name of Collaborative Agency Year Of Collaboration Duration (in months)
Prof. Neera Bhalla Sarin Jawaharlal Nehru university 2002 24
Dr. Jayanti Sen National Institute for Plant Genome Research 2004 24
Sudhir K. Sopory, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi. 2010 24
Prof. H.S Dhaliwal IIT Roorkee 2005 24
Dr. Ronald Frank, National Biotechnology Centre, Germany 2007 24
Dr. Pravindra Kumar and Dr. H.S. Dhaliwal, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India 2012 24
Prof. Johan Meijer Department of Plant Biology, Uppsala, Swedish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden 2017 12
Research Supervision Overview
PhD Scholars Supervised PhD Degrees Awarded Theses Submitted
5 15 0
M.Phil Scholars Supervised M.Phil Degrees Awarded M.Phil Theses Submitted
0 18 0
Research Publications
Title of Article Type of Publication Name of Journal ISSN Journal Volume Year Link to Article DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of denitrosylases (S-nitrosoglutathione reductases and NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductases) in Brassica juncea Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Biotechnology Reports 17 2023 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11816-023-00831-y

Dioscorea alata Tuber Proteome Analysis Uncovers Differentially Regulated Growth-associated Pathways of Tuber Development Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant cell Physiology 00320781 62 2021 https://academic.oup.com/pcp/article/62/1/191/6031920 10.1093/pcp/pcaa151

Analysis of temporally evolved nanoparticles-protein corona highlighted the potential ability of gold nanoparticles to stably interact with proteins and influence the major biochemicals pathways in Brassica juncea Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 0981-9428 146 2020 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0981942819304450 10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.10.036.

Comparative fatty acid profiling of Indian Seabuckthorn showed altitudinal gradient dependent species-specific variations Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 0974-0430 26 2019 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12298-019-00720-1 10.1007/s12298-019-00720-1

Cold modulated nuclear S-nitrosoproteome analysis indicates redox modulation of novel Brassicaceae specific, myrosinase and napin in Brassica juncea. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Environmental and Experimental Botany 0098-8472 161 2019 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0098847218310049 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2018.10.010

Purification of dual-functioning chitinases with hydrolytic and antifreeze activities from Hippophae rhamnoides seedlings. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Proteins and Proteomics 2524-4663 10 2019 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42485-019-00007-9 10.1007/s42485-019-00007-9

Ecophysiolomic analysis of stress tolerant Himalayan shrub Hipppophae rhamnoides shows multifactorial acclimation strategies induced by diverse environmental conditions. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Physiologia plantarum 1399-3054 168 2019 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ppl.12942 doi.org/10.1111/ppl.12942

Two ICE isoforms showing differential transcriptional regulation by cold and hormones participate in Brassica juncea cold stress signaling Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Gene 2073-4425 695 2019 10.1016/j.gene.2019.02.005

Single pot synthesised gold nanoparticles using Hippophae rhamnoides leaf and berry extract showed shape dependent differential nanobiotechnological applications. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology 1615-9314 41 2018 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/21691401.2018.1458034?needAccess=true 10.1080/21691401.2018.1458034.

Single‐step purification and characterization of antifreeze proteins from leaf and berry of a freeze tolerant shrub Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides). Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of separation science 2524-4663 41 2018 https://analyticalsciencejournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jssc.201800553 10.1002/jssc.201800553

Green silver nanoparticles from novel Brassicaceae cultivars with enhanced antimicrobial potential than earlier reported Brassicaceae members. 47, 1-11. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 0946672X 47 2018 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0946672X17308246 10.1016/j.jtemb.2018.01.001

Brassica juncea nitric oxide synthase like activity is stimulated by PKC activators and calcium suggesting modulation by PKC-like kinase Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 0981-9428 60 2012 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0981942812002240 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2012.08.005

Ectopic overexpression of a salt stress-induced pathogenesis-related class 10 protein (PR10) gene from peanut (Arachish hypogaeaL.) affords broad spectrum abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 1573-5044 Print ISSN 0167-6857 109 2011 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11240-011-0069-6 DOI 10.1007/s11240-011-0069-6

Characterization and Functional Validation of Tobacco PLC Delta for Abiotic Stress Tolerance Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 1572-9818 Print ISSN 0735-9640 30 2011 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11105-011-0360-z DOI 10.1007/s11105-011-0360-z

Biochemical and immunochemical characterization of Brassica juncea glyoxalase I. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Phytochemistry 0031-9422 49(8) 1998 10.1016/S0031-9422(98)00334-3

The glyoxalase system in higher plants: Regulation in growth and differentiation. , Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Biochemical Society Transactions 1470-8752 21 10.1042/bst0210527

Asada-Halliwell pathway maintains redox status in Dioscorea alata tuber which helps in germination. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Science 0168-9452 250 2016 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168945216300917 10.1016/j.plantsci.2016.05.013

Analysis of temporally evolved nanoparticles-protein corona highlighted the potential ability of gold nanoparticles to stably interact with proteins and influence the major biochemicals pathways in Brassica juncea Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 0981-9428 146 2020 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0981942819304450
Mining the Protein Repertoire of a Himalayan Shrub, Hippophae rhamnoides for Antifreeze Proteins. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Proteins and Proteomics 2524-4663 7(2) 2016 15.09.2016

Hippophae rhamnoides N-glycoproteome Analysis - A Small Step towards Seabuckthorn Proteome Mining. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 0974-0430 Print ISSN 0971-5894 22(4) 2016 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27924120/ 10.1007/s12298-016-0390-y

Identification and Functional Annotation of Apoplastic Phosphoproteins of Hippophae rhamnoides Seedlings. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Proteins & Proteomics 2524-4663 7(4) 2016 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311718124_IDENTIFICATION_AND_FUNCTIONAL_ANNOTATION_OF_APOPLASTIC_PHOSPHOPROTEINS_OF_HIPPOPHAE_RHAMNOIDES_SEEDLINGS 14.12.2016

Phytochemical and Proteomic Analysis of a High Altitude Medicinal Mushroom Cordyceps Sinensis. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Proteins & Proteomics 2524-4663 7(3) 2016 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316240578_PHYTOCHEMICAL_AND_PROTEOMIC_ANALYSIS_OF_A_HIGH_ALTITUDE_MEDICINAL_MUSHROOM_CORDYCEPS_SINENSIS 28.09.2016

Identification and insilico analysis of major redox modulated proteins from Brassica juncea seedlings using 2D redox SDS-PAGE (2-Dimensional diagonal redox sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). Research Papers in UGC listed Journals The Protein Journal 1573-4943 Print ISSN 1572-3887 36(1) 2017 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28185045/ 10.1007/s10930-017-9698-x.

Characterization of Ganoderma lucidum: Phytochemical and Proteomic Approach Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Proteins & Proteomics 01.01.2017 8(1) 2017 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319351866_CHARACTERIZATION_OF_GANODERMA_LUCIDUM_PHYTOCHEMICAL_AND_PROTEOMIC_APPROACH 01.01.2017

Dioscorea alata Tuber Proteome Analysis Uncovers Differentially Regulated Growth-associated Pathways of Tuber Development Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant cell Physiology 00320781, 14719053 114 2021 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28292708/ 10.1093/pcp/pcaa151

A novel class I Chitinase from Hippophae rhamnoides: Indications for participating in ICE-CBF cold stress signaling pathway. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Science 0168-9452 259 2017 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28483054/ 10.1016/j.plantsci.2017.03.004

A simple chromatographic procedure for co-purification of calreticulin and calmodulin from Brassica juncea seedlings. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IJBB) 0975-0959 54 2017 https://nopr.niscpr.res.in/bitstream/123456789/43365/1/IJBB%2054%286%29%20281-290.pdf http://nopr.niscair.res.in/handle/123456789/43365

Nitric oxide (NO) modulates low temperature-stress signaling via S-nitrosation, a NO PTM, inducing ethylene biosynthesis inhibition leading to enhanced post-harvest shelf-life … Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 29 2023 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12298-023-01371-z

Photosynthesis regulation, cell membrane stabilization and methylglyoxal detoxification seems major altered pathways under cold stress as revealed by integrated multi-omics Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 29 2023 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12298-023-01367-9

Brassica juncea leaf cuticle contains xylose and mannose (xylomannan) which inhibit ice recrystallization on the leaf surface Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Planta 1863-5474 258 2023 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-023-04203-2

N-Linked Glycoproteome Analysis of Diosorea alata Tuber Shows Atypical Glycosylation and Indicates Central Role of Glycosylated Proteins in Tuber Maturation Research Papers in UGC listed Journals The Protein Journal 1875-8355(electronic);1572-3887(print) 42 2023 10.1007/s10930-023-10094-9

Genomics and proteomics evidence for the presence of multiple forms of S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR) in Brassica juncea Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Phytomorphology 0031-9449 72 2022 http://www.ispm.co.in/7234/3.html 10.56024/ispm.72.3&4.2022/69-82

Phytonanotechnology: Recent applications and the role of Biocorona Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IJBB) 59 2022 10.56042/ijbb.v59i4.61967

Comparative proteome profiling of seabuckthorn leaves from low altitude ‘Sikkim’ and high altitude ‘Himachal Pradesh’ Himalayan region hints towards differential stress adaptive responses Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Proteins and Proteomics 1535-3907 (electronic); 1535-3893 (print) 12 2021 10.1007/s42485-021-00063-0

Brassica juncea leaf cuticle proteome analysis shows myrosinase protein, antifreeze activity, and post-translationally modified secretory proteins. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 0981-9428 161 2021 10.1016/j.plaphy.2021.02.012

Plant RABs: role in development and in abiotic and biotic stress responses Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Current Genomics 1875-5488, 1389-2029 (Print) 15 2021 https://doi.org/10.2174/1389202922666210114102743

Comparative fatty acid profiling of Indian seabuckthorn showed altitudinal gradient dependent species-specific variations Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 1535-3907 (electronic); 1535-3893 (print) 26 2020 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12298-019-00720-1 10.1007/s42485-021-00063-0

Dioscorea alata Tuber Proteome Analysis Uncovers Differentially Regulated Growth-associated Pathways of Tuber Development Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant cell Physiology 00320781, 14719053 114 2021 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28292708/ 10.1093/pcp/pcaa151

Antisense expression of a gene encoding a calcium-binding protein in transgenic tobacco leads to altered morphology and enhanced chlorophyll. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Biosciences 0973-7138 32(2) 2007 10.1007/s12038-007-0025-0

Boosting the globalization of plant proteomics through INPPO: current developments and future prospects Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Proteomics 1615-9861( electronic) 12 2012
Boosting the globalization of plant proteomics through INPPO: current developments and future prospects Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Proteomics 1615-9861( electronic) 12 2012 https://doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201290018

A decade of plant proteomics in south korea: the international plant proteomics organization ( INPPO) perspective and involvement. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Omics Journal 1836-3644 5(5) 2012 5(5):458-465 (2012)

A decade of plant proteomics in south korea: the international plant proteomics organization ( INPPO) perspective and involvement. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Omics Journal 1836-3644 5(5) 2012 5(5):458-465 (2012)

Differential modulation of S-nitrosoproteome of Brassica juncea by low temperature: Change in S-nitrosylation of RuBisCO is responsible for the inactivation of its carboxylase activity Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Proteomics 1615-9861 9(18) 2009 https://doi.org/10.1002/pmic.200800985

S‐nitrosylated proteins of a medicinal CAM plant Kalanchoe pinnata–ribulose‐1, 5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity targeted for inhibition. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals FEBS Journal 275(11) 2008 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1742-4658.2008.06425.x

S-Nitrosylation—another biological switch like phosphorylation? Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 0974-0430 14(1-2) 2008 https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs12298-008-0011-5

Down regulation of terpenoidindole alkaloid biosynthetic pathway by low temperature and cloning of a AP2 type C-repeat binding factor (CBF) from Catharanthus roseus (L). G. Don. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Cell Report 1432-203X 26(10) 2007 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-007-0383-y

Low Temperature Stress Modulated Secretome Analysis and Purification of Antifreeze Protein from Hippophae rhamnoides, a Himalayan Wonder Plant Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of proteome research 1535-3893. 11 2012 https://doi.org/10.1021/pr200944z

The molecular biology of the low‐temperature response in plants. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Bioessays 1521-1878 27(10) 2005 10.1002/bies.20307

Identification of immunodominant regions of Brassica juncea glyoxalase I as potential antitumor immunomodulation targets. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Peptides 1873-5169 26(3) 2005 10.1016/j.peptides.2004.10.028

Antisense expression of a gene encoding a calcium-binding protein in transgenic tobacco leads to altered morphology and enhanced chlorophyll. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1090-2104 322(2) 2004 10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.07.139

Detection and characterization of calcineurin-like activity in Brassica juncea and its activation by low temperature. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant physiology and Biochemistry 0981-9428 42(7-8) 2004 10.1016/j.plaphy.2004.06.002

Transgenic tobacco expressing Entamoebahistolytica calcium binding protein exhibits enhanced growth and tolerance to salt stress. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Science 0168-9452 162(1) 2002 10.1016/S0168-9452(01)00530-1

A novel protein kinase from Brassica juncea stimulated by a protozoan calcium binding protein. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals The FEBS Journal, European Journal of Biochemistry 267(11) 2000 10.1046/j.1432-1327.2000.01339.x

Glyoxalase I from Brassica juncea is a calmodulin stimulated protein. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- Molecular Cell Research 0167-4889 1450(3) 1999 10.1016/S0167-4889(99)00047-6

S-Nitrosylation Analysis in Brassica juncea Apoplast Highlights the Importance of Nitric Oxide in Cold-Stress Signaling Research Papers in UGC listed Journals journal of proteome research 1535-3893 13 2014 doi.org/10.1021/pr500082u

Plant proteomics: A potential approach for food security. Nature India Special Issue: Proteomics Research in India. (Nature India) Research Papers in UGC listed Journals nature India 1755-3180 special volume 2015 https://www.nature.com/articles/nindia.2015.121 DOI:10.1038/nindia.2015.121.

Plant-based Foods: Seed, Nutrition and Human Health Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Proteomics 1615-9853 (print) 1615-9861 (web) 15(10) 2015 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279318034_Plant-based_Foods_Seed_Nutrition_and_Human_Health 10.1002/pmic.201570083

Nitric oxide modulates Lycopersicon esculentum C-repeat binding factor 1 (LeCBF1) transcriptionally as well as post-translationally by nitrosylation. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 0981-9428 96 2015 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26255539/ doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2015.07.032

Stress inducible cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (Ahcapx) from Arachis hypogaea cell lines confers salinity and drought stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Nucleus 19491042, 19491034 58(1) 2015 file:///C:/Users/Prof.%20Renu%20Deswal/Downloads/s13237-015-0134-3.pdf DOI 10.1007/s13237-015-0134-3

First systematic plant proteomics workshop in Botany Department, University of Delhi: transferring proteomics knowledge to next-generation researchers and students. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Proteomics 1615-9861 14 2014 https://analyticalsciencejournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/pmic.201470103 doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201470103

Sub-proteome S-nitrosylation analysis in Brassica juncea hints at the regulation of Brassicaceae specific as well as other vital metabolic pathway(s) by nitric oxide and suggests post-translational modifications cross-talk Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Nitric Oxide 1089-8603 online 43 2014 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.niox.2014.08.010

Antifreeze proteins enable plants to survive in freezing conditions Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of biosciences 2505991 online 5 2014 DOI 10.1007/ s12038-014-9468-2

Antifreeze proteins in plants: an overview with an insight into the detection techniques including nanobiotechnology Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Proteins & Proteomics 2524-4663 5 2014 doi.org/10.1021/pr500082u

Ectopic expression of PgRab7 in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) results in differential tolerance at the vegetative and seed setting stage during salinity and drought stress. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Protoplasma 1615-6102 Print ISSN 0033-183X 254 2015 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00709-015-0914-2 10.1007/s00709-015-0914-2

Refolding of β-stranded class I chitinases of Hippophae rhamnoides enhances the antifreeze activity during cold acclimation Research Papers in UGC listed Journals PLoS One 19326203 9 2014 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0091723

INPPO actions and recognition as a driving force for progress in plant proteomics: change of guard, INPPO update, and upcoming activities Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Proteomics 1615-9861 online 13 2013 https://doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201370174

Plant proteomics in India and Nepal: current status and challenges ahead Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 0971-5894 0974-0430 19 2013 DOI 10.1007/s12298-013-0198-y

Nitric oxide‐cold stress signalling cross‐talk, evolution of a novel regulatory mechanism Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Proteomics 1816-1835 12-13 2013 doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201200445

Nitric Oxide Modulates the Expression of Proteins and Promotes Epiphyllous Bud Differentiation in Kalanchoe pinnata Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 07217595, 14358107 32 2013 doi.org/10.1007/s00344-012-9279-3

New evidences about strictosidine synthase (Str) regulation by salinity, cold stress and nitric oxide in Catharanthus roseus Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 0971-7811 22 2012 10.1007/s13562-012-0118-1

RuBisCO depletion improved proteome coverage of cold responsive S-nitrosylated targets in Brassica juncea Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Frontiers in plant Science 1664-462X 4 2013 https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2013.00342

Non-Journal Publications
Title of Publication Type of Publication Publisher Role ISBN Year Link to Publication Level
Nitric Oxide: A Tiny Decoder and Transmitter of Information. Sensory Biology of Plants Chapters in Books S.k Sopory Co-Author 10.1007/978-981-13-8922-1_12. National
Proteomic Characterization of the Cold Traits in Seabuckthorn Chapters in Books Daya Publishing House, India, 2014 Co-Author Local Publishers
Current Scenario of NO (S‑Nitrosylation) Signaling in Cold Stress. Chapters in Books CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2018 Co-Author 9781315165349 International
S-Nitrosylation in Abiotic Stress in Plants and Nitric OxideInteraction with Plant Hormones. Chapters in Books Wiley Blackwell publishers, 2017 Co-Author International
Genomics and Proteomics tools for understanding mysterious protein Dioscorin from Dioscorea tube Chapters in Books Apple Academic Press,2016 Co-Author 9781771884563 International
Extraction and Purification of Antifreeze proteins in Hippophae rhamnoides seedling berry and leaf Chapters in Books Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2015 Co-Author 9789351301554 Local Publishers
Dissecting nitric oxide signaling in nucleus: role of S-nitrosylation in regulating nuclear proteins Chapters in Books Igamberdiev International Publishing Switzerland, 2015 Co-Author 9783319100791 International
Proteomics Potential and Its Contribution toward Sustainable Agriculture Chapters in Books CRC Press Tylor & Francis Group, 2015 Co-Author 9780367435981 International
Towards developing transgenic rice for salinity and drought tolerance: role of RaB7 Chapters in Books Society for Advancement of Rice Research, Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad, 2013 Co-Author International
CBF dependent cold stress signaling relevant post translational modifications Chapters in Books Springer New York, 2013 Co-Author International
Nitricoxide, S-nitrosoproteome and abiotic stress signaling in plants Chapters in Books Bentahm publishers USA,2011 Co-Author 978-1-60805- 384-1 International
Calmodulin, Calmodulin-binding proteins and their role in abiotic stresses Chapters in Books Avishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur, India, 2010 Co-Author 9788179103036 National
Post Translational modifications of proteins by Nitric Oxide - a new tool for metabolome regulation Chapters in Books Wiley-Vch, Germany, 2009 Co-Author 9783527325191 International
Functional and Interaction Proteomics: Applications in food and Health (2016) Edited/Translated Books Springer Nature Singapore Ptv. Ltd Co-Editor International
Proteomics Special issue “Plant-based: seeds, Nutrition and Human Health (2015) Edited/Translated Books Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, United States Co-Editor International
Nothing Particular in this Year's History Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Hispanic Press
Intertwining logistic map and Cellular Automata based color image encryption model Full Paper in Conference Proceedings/Other IEEE
Phytohormones regulating the Master Regulators of CBF Dependent Cold Stress Signaling Pathway. Chapters in Books Springer International Publishing, 2019 Co-Author ISBN978-3-319- 91956-0 International
Research Projects
Project Title Project Type Year Of Sanction Outcome/Output Duration
Characterizing un-explored Seabuckthorn germplasm in Sikkim for antifreeze proteins, secondary metabolites, its comparison with germplasm of Lahaul and spiti valley, H.P. utilizing the bioresources for uplifting the livelihood of local people 2017 01-04-2017 To 01-09-2019 (2 years, 5 months)
Comparison of CBF mediated signalling in two low temperature tolerant and low temperature sensitive crops (2006-2009), 2006 01-12-2006 To 01-09-2009 (2 years, 9 months)
Proteomics approach for partial Characterization of S-nitrosoproteome of Brassica juncea and to study expression of major S-nitrosylated protein under abiotic and nitrosative stress conditions 2006 01-05-2006 To 01-04-2010 (3 years, 11 months)
Dioscorins, Yam storage proteins- Do they have a defensive role to play 2010 01-04-2010 To 01-09-2013 (3 years, 5 months)
A Genomics and Proteomics approach to identify, Purify and clone antifreeze Proteins from Seabuckthorn seedling 2009 01-01-2009 To 01-12-2012 (3 years, 11 months)
A Search for Molecular, Biochemical & Morphological (Phenotypic) Markers for different growth stages of D. alata tuber and their and relation with the redox status 2016 01-04-2016 To 01-06-2018 (2 years, 2 months)
Structural, Functional, Developmental and evolution of Plant Cuticular Waxes 2013 01-01-2013 To 01-01-2019 (6 years)
Large scale purification, characterization and crystallization of myrosinase (from Brassica juncea) a step towards designing B. juncea as functional food. 2020 31-12-2020 To 31-07-2021 (7 months)
Molecular cloning, purification and characterization of S- nitroso glutathione reductase (GSNOR), a master regulator of NO homeostasis from Brassica juncea. 2021 01-01-2021 To 31-03-2022 (1 years, 2 months, 30 days)
Deciphering nano-bio interactions in Indian mustard(Brassica juncea) following a nano-proteomics approach 2022 01-01-2022 To 31-03-2023 (1 years, 2 months, 30 days)
Delineating the components of Calcium-mediated signaling in epiphyllous bud formation in Bryophyllum Pinnatum Minor 2001 01-12-2001 To 01-12-2003 (2 years)
Delineating the components of calcium- mediated signaling in cold stress.s in Brassica juncea seedlings 2001 01-07-2001 To 01-07-2003 (2 years)
Molecular cloning of cold binding factor in tomato: Over-expression and purification to raise antibodies 2003 01-05-2003 To 01-05-2006 (3 years)
Nitric oxide signalling during Bryophyllum bud differentiation 2005 01-01-2005 To 01-06-2008 (3 years, 5 months)
Detection and purification of lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) and cutinsomes from Brassica cuticle proteins and translational potential of cuticle 2023 Ongoing since 31-08-2023 (1 years, 6 months, 7 days)
Honors and Awards
Name of the Award Awarding Body Award Category Level Award Date
STE Meritorious award National conference on water crisis, Public Health and sustainable solutions (WCPHS) and first Annual Conference of STE Research National 21-10-2022
Springer- PSI (Proteomics Society of India) Award Proteomics Society of India Research National 03-12-2019
National Award for significant contribution in Seabuckthorn research Seabuckthorn Association of India Research National 24-11-2015
Young Scientists Research Project award DST Research National 01-01-2001
Patent Title Patent Number Patent Level Patent Status
Transgenic plants with enhanced chlorophyll content and salt tolerance 6791009 International Published and Awarded on 14-09-2014
Talk Poster Presented
Name of the Activity Role Date of Activity
Delivered a lecture at ICGEB during First ISPP-SKS Award Endowment Celebration Speaker 07-01-2022
Conducted an online session on “Osmolysis, Plasmolysis, Plant Tissues” for the Teachers of the Delhi Public School teaching Biology Panelist 02-12-2022
Attended a webinar “Ice Nucleation by Pollen and Fern Spore Derived Macromolecules: Atmospheric Implications and Cryobiological Applications” by Dr. Thomas Whale, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow/Assistant Professor, Warwick University, UK Participant 17-12-2022
Attended a webinar “Ice-Cold and Crystal-Clear: Pinning and Surfing of Ice- Bound Antifreeze Proteins Imaged One by One with Subzero Nanoscopy by Prof. Ilja Voets, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands” Participant 17-01-2022
Chief Guest for S.P.M.College Webinar on Implementation of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act2013 Speaker 07-12-2022
Delivered an invited lecture on “Protein “corona” an important tool for understanding nanoparticle bio interactions for safe and informed phytonanotechnology” in the International Conference cum workshop on Proteomics, Transcriptomics, and Molecular drug Speaker 25-05-2022
Delivered lecture on “Dissecting nano-particle bio-integration in Indian Mustard using protein corona as a tool” Department of Botany, Kirori Mal College Speaker 14-08-2022
Attended a lecture, delivered by Prof. Pradeep Kumar Burma, Department of Genetics, University of Delhi on the title “Revisiting Mendel's Work” organized by Department of Botany, University of Delhi Participant 22-07-2022
Attended 9th IBP virtual seminar by Dr. Ran Drori entitled- “Inhibition and acceleration of crystal growth by biomolecular and supermolecular agents” Participant 23-03-2022
Delivered virtual lecture entitled- “Brassica Leaf Cuticle Proteome- A Treasure Trove” at 3rd International Conference on Genome Biology (ICGB-3) & 53rd Aqua Terr Day 2 at School of Biological Sciences, Madhurai Kamaraj University, Madurai Speaker 02-03-2022
Delivered the inaugural Lecture as chief Guest at Botanical Society, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi entitled “Proteomics to Nanoproteomics” Speaker 11-02-2022
Delivered lecture on “Nanoproteomics: From Nano-Analytical platforms to Protein Corona” in virtual conference on “Next generation proteome mining and Nano-bio interactions for better plant growth” organized by DUBS, Department of Botany, DU Speaker 27-12-2021
Invited lecture as chief guest on “Roles and rules of ICC” organized by Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi Speaker 01-01-2021
Poster entitled “Comparative Characterization of Green And Chemically Synthesized Gold Nanoparticles Protein Corona Formed at Nano-Bio Interface” presented at first International Conference on Innovations in Biotechnology and Life Sciences (ICIBLS 2020) Participant 18-12-2020
Invited Lecture at “18th Refresher program in Life Sciences- Recent trends in Life Sciences” –“Phyto nanotechnology” organized by UGC, DAVV, Indore on 3rd November 2020 Speaker 03-11-2020
Invited Lecture at “18th Refresher program in Life Sciences- Recent trends in Life Sciences” –“Proteomics-an omics tool to understand Plant Physiology” organized by UGC, DAVV, Indore on 3rd November 2020 Speaker 03-11-2020
Inaugural address as a chief Guest, entitled “Bioinformatics and its relevance in Biological Sciences” in National seminar on “Bioinformatics: Concepts, Applications and skill development” at Multanimal Modi college, Modinagar Speaker 08-02-2020
Lecture on “Antifreeze Proeins in Plants” at 4th Plant Proteomics Workshop Seabucthorn-Genomics, Proteomics & Metabolomics and beyond on 23rd – 27th December, 2019 at Department of Botany, University of Delhi. Speaker 23-12-2019
Lecture on “Omiocs research in Seabuckthorn: Current scenario and way ahead” at 3rd National Conference of Seabuckthorn Associatioin of India, Seabuckthorn: Translating Reasearch into Sustainable Utilization & Conservation Speaker 19-12-2019
Invited lecture “Analysis of post……. Sustainable usage” at International Confernce on Advances in Sustainable Agriculture Bio resources, Biotechnology and Bioeconomy at Mansrovar Global University, Koral Road, Bhopal (M.P.), Speaker 29-11-2019
Inveted Talk on “Exploring the Nanobiotechnological Prtential of an under utillzed Himalayan shrub, Hippophae rhamnoieds for sustainbles applications” at National Confernce on Water Crisis, Public Health & Sustainable Solutions (WCPHS) Speaker 21-10-2019
Delivered invited lecture “Immuno-proteomics in plants” in National workshop on recent advances in immuno-proteomics, 29-03 Aug, 2019, at CSIR- Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), Mall Road, Delhi, India. Speaker 29-08-2019
Invited Presentation on “Dioscorea – An Alternative Crop to Cater the World Food Crisis Scenario” at International conference on Biotechnological innovations in food and Health care (BIfhc 2019) BITS PILANI Dubai Campus Speaker 27-01-2019
Invited Lecture on “Under representation of woman in Science in India”. In Emergence of feminism in 2021 century India: Group Activism to hash tag. JNU Convention Centre, JNU, New Delhi. Speaker 24-11-2018
Lecture on “Small Steps towards green development of nation through research in plant Sciences”.at Faculty Development Program on Sustainable and Green development, Atma Ram Santan Dharma College. (ARSD), University of Delhi Speaker 22-10-2018
Co-Chaired the Technical Session of2nd National Conference of Seabuckthorn Association of India on “Seabuckthorn-Technologies for Cultivation Environmental Conservation Nutrition Security and Health Protection” Panelist 23-10-2018
Delivered lecture entitled “Redox proteomics- What, How and significance in stress biology” in Refresher Course at Department of Botany, University of Delhi. Speaker 01-01-2018
Invited Lecture on “Antifreeze Protein (AFP) as a novel downstream targets in ICE-CBF signaling pathway in Hippophae rhamnoides” at National Conference on Seabuckthorn for Improving Health and Sustainable Development of Himalayan Region Speaker 22-09-2017
Inaugural Lecture “Nitrosylation mediated nitric oxide (NO) signaling in cold stress on Brassica juncea seedlings”, Hans raj College, University of Delhi, Delhi. Speaker 08-09-2017
Invited lecture “Proteomics of a Himalayan shrub a step towards translational research” in the “International Conference on Functional and Interaction Proteomics: Application in Food & Health” at New Delhi, India Speaker 14-12-2023
Invited lecture “Applications of Gel Based Proteomics in Plants- Investigating Nitric oxide signaling (Nitrosylation) in Brassica juncea” in the “8th Annual Meeting of Proteomics Society and 3rd Meeting of Asia Oceania Agricultural Proteomics Organization Speaker 12-12-2016
11th Refresher course in Life Science & Biotechnology, Deciphering cold stress adaptome using proteomics approach; at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India, 14th October, 2016. Speaker 14-10-2016
Antifreeze proteins from a Himalayan shrub seabuckthorn & their potential Biotechnological applications; in Dyal Singh College, Delhi, India, 2nd September, 2016 Speaker 02-09-2016
Differential regulation of Asada- Halliwell pathway helps in maintaining redox status in D.alata tuber for germination in National Conference on Plant Science Speaker 05-02-2016
Invited lecture on “Antifreeze Proteins from a Himalayan Shrub Seabuckthorn and their Potential Biotechnological Applications” in the “International Conference on Low Temperature Science and Biotechnological Advances” at NASC Complex, New Delhi, India Speaker 27-04-2015
Nitrosylation analysis in Indian mustard opening novel avenues of potential Biotech applications for human as well as plants; in vallabhbhai Patel Chest institute , Delhi, India Speaker 01-04-2015
Invited lecture and chaired a session on Post Translational Modifications in 1st INPPO World Congress, Hamburg University Speaker 31-08-2014
India Birds eye view of Nitrosylation in Brassica; in 1st INPPO World Congress, Hamburg University Speaker 31-08-2014
Invited lecture “Analysing Nitric oxide based post-translational modifications (PTMs) support NO and cold stress signalling cross talk in plants” In International symposium on Proteomics beyond IDs and 4th Annual Meeting of Proteomics Society (India) Pune Speaker 22-11-2012
“Identifying and characterizing antifreeze proteins in apo-plastome of seabuckthorn seedlings” In 4th International Seabuckthorn Conference, Russia Speaker 01-09-2009
Invited lecture “Cold stress induced S-nitrosylation mediated Rubisco inhibition in Brassica juncea - A potential mechanism for photosynthetic inhibition and yield loss”, Centre for Plant Biotechnology, Hisar, Haryana, India Speaker 05-12-2009
lecture “Molecular and Biochemical Evidence for Nitric Oxide Signaling and Its Components in Brassica juncea” in National Seminar on Physiological and Biotechnological Approaches to Improve Plant Productivity, Centre for Plant Biotechnology, Hisar Haryana Speaker 15-03-2008
Invited lecture “Novel targets and insights about S-nitrosylated proteins from a CAM plant Kalanchoe pinnata, indicating large scale metabolome modification by S-nitrosylation” in Trends in Cellular and Molecular Biology, JNU, India Speaker 06-01-2008
Invited lecture “Proteomics approach linking urban smog, nitrosative stress and s- nitrosoproteome in Brassica juncea in National Symposium on New Biology in Agriculture, Punjab University, Chandigarh Speaker 07-11-2008
Seminar on “Nitric oxide signalling (S-Nitrosylation), a novel dimension of metabolome regulation in plants” Department of Biology, University of Western Ontario Speaker 24-09-2007
Invited lecture on “The enigma of Low Temperature Tolerance in Seabuckthorn” In 3rd International Conference of International Seabuckthorn Association held in Quebec, Canada Speaker 14-08-2007
Invited Lecture on “A step towards growing crops where no crops grow: Fishing out targets for manipulation of low temperature stress signalling pathways in plants”, National symposium on Plant Biotechnology, Dehradun, India Speaker 12-10-2006
Identification and purification of S-nitrosylated proteins in Bryophyllum pinnatum to decipher nitric oxide signalling, Paper presented at Society of Biological Chemist meeting , JNU, New Delhi Speaker 10-12-2006
Invited lecture on “Low temperature stress and Nitric oxide signalling in plants” in TWOWS International conference on Women’s Impact on Science and Technology in the New Millenium at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Speaker 21-11-2005
Paper presentation on “Detection and partial purification of low temperature stimulated calcineurin like activity in Brassica juncea seedling in IPGSA conference 20-24th Sep. 2004 in Canberra, Australia. Speaker 20-09-2004
Delivered lecture on “Development and Evaluation of cold Tolerant Transgenic Plants” for Career Enhancement Programme for DRDO scientists at DARL base station, Uttaranchal, India Speaker 18-12-2003
Invited lecture on “Understanding low temperature signal transduction for potential crop improvement targets” at Defence Agriculture Research Laboratory (DRAL), Pithoragarh, Uttaranchal, India Speaker 26-09-2003
Invited lecture on “Cold tolerant genes for hill agriculture’ at Institute for Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS), Delhi, India Speaker 08-04-2003
Brassica juncea Glyoxalase I peptide library: Epitope mapping and a comparative immunochemical analysis. Genome informatics: Challenges, problems and opportunities Satellite meeting of 10th FAOMB congress Speaker 05-12-2003
Low temperature stress: Potential functional genomics targets for introducing crop in the extreme environments. International symposium on Biological Invasions, School of Environmental Sciences, DU, Delhi. Speaker 04-12-2003
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