Title Prof. First Name SANJOY Last Name ROY
Designation Professor
Department Department of Social Work
Email sroy@socialwork.du.ac.in
Phone.no 9013788588
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Educational Qualifications
Degree/Certification Name Institution Year of Completion
M.Phil. University of Delhi 2003
Ph.D. - Lucknow University
Development of E-content
Name of The Module Platform/Organization Date of Launching
E-Pathsala on CSR & Community Engagement Other 29-06-2017
E-Pathsala on Scheduled Tribes & Community Engagement Other 30-03-2017
E-Pathsala on Scheduled Caste & Community Engagement Other 30-03-2017
E-Pathsala on Planning & Community Engagement Other 30-03-2017
Teaching Experience (Within Institution)
Designation Duration
Professor 01-01-2016 To 31-01-2022 (6 years, 30 days)
Associate Professor 20-02-2014 To 31-12-2015 (1 years, 10 months, 11 days)
Associate Professor 13-12-2012 To 17-02-2014 (1 years, 2 months, 4 days)
Reader 16-06-2011 To 10-12-2012 (1 years, 5 months, 24 days)
Assistant Professor 19-02-2007 To 15-06-2011 (4 years, 3 months, 27 days)
Lecturer 11-08-2005 To 10-02-2007 (1 years, 5 months, 30 days)
Lecturer on Adhoc basis 19-10-2004 To 31-07-2005 (9 months, 12 days)
Medical Social Worker 02-07-2003 To 18-10-2004 (1 years, 3 months, 16 days)
Project Assistant 01-01-2003 To 31-07-2003 (6 months, 30 days)
Administrative Experience (Within Institution)
Designation Duration
NSS Officer 01-03-2013 To 15-02-2014 (11 months, 14 days)
Director Field Work Placement 01-07-2016 To 30-06-2019 (2 years, 11 months, 29 days)
Warden Mansarowar Hostel 01-05-2015 To 31-03-2021 (5 years, 10 months, 30 days)
Warden Social Work Hostel 01-04-2021 To 09-01-2022 (9 months, 8 days)
Head Presently Working since 04-06-2023 (1 years, 9 months, 2 days)
Research Supervision Overview
PhD Scholars Supervised PhD Degrees Awarded Theses Submitted
8 4 4
M.Phil Scholars Supervised M.Phil Degrees Awarded M.Phil Theses Submitted
4 2 3
Research Publications
Title of Article Type of Publication Name of Journal ISSN Journal Volume Year Link to Article DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Women Education & Participatory Development: Need a Congruous Outlook for Empowerment Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals International Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences 2573-2897 Vol-05, Issue-05 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348960133_Women_Education_Participatory_Development_Need_a_Congruous_Outlook_for_Empowerment 10.15406/jhaas.2020.05.00233

Mental Health Status of Incarcerated Women in India: A Perspective from a Social Worker Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Indian Journal of Gender Studies, Sage 0971-5215 (print); 0973-0672 (web) 94 https://www.google.com/search?q=Indian+Journal+of+Gender+Studies%2C+Sage&oq=Indian+Journal+of+Gender+Studies%2C+Sage&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512j69i59.1271j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Rural camp in social work practicum: A lively pedagogy of learning Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals African Journal of Social Work 1563-3934 11 African Journal of Social Workhttps://www.ajol.info No DOI

Teaching Caste & Reservation in Classroom Setting: Effort towards Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Online-2378-9026 7 American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Scienceshttps://www.arjonline.org No DOI

Child Domestic Workers: Understanding from Rights Perspective Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals The American Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Research 2581-8868 Vol-03, Issue-06 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348960233_Child_Domestic_Workers_Understanding_from_Rights_Perspective https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348960233

Issues and Challenges with COVID-19: Interventions through Social Work Practice and Perspectives Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics 1553-6947 Volume 17, Number 2 https://www.socialserviceworkforce.org/resources/issues-and-challenges-covid-19-interventions-through-social-work-practice-and-perspectives https://jswve.org/download/2020-2/2020-2

Women Obscenity in India: Social Outlook with Legal Reflection Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals International Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources 2578-4994 4 Issue-2 https://medwinpublishers.com/JENR/JENR16000190.pdf 23880/jenr-16000190

Developing Emotional Competence as a life skill among Adolescents Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals International Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences 2573-2897 3(6) https://medcraveonline.com/JHAAS/developing-emotional-competence-as-a-life-skill-among-adolescents.html 10.15406/jhaas.2018.03.00170

Climate Change and Human Health: A Realistic Outlook from Indian Perspective Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources 2578-4994 3 Issue-1 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333335254_Climate_Change_and_Human_Health_A_Realistic_Outlook_from_Indian_Perspective 10.23880/jenr-16000154

Educational aspirations and expectations among scheduled caste students: a study of Uttar Pradesh, India Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals International Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences 2573-2897 3(5) https://medcraveonline.com/JHAAS/educational-aspirations-and-expectations-among-scheduled-caste-students-a-study 10.15406/jhaas.2018.03.00152

Social Work in a Correctional Setting in India Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Business and Social Studies 2205-6033 4, issue-2 https://apiar.org.au/journal-paper/social-work-in-a-correctional-setting-in-india/ 10.25275/apjabssv4i2ss1

Field work practice in Correctional Setting: Indian Social Work Perspective Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Global Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology 2575-8608 II (1) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324159419_Field_Work_Practice_in_Correctional_Setting_Indian_Social_Work_Perspectivec 10.19080/GJAA.2017.02.555580

’’Human Rights and Trafficking in Women and Children in India Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences 2573-2897 1(5) https://medcraveonline.com/JHAAS/human-rights-and-trafficking-in-women-and-children-in-india.html 10.15406/jhaas.2017.01.00027

Promoting Health Equity through Social Work Education in India: Preparing Students to Address Disparities’ Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Social Work & Social Development 2229-6468 14 2023 NA

Non-Journal Publications
Title of Publication Type of Publication Publisher Role ISBN Year Link to Publication Level
I was not Hurt but was angry’: Health Care Experiences of Transwomen in India Chapters in Books Karabuk University, Turkey Co-Author 978-605-9554-85-5 2024 International
Elderly Rights and Problems in India: Analysis Through SMART PRACTICE Perspective Chapters in Books Springer Author ISSN-2197-5841, ISBN-978-16-5826-6, p-259-280 2022 International
Specialization in Indian Social Work An Academic and Indigenized Practice Profession Edited/Transalated Books Atlantic Publication Editor 978-81-269-3357-0 International
Social Work Education: Indigenous Perspectives”. Sage Publication Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Sage Editor 978-93-5388-637-0 International
’Field Work Training in Social Work Edited/Transalated Books Routledge Traylor and Francis Group, UK Co-Editor 9782367276492 International
Social Work in Globalizing World: Practices and Challenges Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Rawat Publisher Author 978-81-316-0938-5 International
’Field Work in Social Work Education: Contemporary Practices & Perspectives Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Atlantic Publication Co-Editor 978-81269-2299-4 International
Methods and Development of Social Work Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Discovery Publishing House Delhi Author 93-5056-707-5, p-1-334 National
New Perspectives in Community Development"(Co-Editor Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Atlantic Publication Co-Editor 978-81-269-2035-8 International
Social Welfare Administration: Development and Prospects Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Discovery Publishing House Delhi Author 935056305-3, p-1-482 National
New Directions in Rural Development Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Discovery Publishing House Delhi Author 978935056-108-9 National
Field Work in Social Work’ Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Rawat Publisher Author 978-81-316-0528-8 International
Migrant Rickshaw Pullers in Delhi: Assessment from Social Work Perspectives Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other LAMBERT Publishing House Germany Author 978-3-659-21844-6 International
Introduction to Social Work and Practice in India Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Akansha Publication Delhi Author 97881-8370266-9 National
Women in Contemporary India: Realities and Perspectives Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other Akansha Publication Delhi Author 978-818370207-2 National
Social Work Practice in India: An Emerging Perspective Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other New Royal Book Publication Co-Author 81-89267-15-9 National
Research Projects
Project Title Project Type Year Of Sanction Outcome/Output Duration
Impact assessment of CSR activities of JK Tyre & Industries in vicinity of the Kankroli, Rajasthan factory. Minor 2022 The present study of the CSR projects being undertaken by JK Tyre and Industries in the vicinity of its factory at Kankroli, Rajasthan focused on three main interventions. The first intervention in the area of healthcare, Project Parivartan was found to be very relevant for the communities in Kumbhalgarh tehsil. The project was quite effective while it lasted but has been in the suspension mode for the past 2 years since the onset of COVID. The second intervention focused on the socio-economic empowerment of rural communities in the 62 villages in Rajsamand tehsil. The project has been found to be very relevant and has been effective in working towards the many objectives that the project aims to achieve. Similarly, the third project which aims to PLHIVs in the district is also relevant though not very effective for now. The learnings and challenges have highlighted the gaps in the programme design which does not allow for proper monitoring. This, when looked in conjunction with the fact the CSR team size at the Kankroli plant is very limited, throws some light on why effectiveness across some projects leaves quite a lot to be desired. There are issues related to team size as well as quality of human resources at the level of implementation partners as well which further undermines the project effectiveness and quality of services under the project. These have been highlighted under the recommendations as well so that necessary steps may be taken at each level necessary. The need assessment exercise undertaken across the sampled villages also threw up a few areas where the current projects may be allowed to widen the scope, for example tackling malnutrition in school going children. This along with better coordination with the government departments can help to increase effectiveness of the projects. The needs were identified in the area of healthcare access including for animals, educational infrastructure and access including aanganwadi infrastructure. Under the recommendations, the team has recommended the continuation of all three projects under consideration with a few additional recommendations towards improvement of programme design, monitoring, indicator tracking, team size and quality, widening the scope to include certain elements identified in the needs assessment. A new project related to water sustainability, drinking water access and quality has been also recommended for baseline assessment over the next year to understand the actual requirements of the community. The research team also tried to understand the level of social license that the company presently enjoys and this has been verified using 2 datasets and triangulation of data and observations from field. As of now the company seems to have the approval of the community, however, this will need regular verification in the form of a community feedback mechanism that has been suggested. The suggested project towards water sustainability may further work to improve the image of the company in the community. We now present this report with a hope that this research would be used to strengthen the relevant projects so that the effectiveness for the community can increase manifold and the programme can go from strength to strength. 14-07-2022 To 30-10-2022 (3 months, 16 days)
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) Major 2023 Ongoing Ongoing since 15-09-2024 (5 months, 19 days)
Empowering Social Work Practitioners, Enhancing Skills and Competencies to Bring Positive Social Change: An Action Research Study Major 2023 Ongoing Ongoing since 29-12-2023 (1 years, 2 months, 5 days)
Understanding the Law, Life world and Marginality of Religious Converts in Southern States of India Major 2024 Ongoing Ongoing since 15-01-2024 (1 years, 1 months, 19 days)
A study on Stigma and Discrimination among PLHIV and Key Population in Delhi Minor 2024 Ongoing Ongoing since 13-02-2024 (1 years, 21 days)
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