Title Dr. First Name MOHINI Last Name ARYA
Designation Associate Professor
Department Department of Sanskrit
Email mohinikrishna23@gmail.com
Phone.no 011-27666657
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Degree/Certification Institution Year
Ph.D. - उत्तरपाणिनीय व्याकरण संप्रदायों में कृत् : एक अध्ययन department of sanskrit, university of delhi 2015
PG school of open learning , university of delhi 2003
UG maharshi dayanand university , rohtak , Haryana 2000
Teaching experience outside the Institution
Designation Institution Duration From Duration To
assistant professor Lakshmibai college , university of delhi 2008-10-21 2014-03-05
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