Title Dr. First Name Sevi Last Name Murugavel
Designation Professor
Department Department of Physics and Astrophysics
Phone.no 9958413053
Employement Info
Employee Type Nature Of Employment
Teaching Permanent
Educational Qualifications
Degree/Certification Name Institution Year of Completion
Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy Indian Institute of Science 1999
PG Anna University 1991
UG University of Madras 1988
Research Publications
Title of Article Type of Publication Name of Journal ISSN Journal Volume Year Link to Article DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Biomineralization behavior of ternary mesoporous bioactive glasses stabilized through ethanol extraction process Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals J. Non-Cryst. Solids 589
Direct evidence for the behaviour of single and bipolarons in chalcogenide glasses Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals J. Non-Cryst. Solids 559
Size Dependent Electronic Structure of LiFePO4 Probed by X-ray Absorption and MÖssbauer Spectroscopy Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 24
Understanding the electrode polarization in bismuth zinc vanadate semiconducting glasses from dielectric spectroscopy: A new insight on electrode polarization effect Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals J. Non-Cryst. Solids 574
Dead Ashoka (Saracaasoca) leavesederived porous activated carbons and flexible ion-gel polymer electrolyte for high-energy-density electric double-layer capacitors Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Materials Today Sustainability 11-12
Effect of crystallite size on the phase transition behavior of Heterosite FePO4 Research Papers in Web of Science Listed Journals Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 22
Research Projects
Project Title Project Type Year Of Sanction Outcome/Output Duration
Atomic Scale Insight into the Structure, Charge Transport and Electrochemical Properties of Olivine Phosphate Solid Solutions Major 2023 The proposed research will ensure the synthesis of m-NFP and doped m-NFP mesostructured and non- toxic cathode material by modified solid state route. Judicious execution of this project, we will be able to show that the m-NFP has potential to deliver highly efficient mesostructured cathode for sodium ion batteries with high energy density. The chosen cathode material is expected to display tunable physical properties over an unusually broad range through the manipulation of the geometric and chemical characteristics of the nanostructures and the tethered networks. In addition, the present system is likely to display superior electrochemical properties, i.e. better than the other commercially used cathode material with wide electrochemical stability window. It is also predicted that from the proposed work, the factors that affect electrochemical properties based on the electronic structure, which strongly depends on the crystallite size. The electronic properties of cathode material are mainly determined by the various kinds of defect states present in the system in addition to the intrinsic crystal structure. The charge transport mechanism in the present system will be understood by undertaking frequency and temperature dependent electrical conductivity measurements. Further, detailed electrochemical characterization will be performed for its applicability in commercial application. It is believed that on the basis of obtained results, we would be able secure alternative cathode material for the currently used unsafe cathode material in sodium ion batteries. Based on the electrical and electrochemical properties of mesostructured m-NFP and doped m-NFP, we will be able to develop coin cell batteries. In addition, the proposed combined theoretical and theoretical work on advanced cathode material would lead to better understanding electronic structure and high impact journal publications/patent. Ongoing since 01-06-2023 (1 years, 7 months, 27 days)
Honors and Awards
Name of the Award Awarding Body Award Category Level Award Date
Alexander von Humboldt Award Humboldt Foundation Research International 03-01-2000
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