Title Dr. First Name Narmada Last Name Poojari
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Department of Philosophy
Phone.no 23330530
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Degree/Certification Institution Year
Ph.D. - Philosophical Percepts of 'Self' and 'Others' in Classical Indian Texts University of Hyderabad 2019
M.Phil. University of Hyderabad 2013
PG University of Hyderabad 2011
Research Guidance
PhD scholars under Supervision Awarded PhD Submitted
M.Phil Scholars – Under Supervision Awarded Degree Submitted
Research Publications
Article Name Publication Type Journal Name ISSN No Volume Year URL DOI
Pandemic, Paradigm, and Philosophy in Social Science Research Research Papers in Scopus Listed Journals International Social Science Review 0278-2308 98 2022 NO DOI yet

Notes Towards A Theoretical History of Indic Media: On Elite Comportment and Technological Affordances Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Public Culture 1527-8018 36 https://read.dukeupress.edu/public-culture/article-abstract/36/2%20(103)/279/388265/Notes-Toward-a-Theoretical-History-of-Indic?redirectedFrom=fulltext https://doi.org/10.1215/08992363-11158986

Publications other than journal articles
Title of Publication Type of Publication Publisher Role in Publication ISBN Number Year URL Level
Understanding Self and No-Self in the Context of Buddhist and Non-Buddhist Themes Text/Reference/Subject Books/Other American Philosophical Association Blog Author https://blog.apaonline.org/2021/09/02/understanding-morality-and-no-self-in-the-context-of-western-and-buddhist-themes/ International
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