Title Dr. First Name Rupesh Last Name Gupta
Designation Associate Professor
Department Department of Adult Continuing Education and Extension
Email rgupta@ace.du.ac.in
Phone.no 9868374531
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Research Publications
Article Name Publication Type Journal Name ISSN No Volume Year URL DOI
Food security: a major challenges of 21st century Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Think India, Multi diciplinery Journal 0971-1260 Vol. 6,No.2, 2003 https://journals.eduindex.org/index.php/think-india/ https://doi.org/10.26643/think-india

Urban Growth Monitoring through Geoinformatics- A Case Ranchi City Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Uttar Pradesh Geographical Journal, Vol. 13,Pp 1-10, 2008 (Joint Pub.-1st Author) 0975-4903 13 2008 https://bgsi.in/
Monitoring Physical Growth of Ranchi city by using Geoinformatics Techniques. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals The Institute of Town Planners, Quarterly REFEREED Journal 0537-9679 Vol. 5,No.4, 2008 https://journals.itpi.org.in/
Multi-Temporal and Multi-Resolution Satellite data for Urban Land Use study through Change detection techniques Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences 0976-4380 Vol.2, No 1, 2011 https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ijggs&type=home
Change Detection Techniques for Monitoring Spatial Urban Growth of Jaipur City Research Papers in UGC listed Journals The Institute of Town Planners, Quarterly REFEREED Journal 0537-9679 Vol. 8,No.3, 2011 https://journals.itpi.org.in/
Study of Population Change and Urban Land Use relationship using an integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Approach. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals The Deccan Geographer, 0011-7269 Vol.44, 2006 https://www.deccangeographer.com/index.html
Population Growth and Land Use Change analysis of Jaipur City using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Hill Geographer-The Geographical Society of North-Eastern Hill Region, Shillong, 0970-5023 Vol. XXVII, No. 1&2, 2011 http://www.hillgeographer.in/index.html
Monitoring Urban Land Use Land Cover through Remote Sensing and GIS: a case study Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Transaction-Journal of the Institute of Indian Geographers, (ISSN), 0970-9851 Vol.34, No.1, 2012 https://iigeo.org/
Environmental Implications of Land Use Change in Jaipur City Using Satellite Data Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Indian Journal of Regional Science 0046-9017 Vol. XXXXIV, No.2 2012 https://www.rsai.org.in/
Temporal and Spatial Variations of Urban Heat Island Effect in Jaipur City Using Satellite Data Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Environment and Urbanization ASIA 0975-4253 Vol.3, No 2, 2012 https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/environment-and-urbanization-asia
The Pattern of Urban Land Use Changes: A Case Study of the Indian Cities Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Environment and Urbanization ASIA 0975-4253 Vol.5, No 1, 2014 https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/environment-and-urbanization-asia
Estimation of land surface temperature in the urbanized Environment using multi - resolution satellite data Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Uttar Pradesh Geographical Journal, 0975-4903 Vol. 25, 2020 https://bgsi.in/
Measuring and mapping land use land cover of Fast growing mega city using GIS Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Uttar Pradesh Geographical Journal, 0975-4903 Vol. 25, 2020 https://bgsi.in/
Urbanization and Urban Crime in India: a case study Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Urban India, (July-Dec. 2020), 0970-9045 Volume 40, No.2, 2020 https://niua.in/urban-india
Behavioural Mapping of Crime Hotspots in Delhi: A Spatial Analysis Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Transaction-Journal of the Institute of Indian Geographers, 0970-9851 Vol.42, No.2, 2020 https://iigeo.org/
Monitoring Urban Growth Pattern of Delhi Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Global Resources, 2395-3160 Vol.7,No.1, 2021 https://isdesr.org/ 10.46587/JGR.2021.v07i01.003

Dynamics of Urbanization and Land Use/Land Cover Changes of Gurgaon, Ranchi and Jaipur, India. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2328-3920 vol. 9, no. 2 , 2021 http://www.sciepub.com/journal/aees 296-311. doi: 10.12691/aees-9-2-22.

The Land-use Pattern of National Capital Region Delhi Using Geo-informatics. Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2328-3920 vol. 9, no. 5, 2021 http://pubs.sciepub.com/aees/9/5/1/index.html 10.12691/aees-9-5-1

Crime Pattern & Prevention through Urban Environmental Design Using GIS Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Journal of Global Resources, 2395-3160 Vol.7, No.2, 2021 https://isdesr.org/ 10.46587/JGR.2021.v07i02.004)

A Comparative Study of Population Growth, Automobiles on the Road,and Crime Rates in India: Evidence from Capital City Research Papers in UGC listed Journals Uttar Pradesh Geographical Journal, 0975-4903 Vol. 26, 2021 https://bgsi.in/
Kidnappers’ spatial mobility and kidnapping activities: A case of Delhi urban system, India, Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals Transaction-Journal of the Institute of Indian Geographers, Scopus Indexed-Peer Reviewed, 0970-9851 Vol.45, No.1, 2023 https://iigeo.org/
Research Projects
Title of the Project Project Type Year Of Sanction Output Start Date End Date
Urban Heat Island and Micro-Climate Variations of Delhi and its adjoining region Minor 2023 After the Completion of the Project, the following will be the expected outcomes: 1. assessment of the spatial patterns of the UHI effect in Delhi and its adjoining part. 2. micro-climate variations induced by the UHI effect and their potential impacts, and 3 The above project will be providing insight of the urban heat island and climate variation of the capital city of India. 2023-08-31
Crime and Place: A Study for Crime Prevention through City Planning Minor 2014 Submitted 2014-04-30 2015-12-29
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