Title Dr. First Name Kumar Last Name Ashutosh
Designation Associate Professor
Department Department of Adult Continuing Education and Extension
Email kashutosh23@gmail.com
Phone.no 01412200077
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Research Guidance
PhD scholars under Supervision Awarded PhD Submitted
Research Publications
Article Name Publication Type Journal Name ISSN No Volume Year URL DOI
COVID crisis and tourism sustainability - an insightful bibliometric analysis Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Sustainability 20711050 14 (19) https://doi.org/
Can tourism employment ramp up the economic well being of households? Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Asia Pacific journal of innovation, Malaysia 27106519 2024
Tourism led economic growth in emerging and developing economies : A systematic literature review Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals SAGE OPEN 21582440 2024
Research Projects
Title of the Project Project Type Year Of Sanction Output Start Date End Date
Rural Tourism - A case study of Samode region Minor 2012 2012-06-01 2013-08-19
Integrating NGO with tourism organisations Major 2014 The project was highly appreciated by the stakeholders and I got the teaching excellence award for this project. 2014-05-01 2015-05-01
Status of golden triangle of India Major 2015 This project was awarded best innovative idea and also the best research display award. 2015-05-01 2016-05-02
Honour And Awards
Name of the Award Name of the Awarding Body Award Category Level Date of Award
Award of excellence UNWTO Academic International 2012-10-03
TEACHING EXCELLENCE AWARD University of Delhi Research University 2015-05-07
Best innovative idea University of Delhi Research University 2016-05-12
International Thomas Cook Innovative research award Australian University and IMRF Research International 2022-04-22
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