Title Dr. First Name SHITANSHU Last Name BHARTI
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Department of Slavonic and Finno Ugrian Studies
Phone.no 91-11-27662226
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Degree/Certification Institution Year
Ph.D. - Ideological and Aesthetic Specificities of the Verses of Yunna Morits in context of 'the Poets of Sixties': A.Voznesensky, B. Akhmadulina, Y. Yevtushenko and R. Rozhdestvensky Jawaharlal Nehru University 2020
M.Phil. Jawaharlal Nehru University 2015
PG Jawaharlal Nehru University 2013
UG Jawaharlal Nehru University 2011
Fellowship Name Fellowship Body Level
UGC JRF UGC National
Research Publications
Article Name Publication Type Journal Name ISSN No Volume Year URL DOI
Dostoevsky’s Way of Purging the Human Psyche Through Penance and Redemption Research Papers in UGC listed Journals CRITIC: Journal of the Centre of Russian Studies, 0975-1815 20, Part-I 2022
Shestidesyatniki and upsurge of Mass Poetry readings in the 1960s USSR Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Muse India: The Literary E-Journal 0975-1815 ISSUE:83 2019
Особенности стихотворений Юнны Мориц ( по теме творчества и образа музы), Research Papers in UGC listed Journals RUSSIAN PHILOLOGY 2231-1564 36 2017
Translating Yunna Morits’s Poetry in Hindi Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals Muse India: The Literary E-Journal 0975-1815 77 2018
Evolution of Popularity of Pushkin’s Works in India Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals The Literary Herald, An International Referred English e-Journal 24543365 ISSUE-6 2019
Professional development programmes
Title of the Programme Sponsoring Institution Organising Institution Association as type
«Развитие коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся при изучении русского языка, лингвокультурологический компонент при изучении русского языка и подходы к анализу художественного текста, Изучение материала на портале http://moodle.tsput.ru/» JNU Центре языков и культур на базе TГПУ им. А. Н. Толстого в период с 12 ноября по 26 ноября 2021 года в объеме 72 часов на онлайн площадке Центра русских исследований, Университета им. Джавахарлала Неру, Нью Дели.. Attendee Other
Modern Russian Pedagogical technologies in Teaching” PFU and JNU People’s friendship University of Russia, Moscow and Jawaharlal Nehru university Attendee Other
Faculty Development Programme on “New Perspectives on North East India: Multidisciplinary Approach” MHRFDC PGDAV(M) College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Mahatma Hansraj Faculty Development Centre (MHRFDC) Attendee Faculty Development Programmes
Faculty Induction Programme (FIP-4) UGC Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education UGC-HRDC, University of Delhi Attendee Orientation Programme
Seminar / Conference Details / Workshops
Title of the Activity Attended As Date
Yunna Morits : An Evolving Poetic Odyssey Across Decade Participant 2020-11-23
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