Title Mr. First Name HAMENDRA Last Name DANGI
Designation Professor
Department Department of Commerce
Email hkdangi@commerce.du.ac.in
Phone.no 1127667891
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Educational Qualifications
Degree/Certification Name Institution Year of Completion
PG University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 2004
UG Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur 2001
SSC Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 1997
HSC Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 1995
Ph.D. - Ph.D. Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi
Fellowship Details
Name Of Fellowship Awarding Body Fellowship Level
Junior Research Fellowship(Financial Benefits not availed) UGC National
Development of E-content
Name of The Module Platform/Organization Date of Launching
Video lecture of Course content SWAYAM 11-07-2019
Teaching Experience (Within Institution)
Designation Duration
Lecturer 01-07-2004 To 16-12-2004 (5 months, 15 days)
Junior Faculty Member 17-12-2004 To 25-05-2005 (5 months, 8 days)
Lecturer 08-06-2005 To 25-07-2007 (2 years, 1 months, 17 days)
Assistant Professor 26-07-2007 To 31-07-2015 (8 years, 5 days)
Associate Professor 31-07-2015 To 31-07-2018 (3 years)
Professor 31-07-2018 To 30-06-2021 (2 years, 10 months, 30 days)
Administrative Experience (Within Institution)
Designation Duration
Area Coordinator 01-07-2015 To 30-11-2016 (1 years, 4 months, 29 days)
Member 01-05-2008 To 31-05-2011 (3 years, 30 days)
Member 01-08-2009 To 31-08-2011 (2 years, 30 days)
Coordinator 01-07-2009 To 30-11-2009 (4 months, 29 days)
Coordinator 01-11-2009 To 30-06-2014 (4 years, 7 months, 29 days)
Member 01-08-2011 To 31-07-2015 (3 years, 11 months, 30 days)
Member 01-08-2015 To 26-06-2022 (6 years, 10 months, 25 days)
Convener 01-08-2015 To 15-05-2019 (3 years, 9 months, 14 days)
Area Coordinator 01-08-2015 To 26-06-2022 (6 years, 10 months, 25 days)
Associate editor 01-06-2016 To 15-05-2019 (2 years, 11 months, 14 days)
Coordinator 01-09-2016 To 01-12-2016 (3 months)
Convener 01-07-2017 To 15-05-2019 (1 years, 10 months, 14 days)
PhD Coordinator 01-08-2019 To 12-10-2020 (1 years, 2 months, 11 days)
Admission Coordinator 16-05-2019 To 31-08-2021 (2 years, 3 months, 15 days)
University Representative 07-08-2022 To 06-08-2023 (11 months, 30 days)
Member of Board of Governors 07-04-2022 To 26-03-2025 (2 years, 11 months, 19 days)
Nodal Officer 25-01-2022 To 25-01-2023 (1 years)
Chairperson 26-07-2022 To 26-07-2023 (1 years)
Courses/Subjects Taught
Teaching Activity Type Course Title Semester Total Assigned Classes Number of Classes Taught Duration
Lecture MBA (IB/HRD) 1 56 56 01-07-2015 To 30-11-2015 (4 months, 29 days)
Research Supervision Overview
PhD Scholars Supervised PhD Degrees Awarded Theses Submitted
4 11 0
M.Phil Scholars Supervised M.Phil Degrees Awarded M.Phil Theses Submitted
3 3 0
Research Publications
Title of Article Type of Publication Name of Journal ISSN Journal Volume Year Link to Article DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modernisation of Fire Risk Management Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 0972-9860 Vol. 21, No.6(2024) 2024 https://accscience.com/journal/AJWEP/21/6/10.3233/AJW240089 10.3233/AJW240089

Outsourcing of Fire Inspection Services: An Analytical Approach Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 0972-9860 Vol. 21, No.6(2024) 2024 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.3233/AJW240086 10.3233/AJW240086

Barriers and Challenges in Healthcare Entrepreneurship: A Bibliometric Study" Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Journal if International Medical Sciences Academy
“Impact of covid 19 on mental health: a qualitative enquiry” Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Journal of International Medical Sciences Academy
Customer Engagement: A systematic review and future research agenda Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 16 issue 1 NA

Sentiment Analysis - A Potent Tool for Evaluating Social Media Influencers Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Pacific Business Review International 13 issue 11 NA

Social Networking Sites and Civic Participation: Analyzing the Mediating Role Of Online Bridging Social Capital Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Transnational Marketing Journal ISSN 2041-4684 9 issue 3 NA

COVID19: A watershed moment for Indian MSMEs, Research Papers in UGC listed Journals DPC Management E-Journal 2 NA

Globalisation Continuum in the Post Covid-19 world with focus on Trade and Diplomacy Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals India Case accepted in Prabandh Journal of Management NA

Consumer perception for herbal products: An opportunity for the FMCG industry in the post COVID period Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 1554-1569 ( ISSN 2349-5162) 7 NA

Information Search Behaviour for Healthcare Services Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals The Indian Journal of Commerce 2454-6801 73 NA

Social Media Analytics: The Next Big Thing? Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals RIJBR 2455-5959 NA

Social Networking Sites and Social Capital: A Study on life Satisfaction, trust and Civic Participation Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Our Heritage 7004-7025 68(30) NA

A Qualitative Inquiry on Information Search Behaviour for Services in India. Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Indian Journal of Marketing ISSN 09738703 51 no. 3 NA

Good Bye Texts, Hello Emojis! Who Express it Better ! Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals UNNATI- The Business Journal 2319- 1740 NA NA

Customer - based Retailer Brand Equity and its Drivers and Shopper outcomes : A comparison among Demographics and Retail formats Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals NICE Journal of Business 0973- 449X 13(2) NA

Structural Equation Modelling : A Powerful Antibiotic Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Journal of Business Thought 2231- 1734 10 10.18311/jbt/2019/23452

Measuring effectiveness of Social Networking Sites using AHP Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Effulgence 0972- 8058 16(1) 10.33601/effulgence.rdias

Exploring the effects of environmental factors, population density and occupancy on fire incidents – a case study of South-West Division of Delhi Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 2319– 1414 7(3) NA

Blinded or Branded? : Effect of Brand Cues on Customer Evaluation of Store Brands versus National Brands in an Emerging market Research Papers in UGC listed Journals International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 1753- 0806 16(2) 10.1504/IJICBM.2018.090089

Identification & Selection of Good Research Problem Through Analytical Hierarchy Process Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Commerce & Business Studies 2322- 0767 4(2) NA

Fire Risk Analysis Using Geospatial Approach and Mitigation Measures for South-West Delhi Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Emerging Research in Management & Technology 2278- 9359 6(8) 10.23956/ijermt.v6i8.128

Fire Risk Assessment in Delhi - a report on fire risk assessment in the South-West Division of Delhi using Analytical Hierarchy Process Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Fire Professional. IFE(UK) NA 22 201647

Personalization in Marketing: An Exploratory Study Research Papers in UGC listed Journals International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 1477- 5212 11 (2) 10.1504/IJIMA.2017.084079

A Case Study on Supply Chain Management in Aravind Eye Care System Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Commerce & Business Studies 2322- 0767 3(2) NA

Consumer Decision - making styles and post purchase behavior of poor for FMCGs Research Papers in UGC listed Journals International Journal of Consumer Studies 1470- 6423 41(2) 10.1111/ijcs.12320

Act Like a Retailer, Think Like a Brand: An Overview of Retailer Brand Equity and Agenda for Future Research in Indian Context Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Asia Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation 2319510X 12(1) 10.1177/2319510X16647288

Drivers and Indicators of Performance in Relief Chain: An Empirical Study Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Global Business Review 09721509 17(1) 10.1177/0972150915610693

Diffusion of Smart phones in India Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Indraprastha Journal of Management 2454- 4175 3(2) NA

The Purchase Pattern of Poor for Fast Moving Consumer Goods: An Empirical Study of Poor in India Research Papers in UGC listed Journals International Journal Management Business Research 2228- 7019 5(2) NA

Brain Drain: Migration of Healthcare Professionals in a Globalized World Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Research Foundation of Hospital and Healthcare Administration 2347- 4254 2 (2) 10.5005/jp-journals-10035-1017

Estimating the Final Tally of a Country at Olympics Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Prabandh - Journal of Management Education & Research 0984- 8229 29-30 NA

Some Critical Success Factors in planning Humanitarian relief operations in India. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals International Journal of Emergency Management 1471- 4825 10(2) 10.1504/IJEM.2014.066184

Humanitarian relief logistics: an exploratory study for need and importance of performance measurement system Research Papers in UGC listed Journals International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 1742- 7967 13 (1) 10.1504/IJLSM.2012.048630

Seventeen years of customer engagement research: a bibliometric and network analysis Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management 2 2023
A bibliographic analysis of the role of training in entrepreneurship Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management 3 2024
Non-Journal Publications
Title of Publication Type of Publication Publisher Role ISBN Year Link to Publication Level
Business Analytics Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd. Co-Author 2024 National
Business Research Methods Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Cengage India Limited Delhi Co-Author 978-81-315-2960-7 National
Measuring Customer Preferences in Reality Sector: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach Chapters in Books Excel India Publishers Author 978- 93-84869-17- 5 National
Consumer preferences for Online Purchase Intention in Tier Two Indian Cities. Marketing in a Changing & Connected World Chapters in Books Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt Limited Co-Author 978-93- 8 4 898-84-7 National
Research Projects
Project Title Project Type Year Of Sanction Outcome/Output Duration
Pre-purchase Information Search Behaviour for Healthcare Services Minor 2018 08-06-2018 To 30-09-2019 (1 years, 3 months, 22 days)
Development of performance metrics based on Critical Success Factors in humanitarian relief logistics 2015 10-02-2015 To 30-08-2016 (1 years, 6 months, 20 days)
An Assessment of disaster preparedness plan of select religious places in India 2015 15-10-2015 To 30-10-2016 (1 years, 15 days)
Performance Measurement of Distribution Management System after natural disaster 2011 09-09-2011 To 30-05-2012 (8 months, 21 days)
Honors and Awards
Name of the Award Awarding Body Award Category Level Award Date
Bhamashah Award Maharana Mewar Charitable Foundation, Udaipur Academic State/University Level 14-02-2002
Talk Poster Presented
Name of the Activity Role Date of Activity
Social Networking sites and civic participation: analyzing the mediating role of online bridging social capital Poster Presentation 22-01-2021
Information search behavior for healthcare service: An empirical enquiry Poster Presentation 23-01-2021
Future of Neuromarketing in “Global Strategy and Emerging Market Poster Presentation 07-11-2020
FDI – A People’s Perspective Invited Talk 30-01-2014
Transforming India Invited Talk 12-02-2016
Data Analytics Invited Talk 27-08-2016
Factor Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling Invited Talk 07-11-2015
Damage Assessment Approaches in Disaster operations: An exploratory study. Poster Presentation 05-05-2016
Best Practices in Vendor Development Invited Talk 02-06-2016
Literature review using NVivo Invited Talk 14-03-2017
Role of Computer in Social Sciences Invited Talk 11-12-2008
Introduction to SPSS,Creating variables,Data and its type, Descriptive statistics, Z and t test, Chi Square & F test, Multivariate analysis Invited Talk 21-05-2016
New Product Development and Behavioural Operations Management Invited Talk 06-10-2016
Behavioural issues in Supply Chain Management Invited Talk 09-07-2015
Green Supply Chain Initiatives: A Study on Environment Aspects Poster Presentation 12-01-2018
Case Methods – Learning, writing and Teaching Invited Talk 17-01-2018
Innovation and Challenges in Indian Economy Invited Talk 21-04-2018
An Introduction to Data Analysis using Statistical Packages Invited Talk 18-06-2018
Parameters for Economic Planning and their Impact. Invited Talk 17-11-2017
EFA and CFA Invited Talk 13-06-2017
Pre-purchase information search behaviour for healthcare services Poster Presentation 07-03-2019
Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 24-05-2019
Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 24-05-2019
Qualitative Research Techniques Invited Talk 16-03-2019
Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 16-11-2018
Managing humanitarian relief chain- A Case study. Paper Poster Presentation 01-12-2006
Application of Quantitative Technique in Banking Sector Poster Presentation 23-11-2007
A Comparative Study of Commercial Supply Chain and Relief Chain: An Exploratory Study Poster Presentation 25-04-2009
Evaluating factors influencing preferred supplier status in marketing channel: A case study Poster Presentation 20-02-2009
Performance Measurement in relief chain: An Indian perspective Poster Presentation 06-06-2009
Humanitarian Relief Logistics: An exploratory study for need and importance of performance measurement system Poster Presentation 01-01-2010
Business Analytics and Business Intelligence: A boon or bane for Public Sector Enterprises Poster Presentation 13-04-2013
Perceptual difference in relief logistics performance between Affected Population and Relief workers- A case study of Kosi flood Poster Presentation 02-12-2013
Role of logistics management in relief supply chain performance: Establishing a conceptual model using SEM Poster Presentation 11-12-2013
Shopping styles of poor for fast moving consumer goods: An exploratory research Poster Presentation 21-12-2013
Consumer Behaviour towards Awareness and Adoption of Electric Rickshaws: A Case Study of Delhi. Poster Presentation 21-12-2013
A Study of the Impact of Packaging on Consumer Buying Behavior Poster Presentation 09-01-2014
Measuring Customer Preferences in Realty Sector: a Structural Equation Modelling approach Poster Presentation 06-02-2015
Act like a retailer, think like a brand An overview of Retailer Brand Equity and agenda for future research in Indian context Poster Presentation 16-12-2015
Consumer Buying Behavior towards Green products: An extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior Approach Poster Presentation 16-03-2016
.Customer Engagement in the Era of Covid-19: A Prisma-Compliant Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis Poster Presentation 30-07-2021
Social Media and Social Change: An Exploratory Study Poster Presentation 06-03-2020
An Exploration of the Relationship between Consumer Knowledge and information Search Poster Presentation 16-12-2017
Structural Equation Modelling : A Powerful antibiotic Poster Presentation 01-01-2016
Blinded or Branded: Effect of Brand Cues on Customer Evaluation of Store Brands versus National Brands Poster Presentation 13-12-2016
Evaluation of E-Commerce website using AHP decision making process Poster Presentation 04-11-2016
Fire incident mapping and risk analysis – A case study of South-West Division of Delhi in Fire India 2016 Poster Presentation 21-09-2016
Green Supply Chain Management Initiatives: A study on Environment Aspects Poster Presentation 29-07-2016
Motivating sales people Invited Talk 01-03-2008
Multidimensional Scaling Invited Talk 22-02-2008
Customer Relationship Management Invited Talk 02-09-2007
Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 21-12-2015
2nd Advanced Management Programme Invited Talk 06-12-2015
Disaster Supply Chain Invited Talk 10-02-2016
Marketing Analytics Invited Talk 06-11-2015
Factor Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling Invited Talk 06-11-2015
Behavioral issues in disaster relief logistics Invited Talk 13-05-2016
Introduction to SPSS, Creating variables, Data and its type, Descriptive statistics, Z and t test, Chi Square & F test, Multivariate analysis Invited Talk 21-05-2016
Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 23-05-2016
Best Practices in Vendor Development Invited Talk 02-06-2016
Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 23-07-2016
Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 04-07-2016
Behavioral issues and SCM Invited Talk 05-10-2016
Quantitative and Quantitative research methods using SPSS Invited Talk 01-12-2016
Structural Equation Modelling and Partial least Square Invited Talk 16-12-2016
Correlation and Regression and their types Invited Talk 21-12-2016
Supply Chain Management Invited Talk 23-12-2016
Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 27-12-2016
Research Methodology and Data Analysis tool Invited Talk 06-02-2017
Advances in Research Methods Invited Talk 12-04-2017
Paradigm shift in World Economies: Opportunities and Challenges Invited Talk 07-04-2017
EFA and CFA Invited Talk 13-06-2017
Exploratory Factor Analysis and ANOVA Invited Talk 05-07-2017
Case Methods: Learning, writing and teaching Invited Talk 17-02-2018
Regression and Factor Analysis, Structural Equation Modelling and SPSS for Data Analytics Invited Talk 08-06-2018
An Introduction to Data Analysis using Statistical Packages in Orientation Programme (OR 92) Invited Talk 18-06-2018
Advances in Research Methodology and Teaching Pedagogy Invited Talk 26-06-2018
Business Analytics: Career prospects Invited Talk 19-09-2018
Morals in Research in Refresher Course in Business Management, Economics and Commerce Invited Talk 20-09-2018
Research Method: A Critical Perspective in Orientation Programme Invited Talk 11-10-2018
Multiple regression Invited Talk 13-10-2018
Research Methodology in Social Sciences How to Identify Research Problem, Analyse the Literature Review and Research Design Invited Talk 13-03-2019
Issue in research methods Invited Talk 17-02-2019
Contemporary issues in research Invited Talk 06-02-2019
Introduction to R and EFA Invited Talk 16-11-2018
various issues related to Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 16-11-2018
Qualitative Research Techniques Invited Talk 16-03-2019
Advanced Data Analysis Techniques- SEM and Econometrics Invited Talk 24-05-2019
Qualitative Methods of Research Invited Talk 26-06-2019
Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 12-07-2019
Contemporary issues in research in Refresher Course in Business Managements, Economics and Commerce (SRC) on the theme “Dimensions in Business Management, Economics and Commerce in New Bharat” Invited Talk 09-07-2019
Innovative Teaching Methods in Management Invited Talk 09-07-2019
Writing Quality Research Papers in the Field of Social Sciences Using SPSS & AMOS Invited Talk 05-07-2019
Contemporary issues in research in Short Term Course on Research Methodology Invited Talk 19-09-2019
Text mining using R in Short Term Course on Research Methodology for Research Scholars Invited Talk 21-09-2019
MOOCs, E Contents and Research Design Invited Talk 20-11-2019
Research Methodology and Data Analysis using SPSS/R Invited Talk 18-11-2019
Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 22-11-2019
Fundamentals of Research using SPSS and Excel Invited Talk 23-11-2019
Changing Research Landscape in Uncertainties Invited Talk 25-05-2020
Research Methodology: Tools & Techniques Invited Talk 08-06-2020
Case Methods of Learning Invited Talk 17-06-2020
Decision Making Using Data Analysis Invited Talk 24-08-2020
Transformation in Higher Education: Issues and Road Ahead Invited Talk 30-09-2020
Sentiment analysis Invited Talk 20-10-2020
Logistic Regression with SPSS Invited Talk 19-12-2020
e-STC on Advanced Statistical Techniques in Social Sciences Invited Talk 28-10-2020
Hypothesis testing and data analysis Invited Talk 06-04-2021
Sentiment Analysis and Designing the Questionnaire Invited Talk 19-06-2021
Hypothesis testing ( hands on session) Invited Talk 27-08-2021
Redesigning Business and Education in Post Pandemic Era Invited Talk 04-09-2021
Introduction to research with focus on qualitative research (Sentiment Analysis through NVivo) and Literature Review; Research paper writing based on Systematic Literature Review Invited Talk 25-06-2021
Motivation and Methods for Research Invited Talk 03-04-2021
"Exploratory Factor Analysis", "Multiple Regression", "SEM- Measurement & Structural Model" and "Moderation & Mediation" Invited Talk 03-08-2021
MOOCs, E-Content Development, Research Methodology and Statistical Tools in Open Education World Invited Talk 05-08-2021
New Paradigms in Business and Technology: A Careers Perspective Invited Talk 23-09-2021
Basics of Research Methodology and Issues in Plagiarism (An Interdisciplinary Approach) Invited Talk 30-05-2022
Implementation of National Education Policy 2020 using Innovative Teaching Methods Invited Talk 30-05-2022
Structural Equation Modelling Invited Talk 29-04-2022
Resilience and Transformation of Business in the Post Pandemic Era Invited Talk 18-02-2022
Data Analysis using Statistical Software Invited Talk 11-02-2022
Qualitative Data Analysis Invited Talk 04-07-2022
Logistic Regression with SPSS Invited Talk 19-12-2020
Research Methodology: Tools and Techniques for Advanced Data Analysis Invited Talk 13-07-2022
Research Methodology Invited Talk 18-04-2022
Research Methodology Invited Talk 04-07-2022
"Research and pedagogy"- Factor Analysis/CFA & EFA using AMOS & SEM Invited Talk 25-08-2022
FDP on Hypothesis Testing and Techniques for Data Analysis Invited Talk 05-03-2021
Ensuring a Sustainable Future: Role of Entrepreneurship, Innovation in Management Practices, and Circular Economy Invited Talk 06-03-2020
Research Methodology & Introduction to Modelling Techniqus Invited Talk 23-07-2022
Extension Lectures on Regression Invited Talk 08-03-2021
Research Methodology: Tools and Techniques for Advanced Data Analysis Invited Talk 12-07-2022
Research Methodology Invited Talk 14-07-2022
Basics of Research Methodology and Issues in plagiarism (An Interdisciplinary Approach) Invited Talk 31-05-2022
Revisiting Business and corporate Governance Invited Talk 10-09-2022
Challenges to fire and emergency service response in war like situations and preparedness to deal with such situations Invited Talk 09-11-2022
OFDP-101: Basic IT tools, Advanced Spreadsheet Tools and Statistical Software Package with SPSS Invited Talk 27-10-2022
Empowering Faculty For Research-Driven Management Excellence Speaker 01-07-2024
Consulting Details
Name of the Project Consulting Agency Duration
A study of the effectiveness of the National Tracking System for missing and vulnerable children Ministry of women and child development 11-02-2015 To 11-08-2015 (6 months)
Competition and Regulatory Issues related to the Taxi and Cab Aggregator Industry: with special reference to Surge Pricing and Algorithmic Collusion in the Indian Context Government of India 10-07-2019 To 30-09-2019 (2 months, 20 days)
Teri University Teri University 01-03-2016 To 28-02-2017 (11 months, 27 days)
Disaster Management Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University 01-03-2016 To 28-02-2017 (11 months, 27 days)
RDIAS Rukmani Devi Institute of Advanced Studies 19-03-2024 To 19-03-2025 (1 years)
* This site is designed and developed by Samarth eGov and the content is provided by the individual. For further details, please contact the individual / university.